日本央行等六家中央银行将于4月举行数字货币讨论会议 – AIDC每日资讯

Posted 澳洲数字货币研究所


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2020/2/7 星期






Asian Review 26日消息,日本、美国、英国、瑞士、瑞典、加拿大等六家中央银行和国际清算银行的负责人将于4月中旬举行首次会议,讨论如何开发自己的数字货币,以替代FacebookLibra或数字人民币。



声音 | 新华网:美联储对“央行数字货币”态度趋开放





ITNews消息,澳大利亚已正式公布国家区块链路线图。澳州联邦政府文件显示,澳大利亚将在区块链投资和开发方面重点关注三个关键领域,包括:法规和标准;技能、能力和创新;国际投资与合作。此外,咨询委员会(Advisory Committee)将其更名为国家区块链路线图指导委员会(National Blockchain RoadmapSteering Committee),委员会将有职权范围来监督接下来的路线图步骤。








Coindesk 27日消息,美国证券交易委员会(SEC)专员Hester Peirce表示希望在不违反美国证券法的情况下,为合法的数字项目提供三年的安全期。 Peirce提议,数字货币初创公司从首次代币销售开始将有三年的宽限期,使其足以通过SEC的证券评估(包括Howey)。最新的提案旨在根据联邦证券法为代币的发行和销售提供法律框架。该机构的提议还有待公众咨询,它将要求公司根据代币购买者的需要进行信息披露。Peirce在芝加哥对业内人士表示,这些细节包括源代码、开发计划、初始开发团队等信息。




印度数字货币交易平台WazirX的首席执行官Nischal Shetty就“印度储备银行禁止数字货币进入印度经济领域”一事在接受采访时表示,“在整个听证会期间,我们都看到了印度央行在发布禁止数字货币的公告之前并没有进行任何尽职调查的证据。他们的行动是武断的,导致企业关闭或迁出印度。我乐观地认为,最高法院将看到印度储备银行此举的问题,并作出有利于我们的判决。


Crebaco Global CEO:迄今为止没有研究表明数字行业对印度经济构成威胁

印度区块链和数字公司Crebaco Global Inc.首席执行官Sidharth Sogani近期接受采访时表示,迄今为止没有研究表明数字行业对印度经济构成威胁:“到目前为止,数字经济还不到2500亿美元,假设全球所有的BTC都被用于恐怖主义和洗钱,它仍然会比用于洗钱、恐怖主义融资和其他非法活动的法币规模要小。”关于BTC不可追溯的特性,以及许多人利用风险资本资金逃税的说法,Sogani表示,印度央行只是在做假设,其主张是毫无根据的。他声称,BTC实际上是可追溯的,因为适当的监管基础设施已经到位。他认为,如果银行等受到监管的实体开始接受BTC,那么政府以及印度央行等监管机构就能更好地追踪BTC的动向。



声音 | 纳斯达克交易所前副主席:通证和区块链的应用将取代证券存管信托与结算公司




分析 | “山寨币季节”再次到来 BTC持仓量位于历史最高位

进入2020年以来,数字货币市场一路高歌猛进。其中BTC自年初以来上涨了30%以上,这也是自2012年以来BTC最好的年度开端。在这种涨幅下,BTC市值占比却在快速回落,使得我们在过去一个多月经历了又一次“山寨币季节”。这轮“山寨币季节”的特点是大市值币种大涨,中市值币种暴涨。而随着轮动效应的产生,许多更小市值的币种也开始了表演,比如在OKEX交易所上线的“韩国以太坊” ICX,其过去30日回报率超过250%








Russian Parliament Could Pass Digital Financial Assets Bill Next Month

Russia’s parliament, the State Duma, could pass its long-awaited crypto laws as early as March – and it appears that the impasse between pro-crypto businesses and the crypto-sceptic central bank may finally be over.


Anatoly Aksakov, the chairman of the Duma’s financial committee, a lawmaker for the A Just Russia party and the man charged with getting the legislation through parliament, claimed that he was hopeful the Duma could pass the laws in the upcoming spring session.


Aksakov stated, per state-run news agency RIA Novosti, that although the Central Bank of Russia and other bodies had “conflicting views” on cryptocurrencies, the parties had now found common ground.


The committee chief stated,


“The disagreements had not been resolved to date. But last week another meeting took place, and they appeared to come to an agreement. A text is now being prepared, which will be submitted to the relevant institutions, including [the central bank].”


