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Versioning and Releasing Angular
原文来自: 原作者为Igor Minar。由于微信的限制本文中内嵌的链接(绿色)会被自动移除,建议点击“阅读原文”链接查看。
In order for the ecosystem around Angular to thrive, developers need stability from the Angular framework so that reusable components and libraries, tutorials, tools and learned practices don’t go obsolete unexpectedly.
However, we also all want Angular to keep evolving. To achieve both goals, we’re implementing semantic versioning and new development processes to help ensure that future changes are always introduced in a predictable way. We want everyone who depends on Angular to know when and how new features are added, and to be well-prepared when obsolete ones removed.
Starting with the 2.0.0 release of Angular, we’ve adopted the following development processes:
We use for signaling the content of Angular releases.
We have moved to time-based release cycles so that you can plan ahead.
We have a deprecation policy so that you know how to get notified of API changes ahead of time.
我们制定了废弃策略(deprecation policy),以便你能提前注意到API的变更。
We have clarified the distinction between stable and experimental APIs.
We have clarified the scope of our Public API surface.
Semantic Versioning
SemVer means that our version numbers are meaningful. Patch releases will not change the functionality, minor releases will contain only additive changes, and breaking changes are reserved for major releases.
语义化版本(SemVer major.minor.patch
Time-based Release Cycles
In addition to using meaningful numbers for our releases, we’ve built a schedule of releases so you can plan and coordinate with the continuing evolution of Angular.
In general you can expect a patch release each week, about 3 minor updates and one major update every 6 months. We’re also baking quality into our schedule by providing Betas and RCs for each major and minor release.
We’ve been following this new schedule since our 2.0 announcement and plan to release a new minor release – Angular 2.1 – next week.
自从2.0发布以来,我们一直在遵循着这样的新计划,并且准备在下周发布下一个次版本 —— Angular 2.1。
Time-based releases give eager developers access to new beta features as soon as they are ready, while maintaining the stability and reliability of the platform for production users.
Deprecation Policy
废弃策略(deprecation policy)
Breaking changes are disruptive, but can be necessary in order to innovate, keep pace with changing best practices, dependencies or changes in the (web) platform itself. To make these transitions more predictable, we’re both implementing a deprecation policy, and working hard to minimize the the number of breaking changes in Angular.
We’re taking the following steps to ensure that developers have plenty of time and a clear path to update:
When we announce a deprecation via our release notes, we’ll also announce the recommended update path.
We’ll continue to support existing usage of a stable API (i.e. your code will keep working) during the deprecation period, and you’ll always have more than 6 months (two major releases) to update.
We’ll reserve any peer dependency updates with breaking changes for a major release. An example of this is that in our next major release, we’ll be updating our Typescript dependency to version 2.
Stable vs Experimental APIs
稳定版 vs. 试验性 API
If you browsed through our API docs, you probably noticed that we marked some of our APIs as experimental. We feel that experimental APIs are solid enough to be in production, but they require field-testing to validate that they work well for a variety of community use cases.
Experimental APIs will follow SemVer(no breaking changes outside major releases), but not our deprecation policy. If you use an experimental API, you should expect changes, some of which might not have a deprecation path. That being said, we try to minimize disruptions for our intrepid community developers and will document any API changes.
While , none of the core use cases require the use of experimental APIs. Examples of experimental APIs include debugging apis, web worker support, i18n, http and animations. As these APIs mature and get more exposure in the real world, will be moving them from the experimental to stable category.
此刻,没有任何核心用例必须使用这些试验性API。这些试验性API的例子包括:调试API、Web Worker支持、i18n、http和动画。当这些API足够成熟,并且在现实世界中用得更多时,就会把它们从试验性API修改为稳定版API。
Public API Surface
Angular is a collection of many packages, sub-projects and tools. In order to prevent accidental use of private APIs and for you to clearly understand what is covered by the guarantees described in this post, we have documented what is and is not considered .
现在,我们已经组建了一支背景迥异的驻站作者团队,会继续为大家创作更多关于Angular 2的原创内容,预计本周内就会有来自小鲜肉的处女作登场。
同时,我们的另一个团队正在开发Angular BBS,争取尽早开放自由提问功能,建设一个繁荣的Angular 2主题社区。
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