Look ! Taylor Swift in the sky !

Posted TaylorSwift


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  Earlier today, some eagle-eyed Swifties noticed a peculiar message left in the skies above New York City: “TAYLOR SWIFT YAHOO 4 DAYS.”

  Most likely, a professional skywriter was hired to leave the puffy, white missive in order to promote Taylor Swift’s upcoming Yahoo live stream on August 18, but I’m kinda open to the idea that the VMA performer hopped onto her trusty pegacorn steed and hand-wrote the message in the clouds herself.


  天上飘起Taylor Swift?!没错,纽约的中央公园上的天空14日飘起Taylor的宣传语——#taylorswiftyahoo4days。还有4天,如此大气势的宣传造势,相信一定值得期待。Taylor表示:我就是要让你们造,纽约的天空都被我承包了.

Look ! Taylor Swift in the sky !

Look ! Taylor Swift in the sky !

Look ! Taylor Swift in the sky !

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