This could lead, he said, to a second and possibly third reading for the bills, whose first readings passed the Duma almost two years ago.


Russia’s central bank has long remained wary of cryptocurrencies. As recently as November last year, senior bank officials indicated that they would support a proposed national ban on crypto payments, claiming they “carry significant risks, including criminal money laundering and the financing of terrorist activities.”


Earlier this month, Aksakov said that large Russian companies were “ready to use blockchain technology for economic operations” and admitted that it was now time “to create a legal framework” for crypto-keen Russian businesses.


The bills were initially proposed as a package of three fintech-related bills in early 2018, only one of which has since been passed. Ongoing disputes between crypto supporters and crypto-sceptic state institutions have prevented the long-suffering Aksakov and his team from finalizing their legislative work.

News Source: Cryptonews

Blockstack’s New Consensus Mechanism Creates New Use Case for Bitcoin

Announced Thursday, the decentralized-web startup is rolling out a consensus mechanism that essentially presents a fresh use case for the world's most popular cryptocurrency.


When version 2.0 of Blockstack's Stacks blockchain comes out, miners on the network will need to post BTC to mine a block. That BTCwill then gets shared with nodes maintaining a copy of the ledger.


"We accept bitcoin as the most secure blockchain in the world. We accept a world where this will continue to be the case," Blockstack CEO Muneeb Ali told CoinDesk in a phone call.


The Stacks blockchain, which aims to put user data in the hands of users, is designed so apps can be built without central data storage. Apps can point to where to look for user data, and these pointers are stored on the Stacks blockchain. STX tokens are needed to participate in the chain.


To prevent spamming, or Sybil, attacks, all cryptocurrencies require some cost for writing new blocks. Bitcoin did this first by essentially requiring miners to spend electricity to participate, with its Proof-of-Work (PoW) consensus mechanism. By requiring miners to buy bitcoin and turn that over to the network to participate, Blockstack thinks it has found an ample cost to help prevent malicious entries.


How it works

Called Proof-of-Transfer (or PoX in the newBlockstack white paper describing the mechanism), the new consensus protocol has two kinds of participants: miners and stackers.


"PoX can help to solve a bootstrapping problem for new blockchains," the white paper states. “Participationrewards in a separate, potentially more stable, base cryptocurrency can be abetter incentive for encouraging initial participation than offering participation rewards in a new cryptocurrency.”


Miners write blocks and earn STX tokens in exchange for their BTC – at a rate of 500 STX per block. That BTC will be distributed among the stackers, who will be keeping a copy of the blockchain and also voting on which version of the chain miners should mine on.


Blockstack distinguishes this new approach from Proof-of-Stake (PoS) because node participants don't have to put any of their assets at risk to participate, beyond the opportunity cost of agreeing to lockup their STX for some set amount of time.


"Proof of Transfer is a proposed design that uses Bitcoin’s Proof of Work (PoW) to launch new blockchains that are anchored in Bitcoin’s security," Blockstack wrote in a blog post shared withCoinDesk in advance. "Further, PoX can give incentives to earn Bitcoin rewards to participants of such new blockchains. Such Bitcoin rewards were not possible before PoX. These rewards can potentially be used for use cases like consensus participation, ecosystem developer funds, incentives for specific players, etc."


To serve as a stacker won't be cheap, though. It will take roughly $10,000 in STX to participate, Ali said, but like other chains with similar arrangements users won't need to actually have that much. They can delegate to a service that maintains the node, in exchange for agreeing to lock up STX in collaboration with the node operator.


Tezos has this with its “bakers” and EOS has effectively turned staking eos to vote for validators into a money-making proposition as well, as we previously reported.


What's new with PoX, though, is participants in the network locking up the native token don't earn the native token for doing so. They earn BTC.


"I think the market and the entrepreneurs are starting to recognize that bitcoin is the strongest computing network in the world and therefore you can build things on top of it," Anthony Pompliano, Partner at Morgan Creek Digital, told CoinDesk.


But, given the rough outline of the proposal, Pompliano wasn't sure the bitcoin community would get behind it.


What’s in it for miners?

Mining the Stacks blockchain will be possible with a normal internet connection and computer, Ali said. Miners will just need to watch the price of STX and the price of BTC to assess whether continued participation fits their risk profile.


