企鹅 英文



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1.[Zoology] a penguin

【Basic information】
Aves head Penguin (Sphenisciformes) all known types.
Features can not fly; foot was born in the lower part of the body, it was upright posture; have interdigital web; plantar line of (other birds in order to land a toe); forelimb into a fin-shaped; short feathers in order to reduce friction and turbulence; feathers between Left a layer of air for insulation. A black back, white belly. Various types of head of the main difference is that color and size.
1620 France's captain in Africa Beaulier Alarmed at the southern end of the first submarine will travel from preying on the penguins, called "feathered fish."
Penguin is one of the best on earth lovely animals. The world's total of 17 penguins, which were located in the southern hemisphere; Antarctic and sub-antarctic region, about 8, in Antarctica's coast there are 2 kinds of reproduction, in the other with the Antarctica coast between the sub-antarctic islands. Penguin often with great number of ethnic groups, occupy 85% of the Antarctic region the number of seabirds.
And ostrich, penguins are a group of birds will not fly. Although the penguins can not fly, but based on the fossil show, the first penguin that can fly Oh! Until 65 years ago, they gradually evolved into wings, be able to swim the flipper, we have become to see the penguins.
1, the main food is krill and small fish.
2, penguins are usually very long life, such as emperor penguins up to 20-30 years old.
3, the world today there are 17 kinds of penguins, in the biological area can be divided into a 6.

【Body structure 】
Penguin has its own unique structure: the density of penguin feathers than the same size of the third to four birds, feathers and the role of regulating body temperature is. Although Penguin feet and the other is basically almost of birds flying, but their bone hard and flat and shorter. With such features as only a short paddle wing, so that the penguins can 'fly' underwater. Eyes on the salt glands to excrete excess salt. Penguin eyes because of the flat cornea, it can be in the bottom surface of the water and look at things. Binocular image can be spread to the brain for a long-term perspective so that they have integrated the role of long-term perspective.

