当文言文遇上了编程,一朵“Wenyan Lang”之花缓缓盛开
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篇首语:本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了当文言文遇上了编程,一朵“Wenyan Lang”之花缓缓盛开相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。
Although programming languages vary in forms and rules, the keywords used for
almost all of them are in English.
The International Data Corporation (IDC) estimates however that nearly half of the world’s 22.3 million software developers
come from the Asia-Pacific region. China
and India alone account for about one
third of the world’s totaldeveloper population.
The International Data Corporation (IDC) 国际数据公司
software developers 软件开发工程师
account for (比例)占
In an attempt to add some diversity to the range of available programming
languages, CarnegieMellon University computer science major Lingdong Huang has
developed ‘Wenyan-Lang,’a programming
language based on Chinese hanzi
characters and the wenyan classical Chinese grammar system.
Huang did not simply replace the English characters with Chinese hanzi, instead heapplied NLP techniques to convert classicalChinese grammar to javascript, Python, and Ruby. He has open sourced the wenyan-lang project on GitHub, where it received a staggering 11,900 stars in a week or so.
黄并不是简单地用汉字代替英文,而是应用NLP技术将古典汉语语法转换为JavaScript、Python和Ruby。他已经在GitHub上公开了“wenyan-lang”项目,在那里,它在一周左右的时间里收到了惊人的11,900颗星星。Wenyan-lang Programming window and corresponding JavaScript correspondingJavaScript
A fan of classic Chinese literature, Huang came up with the idea of programming
in Chinese in order to shed light on the
beauty of wenyan and to inherit the
historical imprint left by generations of eminent figures in Chinese history.
Shed light on使…更易理解
Shed可以换成throw/ cast
But most importantly, Huang believes the goal of communication is to go beyond
the limits of language: “My project still
has a lot of room for improvement, but
my desire for communicationis as strong as some of the historical figures.”
Huang says programming punctuation and line breaks can be removed without
affecting the output. Considering the
difficulty converting between classical
Chinese and other programming
languages, he has provided a“cheat sheet” with tips and conversion rules.
Variable names
Huang has also included a renderer that can display the program in a manner that
resembles pages from ancient books and
can parse the resultant SVG file back
to the original program.
The Wenyan Lan project is available on
科普三 Huang Lingdong
黄在去年 12 月已经在卡内基梅隆大学(CMU)获得了计算机科学与艺术学位,他除了文言编程语言,他还曾用计算机程序生成了一幅中国山水画,还参与开发了第一个由人工智能合成的昆曲视频。
在接受媒体采访时,Huang 表示自己对于文言文十分着迷,在读大学之前就阅读了大量文言文书籍,现在他正在读的是《淮南子》,而这本书里有一句话:“昔者苍颉作书,而天雨粟、鬼夜哭。”这句话讲的仓颉造字,惊天地泣鬼神的故事。文字是世界上最伟大的发明之一,从此历史得以记载,知识可以传播。而在这个互联网时代,组成整个庞大数字世界的,则是一行行代码。用文言文来编程,则是给古代文字的传承找到一条新路。
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