调查显示13%的瑞士年轻人未来看好数字货币 – AIDC每日资讯
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2020/2/20 星期四
据News.Bitcoin 2月20日消息,一项新的民意调查显示,数字货币正逐渐成为瑞士人的一个可行选择。总部位于苏黎世的Migros银行已成为最新一家将数字货币纳入其兴趣范围的传统金融机构。市场研究机构Intervista代表Migros银行进行的调查显示,在18至29岁和30至55岁两个年龄段的受访者中,7%的人现在拥有数字货币。此外,13%的年轻参与者认为数字货币对他们来说将变得更加重要,或者表明他们未来投资于数字的意图,而第二组中只有7%的人这么认为。年龄较大的投资者更加悲观,对新的投资类别保持警惕,只有一小部分年龄超过55岁的人(0.5%)预计数字货币会升值并在长期内大幅增长。然而,即使在这个年龄段,每100个储蓄者中也有一个人拥有数字货币。
据Cryptoslate 2月20日消息,2月18日,芝加哥商品交易所(CME)的BTC期货交易量逼近历史高位,为23,036份合约,价值近11亿美元,仅略低于去年5月13日发布的历史最高水平(约13亿美元)。去年5月13日,BTC大幅上涨近1500美元,并在之后的六周内达到了2019年的高点13800美元。另外,BakktBTC期货市场上的交易者似乎对BTC的反弹也很有信心。本月以实物结算和以现金结算的合约的未平仓头寸增加了近100%。
BB:BTC和黄金共享核心价值 任何过分攻击和支持都是在破坏双方
2月20日,Block.one CEO Brendan Blumer发推文称,BTC和黄金共享核心价值和供应诚信。任何过分攻击其中一个而支持另一个的人都是在破坏这两者,同时也突出了他们对自己所选择的最爱有一种不安全感。
Bitcoin Depot CEO:BTCATM帮助无银行账户者将现金转为数字进行在线支付
据Seattle Times 2月20日消息,最大的BTCATM运营商之一Bitcoin Depot首席执行官Brandon Mintz表示,对于没有银行账户的消费者来说,BTCATM是一种将现金转换成数字形式,用于在线购买物品或支付账单的方式。
BTC支付公司OpenNode获得Apple Pay使用权限以支持零售支付
据Coindesk消息,BTC支付初创公司OpenNode市场营销主管瑞安·弗劳尔斯(Ryan Flowers)表示,该公司刚刚获得了使用Apple Pay的权限。客户的法定支付通过OpenNode的合作伙伴Wyre,转换为BTC(BTC)并存入商户的钱包。在几个月后正式发布之前,商家可以注册成为私有功能版本的一部分,目前还处于测试阶段。OpenNode和Wyre都拒绝透露Apple Pay账户的名称,而提供对Apple Pay账户的间接访问的后端rails也适用于大多数借记卡。
美联储公布1月货币政策会议纪要 金融市场普遍认为美联储今年至少降息一次
币读日报:3大交易所10分钟成交1.59万枚和1.44万枚BTC! 4天两次洗盘如出一辙
据AMBcrypto 2月18日消息,根据Skew数据,在过去的4周里,锚定BTC的以太坊ERC20代币WBTC中锁定的BTC数量一直在稳步增长。截至发稿时,以太坊区块链中锁定的WBTC数量为810万美元,而闪电网络的锁定数量为880万美元。虽然BTC闪电网络的容量在同期也出现了大幅增长,但锁定在以太坊区块链的WBTC的增长可能表明,BTC的部分流动性目前正在流入以太坊区块链。此外,WBTC的总价值随着最近的激增达到了历史最高,这一发展表明,在以太坊区块链上DeFi令牌的使用量增加可能在不久的将来超过闪电网络的容量。
Lightning Network Increasingly Fragile to Attacks – Hope Turns to Drivechain for Bitcoin Scaling
Increasing Centralization of LN
The report, entitled “Lightning Network: a second path towards centralisation of the Bitcoin economy,” states at outset that “despite the huge activity characterising the BLN, the bitcoins distribution is very unequal.” The paper elaborates: “the average Gini coefficient of the node strengths (computed across the entire history of the Bitcoin Lightning Network) is, in fact, ≃ 0.88 causing the 10% (50%) of the nodes to hold the 80% (99%) of the bitcoins at stake in the BLN (on average, across the entire period).”
While the Gini coefficient is typically used to measure income inequality, it is applied in the report as a means to determine relative centralization of Lightning. This type of metric for measuring centralization and decentralization, however, is criticized by some in the space as being inaccurate to the meanings of the terms as they pertain to bitcoin. Nevertheless the report details the continued emergence of centralized core-periphery structures, which some say make the network more vulnerable to attack.