【Living habits】
Life history of species as a result of different size and the geographic distribution to another. In the same breeding cycle is also concerned with the latitude. Some kind of long-distance move to the inland ancestral nesting areas to lay eggs, Cape Horn Penguin (S.demersus, that is, donkey-ming Penguin) and small penguin breeding 2 times a year, most of the species breeding only 1 year. The King Penguin (A.patagonica) is three years breeding 2. Teijin King penguins lay their eggs each time a penguin, and other types of production were 2, even for 3. Most of the penguins in the southern hemisphere's spring and summer breeding. Papua penguins (P.papua) are some of the winter breeding population. Emperor penguins developed a long time, it began breeding in the autumn, so that the greatest opportunity for fledgling survival rate in the output of summer.
When the Penguins into the group and outliers, and often show all kinds of calls. Pair courtship, mating calls often, the ring between the sexes in the two-state. Cape Horn Penguin song like donkey-ming. To the breeding season, the Emperor penguin can find the old nest and the old spouse. In addition to the Emperor Penguin only as a male, all kinds of gender by the hatchery. In the mating penguins at a very lively group, Guoer song, when the hatchery was all quiet. Eggs and chicks of the mortality rate determined by climatic conditions, the young population in the reproductive percentage Dihai and other factors, the total number of eggs normally 40 to 80%. After spawning, the female often retreat to the ocean in search of food, about 10 to 20 days to come back to replace male, it would be to rotate each other for a period of 12 weeks. But the female Emperor penguins from the ocean to the birds need to go 80 to 160 kilometers (50 to 100 miles), until the incubation period of 64 days in order to return at the end; at this time when severe winter Antarctic, the Emperor penguin-hung will be enough to be placed on egg hatching And by the body's fat storage life.
Penguin fledgling hatched from the egg shell to be 24 to 48 hours after hatching performance of feeding behavior, the parent birds into the mouth to mouth, feeding the liquid into a spit of food fish or crustaceans. Initially, young birds are hidden in the pro-under; gradually grow up, young birds stay in the pro-side. Chicks from hatching to full independence period, in smaller species to 2 months, the Emperor penguin to be 5 and a half months, King of penguins from 12 to 14 months. Semi-mature group by the fledgling National Cheng Kung University will be into the care of the birds, such as "nurseries" in general.
The adult birds each year to replace all of a feather. When they can not molt into the water, often hiding in birds other than a place of shelter. Here is an item of Penguin quickly, as a flipper propeller. To be moving forward at high speed, he jumped off the surface of the water often, every time jump in the air can move forward or even 1-meter and breathing during this period. Clumsy gait on land is ridiculous, but it is fast forward to forelimb for the equalizer. Rock can be flexible, can also be on the ice and snow to slide to the abdomen, foot and forelimb for the propeller. Penguin will be able to use the sun's orientation to the location.
With the species of penguin food, geographic regions and vary in different seasons. Most of the smaller South penguins in the Antarctic in order to achieve a high density of oxygen-rich surface of krill for food, as well as a large penguin can fish for food, prey in the water, due to the Penguin by lung to breathe So from time to time required to ventilate the water, such as: Emperor penguins in the water when the predator can be spent around 20 minutes, one can at least catch fish 6. Penguin's major food groups consumed an alarming amount, more than a few tons a day, a sea of up to several weeks, groups of predator fish, squid and crustaceans, as a natural enemy leopard seal-shaped (Hydrurgaleptonyx), or killer whale (Orcinusorca). Australia - New Zealand and South Africa in the vicinity of the Antarctic sea lions are (Arctocephalus) and a sea lion (Neophoca) of sea lions also feed on penguins.
The penguins in the Antarctic often 0 ℃ (32 ℉) below the water swimming, so the body's heat is very important. High-speed water sports and increase heat loss. When the foot on land in close contact with the ice, skin temperature of 0 ℃. Therefore, the skin temperature is so low, because of lower limbs in the adjacent artery and vein between the countercurrent heat exchange system, so that the Huixin cold blood flow from the peripheral blood to absorb heat, thus saving heat. Hu and similar types of penguins also have salt gland. Research shows that Emperor penguins can Chlamydia infection lymphogranuloma virus disease, such as penguins A Daili trace in the body with DDT.
Hu and penguin-shaped head (Procellariiformes) have a common ancestor, after the Eocene-rich fossil record. Penguin head with a penguin Branch Branch (Spheniscidae), under the sub-5 subfamily, the only penguin subfamily (Spheniscinae) of the existing 18.
参考技术A Penguins live around the South Pole. They usually spend all their waking hours in the water. Only during the egg-laying and mating periods do penguins actually live on land. During the egg-laying period, the female penguin lays usually one egg. This egg is kept in a flap of skin, much like a pocket, located near the top of the penguin’s feet. The male and female penguins take turns caring for the egg. After the baby penguin is hatched, its mother takes care of it until it is able to walk. Then it joins the other babies, and the whole group is watched by a few adults.

Penguins commonly are black with black heads and white breasts. Large penguins often stand about 3 feet in height. Since a penguin’s legs are placed far back, it is able to maintain a very erect posture. It is amusing to watch penguins and to see how much the upright birds resemble humans in dress suits walking in a comical fashion.
企鹅居住在南极地区. 他们通常会动用所有睡觉的时间在水中. 仅在产蛋和交配期企鹅其实生活在陆地. 在产蛋期,女性penguinlays通常一个鸡蛋. 这种蛋是存放在一个瓣的皮肤,像一个口袋, 位于上层的企鹅的脚. 雌雄企鹅轮流照料卵子. 之后婴儿是企鹅孵出,其母亲的照顾它,直到它能够走路. 然后加入其他婴儿,整个集团是观看了数名成年人. 企鹅通常是黑人与黑人校长和白色的乳房. 大企鹅经常站在约3英尺的高空. 因为企鹅的腿被安置在背部,它可以保持一个很直立的姿态. 这是一个有趣的观赏企鹅,看看有多少正派鸟类似于人类的西装裙走 以诙谐的方式.

















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