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RCLOUD Technology 瑞莱特云科技
CEO 张健先生 作为特邀嘉宾参加
RCLOUD Technology本次就互联网发展环境、重点业务和应用、主要细分行业和重点领域的合作发展与与会的众多伙伴深度交流,并达成共识和落实措施。
RCLOUD Technology 参加中国安卓开发者大会
会议以“创新引领、技术先行,优化生态,合作共赢”为主题,顺应行业发展需求,下设推送技术及运营探讨,新流量入口,移动大数据开放能力与运营,AI时代的新安卓生态四个分论坛,为国内中国安卓开发者搭建了一个沟通交流的平台。本次大会 RCLOUD Technology就行业融合与创新“、”技术驱动管理新趋势“等热点话题展开讨论,深入探讨业界热点,加强android开发伙伴交流与合作,促进国内外合作和共同发展。
RCLOUD 战略副总裁 李亟寀
京津冀大区总经理 武葶苈
RCLOUD Technology©
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RClOUD Technology. and its affiliates and subsidiaries (collectively, “RClouD”, “our”, “us” or “we”) respect your privacy and the relationship we have with you. This Privacy Policy describes the type of personal information RClouD Technology. and its affiliates and subsidiaries (collectively, “RClouD”, “our”, “us” or “we”) respect your privacy and the relationship we have with you. This Privacy Policy describes the type of personal information RClouD collects on the website accessible at RClouD Consulting and RClouD’s various brand websites, including any mobile versions or related mobile applications (collectively, the “RClouD Sites”), and how we may use and share that information, and what your choices are regarding your information.
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Unless otherwise defined in this Privacy Policy, capitalized terms used in this Privacy Policy have the same meaning as in our Terms of Use, accessible at web@r-lt.com
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