While the complex math and methodology are laid out in detail in the paper, the group of researchers ultimately concludes:
In particular, its structure seems to become increasingly similar to a core-periphery one, with well-connected nodes clustering together (as revealed by the study of the eigenvector centrality). More precisely, our analysis reveals the presence of many star-like sub-structures with the role of centers played by the hubs, seemingly acting as channel-switching nodes.
Both Proponents and Critics of LN Debate Implications, Definition of ‘Decentralization’
Reactions to the report have been varied in the crypto space, but LN supporters and critics alike think there may be something amiss in the way “decentralization” as a concept is being defined and even deified, in a sense, where bitcoin is concerned.
For example, bitcoin researcher and Drivechain creator Paul Sztorc tweeted:
Another user in the thread wrote, “Why do people care so much how decentralized LN is? It can work even semi-centralized, as long as it is mostly used for small payments and as long as there are other options.”
But having to monitor a hub isn’t very convenient, and doesn’t seem to be in the original, non-third-party-dependent spirit of Bitcoin. CTO of Cointext Vin Armani noted that “decentralization” is often used imprecisely, pointing to the fact that influential actors wielding influence in a network doesn’t directly translate to centralization in the negative sense, where Bitcoin is concerned.
That is to say, clustering of influence does not automatically equate to a change in codebase allowing for centrally orchestrated protocol adjustments. Still, with LN, transaction paths can be closed arbitrarily, and the increasing centralization of hubs as shown by the report brings an increased risk of applied KYC/AML requirements from authorities. This would effectively turn them into banks, increasing the likelihood that paths will be closed due to the same regulations.
The true fragility of LN centralization, then, is the network’s foundational reliance on trusted third parties, and the ability of nodes to foul up transactions. In light of the report’s findings, the reliance on trusted third parties bitcoin sought to eliminate, now could return via increasingly powerful influence over transaction paths on LN.
Some Think Drivechain Is the Answer
Unlike so-called sidechains such as Blockstream’s Liquid federated network, Drivechain seeks to allow networks to branch off using a two-way peg, affording not only interoperability and customization, but also without sacrificing critical security or scalability. Incentivized mainnet miners, and not easily corruptible and insecure “federation members” or businesses, secure the sidechains via blind merged mining, and the two-way peg system is designed to stave off the risk of inflating bitcoin on the main network. It’s for this reason that Drivechain creator Paul Sztorc calls the idea a kind of layer 1.5.
“It sneaks between the lightning network and layer 1,” Sztorc said in a 2019 presentation. “You can have lightning network on top of this. Because each piece of software that is a sidechain is going to be the layer 1 of its own blockchain. So this fits in between.”
Though some criticize the idea, saying the protocol relies on security-compromising user-activated soft forks (UASF) to prevent miner theft of sidechains, others are convinced it is the inevitable future of Bitcoin.
Sztorc seems to take the diplomatic view that market actors should be able to do what they want, and his views on interoperability point to an important aspect of money: saleability. In the Mengerian/Austrian School conception, money is defined as the most saleable, or widely accepted and utilized good in exchange. A million cryptos on isolated networks is an economic situation still in flux, seeking equilibrium. However, should each coin have the common thread of the underlying “drivechain” of the Bitcoin mainnet, a universal system could theoretically be born. Sztorc tweeted on Monday:
I’m in favor of trying large blocks, as long as small block people can turn the larger blocks down (and pay the higher layer1 fees). But drivechain is the only way (I know of) for accomplishing all that. (And, larger blocks = higher node costs)
Though Drivechain remains controversial in the crypto space, it seems a proposition seeking to be more closely aligned with Bitcoin’s foundational principles than others. The plan relies on miners with skin in the game to keep networks secure, and not arbitrary groups of non-hash-wielding federation members. The ultimate problem plaguing the Lightning Network is not merely a core-periphery centralization pattern emerging, but the more foundational reality that it ultimately relies on third party hubs routing payments, and not mainnet miners, to function properly.
(News Source: Bitcoinews)
OpenNode Finds Way for Retailers to Turn Fiat Payments Into Bitcoin (Using Apple Pay)
The bitcoin payments startup OpenNode just gained access to Apple Pay, according to the startup’s head of marketing, Ryan Flowers.
This could be a boon for the small subset of merchants who want to hold bitcoin, because it allows people to spend dollars through their regular fintech accounts yet still have those dollars exchanged to bitcoin for the merchant to receive.
