这个黄浦江边的SKETCH BOX让你看遍全球300余件涂鸦手稿



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错过了SKETCH BOX周末的活动



这个黄浦江边的SKETCH BOX让你看遍全球300余件涂鸦手稿

艺仓美术馆所建立的艺仓美学实验室 MAM ART LAB ,鼓励年轻艺术家坚持多样的艺术创作,重视“互动”与“交流”的交互作用, 进而推广艺术知识与普及美学教育。

近期,实验室携手“CAPITALL”上海街头文化艺术机构于1月12日开幕亮相首个艺术项目SKETCH BOX国际涂鸦手稿展。并在周末举行了开幕活动Sketch Day-画稿日,Capitall Talk-叛逆与正念,以及涂鸦Workshop等3个街头文化交流活动。

MAM ART LAB is a special project of the Modern Art Museum Shanghai, encouraging young artists to adhere to diverse artistic creations, emphasizing the interaction between “interaction” and “communication”, and then promoting art knowledge and popularizing aesthetic education.

Recently, the ART LAB teamed up with the “CAPITALL” Shanghai street culture and art institution to open its first art project SKETCH BOX International Graffiti Sketch Exhibition on January 12. On the weekend, there were 3 street cultural events, including Sketch Day, Capitall Talk-Rebellion and Mindfulness, and Graffiti Workshop.

这个黄浦江边的SKETCH BOX让你看遍全球300余件涂鸦手稿

这个黄浦江边的SKETCH BOX让你看遍全球300余件涂鸦手稿

在SKETCH BOX空间里,展示了国内外来自全球33个城市77位艺术家的涂鸦手稿,旨在让涂鸦艺术、街头文化的爱好者们,更近一步感受真实的涂鸦文化。

画稿日Sketch Day活动当天,近百位涂鸦爱好者与涂鸦艺术家们集结在CAPITALL SKETCH BOX成为欣赏到300多件手稿的第一批观众,其中还有朋友从杭州、无锡等周边城市特地赶来参加活动。

这个黄浦江边的SKETCH BOX让你看遍全球300余件涂鸦手稿

In the SKETCH BOX space, graffiti sketches from 77 artists from 33 cities around the world are displayed, aiming to let the fans of graffiti art and street culture to have a better understanding of the real graffiti culture.

On the day of the Sketch Day event, nearly 100 graffiti lovers and graffiti artists gathered in the CAPITALL SKETCH BOX to become the first audience to enjoy more than 300 sketches, including friends from neighboring cities such as Hangzhou and Wuxi.

这个黄浦江边的SKETCH BOX让你看遍全球300余件涂鸦手稿


Traveling street artist Sheep.Chen shared his 10 years of graffiti growth experience with graffiti enthusiasts, visiting Singapore, joining the RSCLS graffiti family, learning Vipassana, hypnosis, participating in domestic and international graffiti events, and going to Indonesia, Sweden and Miami to participate in art festivals. These experiences have an important influence on his understanding of graffiti and developing new styles. Through this sharing, I hope to encourage the audience to maintain a curiosity, to explore and experiment with their new ideas.

这个黄浦江边的SKETCH BOX让你看遍全球300余件涂鸦手稿

手稿SKETCH是艺术家创作的思维起点,更是他们深化风格精进技巧的必经通道。在SKETCH BOX中,我们展示的不仅仅是草稿,还有那些藏在作者背后炙热的创作轨迹。


这个黄浦江边的SKETCH BOX让你看遍全球300余件涂鸦手稿

The SKETCH is the starting point of the artist's creation, and it is the only way for them to deepen their style. In SKETCH BOX, we show not only sketches but also the creative trajectories hidden behind the author.

The exciting second part of the event, the sketch party not only has a writer with more than 10 years of graffiti, but the young newcomer also sits together and concentrates on the sketching. The audience at the scene is not yet able to write, but they did not want to leave after a long time, watching the exhibits as well as being immersed in the fiery creative atmosphere. By the end of the sketching party, the participants also got a New Year gift. We hope that in the new year, everyone can participate in the sketch day more often, continue to create and develop their own artistic expression.

