空中英语教室||走进Taylor Swift的世界
Posted 中北之声
篇首语:本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了空中英语教室||走进Taylor Swift的世界相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。
责任编辑:王宏伟 | | 实习播音:董立哲
《We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together》
《New Romantics》
《Welcome To New York》
——Taylor Swift

Hello, everyone, welcome to our Studio Classroom at the same time. Maybe you are surprised at the change of the voice.Yeah, all right, I’m your new friend, and I'm so excited that I can spend the next whole year with you together. Wish my program could bring you much joys.
Early last month, a famous singer’s world tour, reputation, started in North America and the current three station sales reached 37.47 million dollars.she temporarily broke Barbara streisand's record and became the averaging highest-grossing female singer. Yep. she is Taylor Swift! I wanna introduce her to you in today’s program. Hope you like it.
上月初,一位著名女歌手的全球巡演reputation在北美地区开唱,目前3站票房就达到了3747万(约2.3亿人民币)美元,暂时打破了芭芭拉·史翠珊的纪录,成为历史上场均票房最高的女歌手。对,她就是欧美流行小天后Taylor Swift,今天的节目,小播想把她安利给大家。So here we go!

很多人可能和我一样,说起美国乡村音乐定会脱口而出“霉霉”。的确,身高一米八,金发碧眼,抱着一把吉他唱歌的漂亮女孩不多,很难让人对Taylor swift印象不深刻。下面,小伙伴们和我一起来了解一下这个邻家big girl吧。
Growing up on a farm in Pennsylvania, Taylor swift set an early goal of becoming a singer. At that time, few people wanted to be friends with her, and even she went to the bathroom to write secretly when she were inspired. Practicing the guitar for four hours a day always makes her hands bleed. The debut single, released at the age of 15, has sold 4 million copies. The album Fearless became the best-selling album in the United States and won the 52nd grammy award for album of the year.
Taylor changed her style from country music to pop in 2014. Her first pop album, 1989, sold 1.28 million copies which is the highest record in recent 12 years. The same year, she not only won the 42nd AMA’s dick clark achievement award but was selected as the Time's person of the year. She topped Forbes' list of the world's 100 most famous people in 2016.


You should take it as a compliment
that I got drunk and make fun of the way you talk
You should think about the consequence
of your magnetic field being a little too strong
You're so cool. It makes me hate you so much
Whisky on ice
Sunset and vine
You've ruined my life
By not being mine
I can't say anything to your face
cause look at your face
You're so GORGEOUS
这首Gorgeous是Taylor Swift第六张录音室专辑《Reputation》的第三支单曲,与专辑首单Look What You Made Me Do的暗黑完全不同,无论是开头的童声,还是一声铃响从主歌到副歌的切换,都应和了这清新俏皮的节奏。而歌词描写的是一位痴情女孩对男友的深切爱恋,歌迷们很自然地联想到霉霉与英国男星Joe Alwyn,所以被很多人认为是她献给现任男友的作品。正如这首歌一样,小播希望他们可以一直幸福甜蜜地走下去。

霉霉Taylor Swift和水果姐Katy Perry是很多人都喜欢的明星,然而两人关系不和也是大家知道的,而且这么短年过去了,人们都盼着两人能够和好。此前一则消息称,两人有和解的迹象,那么,他们到底和好了吗?
The two got their relationship broken because of John mayer and the dancers at the singer's concert, and Taylor swift has written a song called "Bad Blood" that seems to mock her. Since then, the two have repeatedly vilified each other.
However, on May 8,Taylor swift Shared a short video on Instagram. In this video, Taylor photographed Katy Perry's gift -- an olive branch and a speech which says “I've been doing some reflecting on past miscommunications and the feelings between us. I really want to clear the air, I am deeply sorry”.
两人因先后与歌手约翰梅尔交往以及霉霉挖水果姐演唱会舞者事件而彻底闹翻,霉霉还写了首《Bad Blood》疑似嘲讽水果姐。从那之后,两个人就开始不停地互怼。然而,在吃瓜群众感慨两人可能即将开展新一轮战争的时候,万万没想到的是,水果姐竟然主动道歉,示好求和了!2018年5月8日,霉霉在Instagram上分享了一段小视频。在视频中,霉霉拍摄了水果姐送来的礼物——是一束橄榄枝和一封致辞。致辞中写道:我亲爱的老朋友:过去我一直在反思我们之间的误会和感情,并且我一直希望能够尽释前嫌。我真的感到非常抱歉.....
You can search our program in the Himalayan FM or listen to our show in the WeChat Platform. May there be enough clouds in your life to make a beautiful sunset. Studio Classroom, see you next time, bye!
以上是关于空中英语教室||走进Taylor Swift的世界的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章
必看!| 霉霉Taylor Swift致2020年亲爱的毕业生