Posted 晶磊私塾订阅号
2018. 4.15
Task1 Nowadaysuniversities usually hold exams in the class, and recently some universitiesallow students to take exams at home.Talk about its advantages or disadvantages. Give specific reasons to supportyour answer. // Talkabout the advantage and disadvantage of students taking open-bookexams at home.
本题keywords是take-homeexam,在答题前,先来一个brief intro :
of take-home exam这是美国高校常见的一种考试方式,学生不必按规定时间赶往学校参加考试,反之,Prof. 会在网上发布考题,学生在家完成答题;考试基本是主观论述/分析题(essayquestion)(一般没有客观题),学生被给予较为宽裕的时间进行细致深入的思考后答题,并且在网上上传答案。
通过了解,我们可以发现,take-homeexam是open-booktest的一种,这个题就可以嫁接到开卷考试的话题,“开卷有益 or not?”
Advantage1:reducestudents’ pressure and anxiety;Details我们可以用到上课反复强调的‘students’的特点:busy进行展开,比如’collegestudents are often bombarded with presentations, papers or group projects, sotaking exams at home could enable them have sufficient time for review andreflection before answering.’
Advantage2: comfortable and relaxing environment; Details我们可以参考Task5学习环境问题,‘it can keep students in a good mood during exam and reference books are at hand for them to use.’
Disadvantage1: plagiarize (抄袭);Details就考虑到self-discipline的问题了,becauseit’s hard for teachers to supervise and differentiate.
同学在备考过程中,除了常规的Technology/Environmentprotection/Education/Person/Place话题需要准备外,一定要重视Task3/5的话题积累,比如本题的take-homeexam,还有比如summerresearch,professor evaluations,part-time,homeschool…,知己知彼才能更好的准备考试;
Some professors prefer to give regular quizzes. Some prefer to give surprising quizzes. Please talk about the advantages and/or disadvantages ofsurprising quizzes.
What are the advantages of living and working in a new place?
Some university is going to ask students who cheat in exams leave school,what is the advantage and disadvantage?
The university demands that every student should do community service for40h. What is the advantage and disadvantage?
Manypeople like to choose to shop and buy items through internet, but some peopledo not like. Give specific details and examples to explain the disadvantages ofbuying items through internet.
Many students are asked to evaluate their professors at the end of thesemester. What are the disadvantages and disadvantages of this?
2018. 4.20 Task1
Yourfriend went straight to work after high school and skipped university. But nowten years later, he decides to go to university. Please talk about at least onechallenge he will face when he goes to university at an elder age.
本题需要找对keywords- elder age,破题之后,这个题就成了在思考‘继续教育’的问题,同样在答题前,我们需要知道,美帝的教育体系似乎不太追求‘教育经历的连贯性’,比如很多高中生在毕业后会选择gap一年(gap year),高校会批准;而且美帝高校的一些硕士项目会要求有工作经历,不招手刚毕业的本科生;
Challenge1:difficult to keep up with the curriculum/courses; Details可以从年龄角度着手,duringthe past 10 yrs, the knowledge and learning methods might have been alreadyforgotten, and he is not as energetic as 10 yrs ago, so the learning abilitywill be negatively influenced.
Challenge2:依然是年龄问题,换个角度, he has to experience the generation gap and feellonely; Details可以嫁接到friends话题,asstudents are most younger than him, they may have little in common, let alonethe possibility of becoming intimate friends.
Which is most important quality to succeed? Taking risks or making safedecisions.
Describe one ability that you have already acquired but you want toimprove and explain how to improve.
What do you suggest to solve reduce usage of vehicles and resolve thetransportation problem?
What do you suggest do solve serious environmental problem/air pollution?
What’s your steps to learn a new subject?
Describe one ability that you have already acquired but you want toimprove and explain how to improve.
想免费学托福, 你得点点看:
想口语27分+, 你得点点看:
想冲击110分+, 你得点点看:
班型1: Ruby老师口语单项班:
5.6-5.11 9小时 18:00-21:00
班型2: 6月2日托福冲刺班
班型3: 5.12冲刺班
每天6小时正课 两次全真题模考 20次查词项目
班型4: 5.26托福冲100分+提分班
衔接5月SAT 考试, 托福90分以上, 目标分数105分+,
每天5小时正课, 总课时75小时, 正课60小时, 15小时辅导课,4次模考