
Posted 每日更新全奖国外申请资讯





The work described in this website is conducted within the project APROPOS. This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 (H2020) Marie Sklodowska-Curie Innovative Training Networks H2020-MSCA-ITN-2020 call, under the Grant Agreement no 956090.

ESR 1: Efficient deep learning inference models for low-energy applications (IBM, to be enrolled at UPV) Switzerland

ESR 2: Fault-tolerant approximate computing techniques (UVA) Netherlands

ESR 3: Machine Learning for Approximate Computing (UNIBO) Italy

ESR 4: Approximation at the edge for automated driving (TUD) Netherlands

ESR 5: Industrial and Scientific Applications for benchmarking approximate computing strategies (KTH)  Sweden

ESR 6: Design Space Exploration for Accuracy-Aware Computing (ECL-INL) France

ESR 7: Fast and accurate prediction of the Impact of Approximate operators on a complex computation (POLITO) Italy

ESR 8: Compiler Technologies for Approximate Computing (POLIMI) Italy

ESR 9: Transprecision algorithms, software tools and FPGA prototypes for graph analytics (UPV) Spain

ESR 10: Reconfigurable approximating accelerators for secure edge computing (TAU) Finland

ESR 11: Approximation techniques in low-cost GNSS receivers (TAU) Finland

ESR 12: Design of reconfigurable and approximate functional units for wearable applications (UTU) Finland

ESR 13: Approximate Signal Analysis in Smart Sensors (TUW) Austria

ESR 14: Approximate computing for communications (WIREPAS, to be enrolled at TAU) Finland

ESR 15: Dynamic Data-dependent Precision Scaling for Energy-Scalable Neural Network and Security Applications (QUB) United Kingdom



AI职位招聘:牛津大学招机器学习博后-University of Oxford



AI职位招聘:剑桥大学招聘机器学习博后-University of Cambridge


[上海][部门直招] UCloud 招聘 Golang 后端工程师 15薪