讲座报名 ︳Blockchain - The Blocked Chain
Posted 北大光华MBA
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王翀博士,北京大学光华管理学院副教授,北大光华区块链实验室副主任。王翀博士2012年于香港科技大学商学院取得资讯系统学博士学位并受聘香港城市大学商学院。2017年加入到北京大学光华管理学院执教。王翀博士采用信息经济学的视角研究现代信息系统环境下的社会、经济协调机制,如互联网、区块链、人工智能等对社会、经济系统产生的颠覆性冲击。研究项目涉及线上社交网络,平台经济模式与生态系统,金融信息技术创新等多个领域。他的研究发表于Information Systems Research,Journal of Management Information Systems,Decision Support Systems等重要国际学术刊物。
About the Speaker
Dr. Chong (Alex) Wang is an associate professor at the Guanghua School of Management, Peking University. He is the deputy director of Guanghua Blockchain Lab. Before joining Guanghua, Dr. Wang obtained his Ph.D. in Information Systems from the HKUST Business School in 2012 and worked as a tenure-track faculty member at the College of Business, City University of Hong Kong. Dr. Wang studies the social and economic coordination mechanism in modern information technology environment. His research projects look at issues about online social networks, financial information technology innovations, and platform-based business models. He published in prestigious academic journals such as Information Systems Research, Journal of Management Information Systems and Decision Support Systems.
About This Event
Blockchain is hot. Some argue it would have profound effects on the nature of companies. Blockchain has been routinely featured at numerous industry events. It seems everyone is proposing business cases for the technology. However, blockchain is blocked: China banned initial coin offering (ICO), South Korea banned ICO, and Facebook banned ICO ads. Among consumers and investors, misconceptions and obscurity lead to fear and denial. Neutral or not, blockchain technology is still immature. In this talk, Dr.Wang will try to explain the basics of blockchain technology using the Bitcoin network as an example. Based on a shared understanding of its logic and design and he will discuss three significant challenges in the development of business applications of the blockchain.
About the PKU MBA Speaker Series
The PKU MBA Speaker Series reintegrates higher education into the local community. Held on an approximately bi-monthly basis, the PKU MBA Speaker Series brings Peking University, Guanghua School of Management's high-level academics ,leading researchers and industrial veterans into the heart of Beijing’s downtown core. These intimate events, consisting of keynote speakers, group discussion and networking are a call-back to one of the original arenas of profound inquiry and learning – the local community pub.
Event Details
时间: 2018年6月20日,星期三 ,晚7点-9点
Time: 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM,Wednesday ,June 20th
Venue:12-8 Building Huaqingjiayuan Wudaokou, Bridge Café,3rd Floor

以上是关于讲座报名 ︳Blockchain - The Blocked Chain的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章
JHC系列讲座 Blockchain Scalability: Challenges and Solutions