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In mid-April the World Nuclear Fuel Cycle conference,a high level international forum organized by the Nuclear Energy Institute and the World Nuclear Association, took place in Madrid. This event brought together the most outstanding experts in the field of nuclear fuel, who debated issues affecting the fuel cycle of today’s commercial reactors, with special emphasis on the competitive aspects of the cycle and of nuclear power overall.
Tecnatom与核燃料领域的技术合作伙伴ENUSA共同赞助了这一重要的国际活动,利用会议提供的框架,对两家公司和Equipos Nucleares(ENSA)最近成立的致力于核设施拆除的联合企业进行了介绍。
Tecnatom sponsored this important international event along with its technology partner in the field of nuclear fuel, ENUSA, taking advantage of the framework offered by the conference to present the consortium recently set up by the two companies and by Equipos Nucleares (ENSA) to jointly address activities relating to the dismantling of nuclear facilities.
会议期间,Tecnatom还组织了一次技术访问。与会者参观了位于San Sebastián de los Reyes的Tecnatom总部。借此机会视察了Tecnatom的最新技术发展、最新的电厂操作支持工具以及一台全范围模拟机。
Tecnatom also hosted one of the technical visits organized during the conference. The participants visited Tecnatom’s headquarters in San Sebastián de los Reyes, where they had occasion to see our latest technological developments, the latest plant operational support tools and one of our full-scope simulators.