"In our process of mining, the miners can model PoX mining as almost as an exchange," Ali said. This should have some sort of arbitrage advantage early on but if all goes well that difference should shrink as participation increases, he added.


Miners’ income opportunities will also go up whenBlockstack is ready to release its smart contract language, Clarity. Once miners activate it, they will start earning smart-contract fees. Ali argues stocks may be attractive for developers looking to use smart contracts because they will be able to get extremely precise cost estimates for their code.


Blockstack will not participate in mining. The current plan, Ali said, is that once 20 miners activate the new version of the software, Blockstack 2.0 will go live. Miners will continue to have the ultimate decision about upgrades on the network.


The current version of Stacks operates a top bitcoin with the vision to eventually migrate out as its own PoW chain. This completely changes with version 2.0.


"With this thing, we basically need to never migrate from bitcoin," Ali said.

News SourceCointelegraph


Australia to Release National Blockchain Roadmap After Year of Preparation

The Australian government is going to launch its national blockchain strategy on Friday, Feb. 7, following a nearly year-long preparation.


It has been almost a year since the country’s Ministry for Industry, Science and Technology and Ministry for Trade, Tourism and Investment announced the national blockchain strategy and roadmap last March.


The new policy roadmap aims to make Australia’snascent blockchain industry into a global leader, making the country’s wine industry, banking and finance the key priority sectors.


Special focus on domestic wine

Outlining the program’s development, Karen Andrews, Minister for Industry, Science and Technology, said that the five-year blockchain roadmap will underpin the work of regulators, startups and researchers on the matter, The Sydney Morning Herald reported on Feb. 7. She also mentioned that the sector is set to be worth AU$259.4 billion ($175billion).


Andrews pointed out blockchain’s purported capability to strengthen export opportunities, enabling domestic manufacturers to trace their goods, particularly when it comes to wine exports and wine labelling. Additionally, blockchain is expected to ensure wine’s provenance and cut part of expenditures.


Local wine is one of the most successful export products in Australia, with over 2,000 exporters shipping it to 123destinations around the globe. In 2019, the country’s wine export volume reportedly grew by 3% to AU$2.91 billion ($1.9 billion), although volume declined by 12% to 744 million litres.


Australia’s spendings on blockchain

However, the government has ostensibly not yet allocated any funds to blockchain roadmap implementation.


As reported last March, previous blockchain investments from Australia’s liberal national government — under Prime MinisterScott Morrison — allocated AU$700,000 (~$500,000) to the country’s DigitalTransformation Agency in 2018-19 explore the benefits of using blockchain for government payments, as well as AU$350,000 (~$250,000) to Standards Australia to promote the development of standardized international blockchain standards.


Other countries’ approach to blockchain spendings

The Centre for the Fourth Industrial RevolutionUAE — a multi-stakeholder operation focused on science and technology — the Dubai Future Foundation and the World Economic Forum jointly released a paper in January, saying that the deployment of blockchain technology can save the UAE more than $3 billion.


Conversely, a major Russian firm recently decided to cut spendings on blockchain development in the country by at least 50%, as Cointelegraph reported in late January. Russian government-backed corporationRostec is planning to spend 28.4 billion rubles ($453.2 million) on the development of blockchain technologies in Russia by 2024, instead of initial 55billion ($877.8 million) to 85 billion rubles ($1.3 billion).

News SourceCointelegraph






1.     全球数字货币市场总价值为4091.7亿澳元(+0.9%),24h成交量为2045.5亿澳元(+3.6%)。

2.     主流数字货币表现如下:ETH暂报317.9澳元(+3.4%)、XRP暂报0.4澳元(+1.2%)、BCH暂报657.8澳元(+1.4%)、LTC暂报109.2澳元(+0.5%)、ETC暂报17.8澳元(-4.1%)、EOS暂报6.8澳元(+1.8%)。

3.     24小时行情市值排名前百币种中,涨幅前三为:WTC+18.7%)、PPT+14.9%)、LOOM+13.7%);跌幅前三的为:CRPT-4.7%)、ETC-4.3%)、TRUE-3.7%)。






助理研究员:Chelsea CHEN

以上是关于日本央行等六家中央银行将于4月举行数字货币讨论会议 – AIDC每日资讯的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章

日本欧洲央行联手研究数字货币 以对抗Libra/DCEP





六国央行将举行数字货币讨论会议 矿场位居受疫情冲击最小行业之一