原创翻译 Ten Questions About the NBA's First All-Star Draft
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What questions do we have about the first NBA All-Star draft?
By Jeremy Woo January 25, 2018
The NBA’s first-ever All-Star draft took place Thursday, with LeBron James and Stephen Curry choosing up sides as part of a new format aiming to rejuvenate the game. The lineups were revealed on TNT. We tasked The Crossover’s resident NBA draft analyst Jeremy Woo with breaking down a slightly different kind of draft.
作者 Jeremy Woo 日期 2018年1月25日
NBA的第一个全明星花名册在礼拜四出台,随着勒布朗·詹姆斯和斯蒂芬·库里对两边球员的选择作为一个新的模式,旨在振兴全明星赛。双方的首发阵容已经被TNT公布。我们派出了驻扎在Crossover栏目的选秀分析师 Jaremy Woo去打破知晓和以往选秀略有不同的选人形式。

1) What are the teams?

Captain没选人前西部all stars

Captain没选人前东部all stars
首发all stars:勒布朗 詹姆斯,凯文 杜兰特,凯里 欧文,安东尼 戴维斯,德马库斯 考辛斯.
替补all stars:拉马库斯 阿尔德里奇,布拉德利 比尔,凯文 乐福,维克托 奥拉迪波,克里斯塔斯 波尔津吉斯,约翰 沃尔,拉塞尔 韦斯特布鲁克.
首发all stars:斯蒂芬 库里,詹姆斯 哈登,德玛尔 德罗赞,扬尼斯 阿德托昆博,乔尔 恩比德.
替补all stars:吉米 巴特勒,德拉蒙德 格林,艾尔 霍弗德,德米安 利拉德,凯里 洛瑞,克莱 汤普森,卡尔-安东尼 唐斯.

2) Wait, how did this draft work again?

The idea was that the top vote-getters from each conference were captains, and then got to pick their teams regardless of conference to add a little spice to the whole All-Star Game thing. The first four selections had to come from the pool of starters. LeBron had the most votes, so he got to pick first from the starters, and then the picks alternated until Curry’s first pick of reserves, and then they alternated again.
3) Does this mean GM LeBron is a real thing?

Technically, yes. And on paper, LeBron looks like he actually won the draft (maybe chalk it up to his years of experience in Cleveland). “I got a lot of chemistry with AD and Boogie, me and Kyrie got some chemistry, and I think KD can fit into any system in the world,” James told Ernie Johnson as the lineups were revealed on TNT. He also ended up with a loaded reserve group, with Russell Westbrook, Kristaps Porzingis and John Wall headlining, and he made the tactically smart decision to draft Cavs teammate Kevin Love.
专业上讲,是的。从纸面上来说,勒布朗看起来确实赢得了花名册之战(也许可以追溯到他在克利夫兰多年的经历)。“我和A.戴维斯&考辛斯很搭,欧文和我是老搭档了,K.杜兰特可以完美融入世界上的任何体系,”当完整球员名单被公示在TNT上时,詹姆斯对Ernie Johnson如是说道。他也得到了一个相对稳定的替补阵容,这个阵容由威少、波神、沃尔领衔,把他骑士的队友凯文 乐福加入花名册也是个明智的决定。

Curry’s team is still pretty solid, but a little bit thinner. “I got a good history with DeMar and James playing on Team USA, Joel is obviously an All-Star for plenty more years, maybe one day that weekend he’ll take over my Twitter account and say some jokes for me or something,” he reasoned on the broadcast. Curry was probably smart to draft IRL teammate Draymond Green, and every player on his team is a pretty real threat from long distance. “(Warriors president of basketball ops) Bob Myers called me this morning asking what my algorithm was for ranking players,” Curry said. We are all still wondering.
4)So why wasn’t this on TV?

This matter has been explained on this website already, but it’s because players couldn’t agree, nobody wanted to anger some number of the NBA’s most visible players in one fell swoop, and some players were probably self-conscious about getting picked last. Curry and James seem to have been down to publicize their picks, but then again it’s hard to get too embarrassed about anything basketball-related when you’re Steph Curry or LeBron James.
5) I came here for real analysis. How did the draft go?

All right, so there are a few things we can reasonably deduce. LeBron and Steph were sworn to secrecy as Johnson goaded them on the broadcast. “This thing should have been televised,” James said. Then he dropped some breadcrumbs: “ When me and Steph was doing the draft, we started laughing very hard at one point, we can’t even tell you what part it was … but this should have been televised.” He added that they messed up each other’s draft plans multiple times.

Assuming LeBron took KD first, it then makes sense that Steph probably drafted either James Harden (gotta stay cozy with a Western Conference rival) or Giannis (someone has to guard Durant) next. We also know that Curry had the first pick among the reserves, so we know for absolute certain that he passed on the chance to draft Russell Westbrook. If you’ve ever read Macchiavelli or Sun Tzu, you can guess that Steph probably did this to prevent a scenario where James would be able to draft Draymond Green and Klay Thompson (and basically put himself on the Warriors). So that means his first reserve pick was …probably Draymond. And that means LeBron was able to pair Durant with Westbrook.
假设勒布朗先选了杜兰特,库里按道理说会选詹姆斯 哈登(要和西部的竞争对手搞好关系)或者字母哥(用来对阵杜兰特)。我们也知道库里可以先选替补阵容,所以他绝对跳过了对威少的选择。如果你读过 Macchiavelli 或者 Sun Tzu的文章,你可以猜到斯蒂芬这样做是为了阻止一个场景的发生——詹姆斯选走了追梦和汤神(把他自己安在了勇士的身上)。所以说他第一个替补选择是...追梦格林。也就意味着勒布朗为杜兰特匹配了威少。
6)What superstar beefs do I need to care about this year?

要知道最重要的事情是拉塞尔 韦斯特布鲁克(对媒体)带有讽刺的言论加倍了(休赛期)招募保罗 乔治的机会(泡椒落选了)。 他还说了一些明显的话语,让利拉德感到抓狂,勇士有四人入选全明星也在他的吐槽范围。全明星赛闻名的大佬——威少,将会受到除利拉德外三到四名勇士球员的反抗,这将成为一个有趣的看点。

7) Wait, Victor Oladipo is on the team and Paul George isn’t?

Yes. The voting took place by conference. I put this in so Kevin Pritchard would share this story on Facebook (or at least in Pacers slack).
小标:7)等等,维克托 奥拉迪波在阵中而保罗 乔治不在?
对,投票是由会议进行的。我把这个(问题)放进去,这样凯文 普理查德就可以在脸谱网上分享这个故事了。(或者至少是在步行者的队内交流中)。
8) Why are the All-Star jerseys so bad?

Does this mean the court is going to be black and white too? Can they broadcast the game without color? Nothing pops like a classic All-Star jersey, and we were really hoping Jordan Brand would get this right the first time. Maybe there will be colorful shoes or something.
9) Which team is going to win?

The one with more players that care.

10) Are the new rules going to make the players care?

Eh … see you guys in Los Angeles.

下篇不是篮球了,i promise.
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