The customer’s fiat payment goes through OpenNode’s partner, Wyre, converting to bitcoin (BTC) and depositing in the merchant’s wallet. Merchants can sign up to be part of the private feature release, currently in beta, before it goes live across the platform in a few months.
“They [shoppers] put the card information into the widget that OpenNode is using, in some cases the card information may already be stored, for example with your Apple Pay,” said Jack Jia, Wyre’s director of institutional sales. “So all the user does is click the ‘Buy with Apple Pay’ button” to make a purchase with fiat that the merchant receives as bitcoin.
The same back-end rails that offer indirect access to Apple Pay accounts, which both OpenNode and Wyre declined to name, also work for most debit cards. Now shoppers can spend fiat at online stores and choose for the merchant to receive bitcoin. This assumes shoppers are willing to take a few extra seconds to benefit the merchant, rather than checking out without the bitcoin button. So this might only suit merchants with a devoted customer base.
“Our merchants keep some, or most, of their payments in bitcoin. Merchants want exposure to bitcoin,” OpenNode CEO Afnan Rahman said of the 5,000 merchants registered with the startup so far. “This year a lot of luxury goods businesses are signing up.”
OpenNode’s Flowers said shoppers are reluctant to spend bitcoin because of the volatility, but demand among merchants for receiving the cryptocurrency hasn’t dwindled. In particular, Rahman said the company has seen the most uptick in 2020 from merchants in India, South Korea, Japan and China.
He said OpenNode processes “a couple million” dollars worth of bitcoin a month for such diehard merchants. The startup will initially deploy the Apple Pay feature with less than a dozen merchant testers.
“We’re rolling it out slowly to make sure the rate of chargebacks isn’t high,” Flowers said, describing contested payments credit-card companies return to consumers.
By this time next year, Wyre and OpenNode hope to complement this feature with a “full-suite treasury management tool for merchants,” Jia said. By relying on Wyre, which has a money transmitter license, OpenNode will offer merchants a bitcoin savings account where they can earn interest and pay out invoices. Jia said this would be “offering the same functions as a bank,” with the option to cash out bitcoin to a personal wallet.
“We’re not looking at revenue right now as much as building up infrastructure,” Jia said, referencing debit cards and Apple Pay. “These are all layers on top of the banking system, so connecting those networks to the bitcoin network through infrastructure is more important right now.”
Apple didn’t offer any comments by press time.
(News Source:Coindesk)
HSBC to Drop 35,000 Jobs and Invest in Digital Finance
We In an earnings call held on Tuesday, Feb. 18, an HSBC executive revealed the bank plans to cut 35,000 jobs by the end of 2022 and invest more in digital systems.
The plan for HSBC in the next three years is to cut down on staff and branches and simplify the operation by investing in technology. Noel Quinn, group chief executive added in the earnings call that:
“In Retail Banking, we will expand our products offering and increase our investment in digital. We'll refocus our Retail Banking presence to serve globally mobile clients, reducing our branch network in the US by around 30%. [...] We will also continue to invest in the digital systems and solutions that will improve the service we offer our clients.”
$20 billion worth of assets moving to Digital Vault
In earlier indications of what kind of digital transformation HSBC is examining, Cointelegraph reported a few months ago that the bank would implement a new blockchain-based custody platform called Digital Vault by March 2020.
HSBC plans to move $20 billion worth of assets to the platform and aims to digitize paper-based records of private placements in order to increase standardization and speed up processes in the growing industry.
HSBC has been preparing itself to adapt the ongoing changes in the banking industry
Back in 2017, the bank appointed a panel of advisors to explore ways to integrate disruptive technologies such as blockchain, artificial intelligence and biometrics into its business model to reduce cost.
(News Source:Cointelegraph)
1. 全球数字货币市场总价值为4223.5亿澳元(-4.8%),24h成交量为2429.3亿澳元(-7.0%)。
2. 主流数字货币表现如下:ETH暂报395.0澳元(-6.9%)、XRP暂报0.4澳元(-6.3%)、BCH暂报581.9澳元(-8.0%)、LTC暂报107.8澳元(-7.0%)、ETC暂报13.5澳元(-9.1%)、EOS暂报6.1澳元(-11.9%)、BSV暂报442.0澳元(-5.1%)。
3. 24小时行情市值排名前百币种中,涨幅前三为:ANT(+9.1%)、KNC(+8.4%)、XTZ(+4.7%);跌幅前三的为:MONA(-32.4%)、ENG(-24.2%)、STEEM(-14.0%)。
助理研究员:Chelsea CHEN
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