Posted 深圳湾码农

微软开发者平台GitHub 的一个区块链项目 Handshake ,搞了一个招募新会员的活动,面向GitHub 上前 25万名开发者派送 4,246.99 HNS币,大约价值 1358.56美元。
The top ~250,000 users on github have had their SSH keys and PGP added to a merkle tree. Out of those ~250,000 users, ~175,000 of them had valid SSH and PGP keys at the time of tree creation. If you had 15 or more followers on github during the week of 2019-02-04, your github SSH & PGP keys are included in the merkle tree. Likewise, roughly 30,000 keys from the PGP WOT Strongset have also been included in the tree. As a final addition, Hacker News accounts which are linked with Keybase accounts are included in the tree provided they were ~1.5 years old during the crawl. This merkle tree is computed and its root is added to consensus rules of the Handshake blockchain, allowing the owner of a key to publish a signed merkle proof on-chain in order to redeem their airdrop. With the final mainnet key list, every open source developer will receive 4,246.994314 HNS coins from the airdrop.

其官网介绍说这是一个开源的项目,其目前是一个实验性的对等根命名系统。事实上该项目从包括A16Z和红杉资本在内的硅谷顶级投资者筹集了资金,为了吸引一些开发者加入,于是利用GitHub 天然的优势给GitHub 前25万名开发者发放福利。
github 账号在2019-02-04的时候超过 15个粉丝 -
github 在2019-02-04 之前上传过 SSH & PGP keys -