这个黄浦江边的SKETCH BOX让你看遍全球300余件涂鸦手稿

这个黄浦江边的SKETCH BOX让你看遍全球300余件涂鸦手稿

SKETCH BOX的第二天活动,依然由街头艺术家Sheep.Chen带来Capitall Talk分享会-叛逆与正念,以及涂鸦Workshop。在欢乐的互动交流后,大家不仅了解到科学与艺术并不冲突,可以为艺术创作拓宽思路,此外还使用Sheep特制的小道具,创作出各自的心灵密码,给予新一年的美好愿望。感谢以下品牌为本次活动提供支持:Beats,Goldenflow,Herschel Supply,Neff,Vans。

这个黄浦江边的SKETCH BOX让你看遍全球300余件涂鸦手稿

这个黄浦江边的SKETCH BOX让你看遍全球300余件涂鸦手稿

这个黄浦江边的SKETCH BOX让你看遍全球300余件涂鸦手稿

这个黄浦江边的SKETCH BOX让你看遍全球300余件涂鸦手稿

The second day of SKETCH BOX, the street artist Sheep.Chen still brought Capitall Talk sharing sessions - rebellious and mindful, and graffiti Workshop. After the joyful interaction, everyone not only knows that science and art do not conflict but also broadens their thinking for art creation. In addition, they use Sheep's special props to create their own spiritual passwords and give them a good wish for the new year. Thanks to the following brands for their support: Beats, Goldenflow, Herschel Supply, Neff, Vans.

这个黄浦江边的SKETCH BOX让你看遍全球300余件涂鸦手稿


Let's review the works of everyone on the draft day and vote for your favorite works. In order to let everyone understand the relationship between the sketch and the piece on the wall, we also attached the artist's wall photo as an addition to one's sketch.

这个黄浦江边的SKETCH BOX让你看遍全球300余件涂鸦手稿

Writer: MORE

这个黄浦江边的SKETCH BOX让你看遍全球300余件涂鸦手稿

Writer: 草莓 AKA staw

这个黄浦江边的SKETCH BOX让你看遍全球300余件涂鸦手稿

Writer: KEV

这个黄浦江边的SKETCH BOX让你看遍全球300余件涂鸦手稿

Writer: XER

这个黄浦江边的SKETCH BOX让你看遍全球300余件涂鸦手稿

Writer: FOX

这个黄浦江边的SKETCH BOX让你看遍全球300余件涂鸦手稿

Writer: MOZAK

这个黄浦江边的SKETCH BOX让你看遍全球300余件涂鸦手稿

Writer: SOILS

这个黄浦江边的SKETCH BOX让你看遍全球300余件涂鸦手稿

Writer: MELS

SKETCH BOX国际涂鸦手稿展参展艺术家

这个黄浦江边的SKETCH BOX让你看遍全球300余件涂鸦手稿



GAMA Gallery (Mexico City)

Gerso来自Mixer Crew/MOS-CDMX (Mexico City)

艺术家Gus Eagleton (Brisbane)

Cloze来自 Gardu House (Jakarta)

FASO1来自DNC Crew (Kaohsiung)


SKETCH BOX国际涂鸦手稿展将持续到2月。2月中下旬还将会举办涂鸦文化相关活动。有兴趣者请多加留意,亦可扫码加入 SKETCH BOX 活动群,预约参观时间,或与爱好者们进行交流。点击阅读原文进入 capitallshanghai.com 查看更多活动照片。

Special thanks to 

GAMA Gallery (Mexico City)

Gerso from Mixer Crew/MOS-CDMX (Mexico City)

Gus Eagleton Artist (Brisbane)

Gardu House (Jakarta)

FASO1 from DNC Crew (Kaohsiung) 

curate great artists and the works to share the street art culture of their cities

The SKETCH BOX International Graffiti Sketch Exhibition will last until February. Graffiti culture-related activities will also be held in the middle and late February. If you are interested, please pay more attention. You can also scan the code to join the SKETCH BOX event group, make an appointment or communicate with fans. Click Read More to visit capitallshanghai.com to see more photos.这个黄浦江边的SKETCH BOX让你看遍全球300余件涂鸦手稿

关于分享会特邀艺术家 Sheep.Chen

这个黄浦江边的SKETCH BOX让你看遍全球300余件涂鸦手稿

陈暘 Sheep.Chen (微博: @SHEEP-Rscls | IG: @Sheep.Chen)

来自中国嘉兴的艺术家sheep(陈暘)2008年开始接触涂鸦, 2014年Sheep游学新加坡加入Rscls团队工作,并在这段生活中接触到了不同的宗教民族,让他开始思考一个崭新的世界观。更多地开始从公共艺术的维度来思考和进行创作,并前往瑞典与美国参与壁画创作,在Basel艺术周期间参与展出。

Sheep.Chen is born in Jiaxing City, start graffiti since 2008. In 2014 he studied in Singapore and joined the Rscls team. In this life, he came into contact with different religious people and asked him to start thinking. A brand new worldview. I began to think and create more from the dimensions of public art and went to Sweden and the United States to participate in the creation of murals and participate in the exhibition of Basel Art Week in Miami.

这个黄浦江边的SKETCH BOX让你看遍全球300余件涂鸦手稿

这个黄浦江边的SKETCH BOX让你看遍全球300余件涂鸦手稿



CAPITALL-Shanghai Graffiti Shop is an art institution integrating the street culture community with graffiti art store in Shanghai. It is jointly found by Yanyan Yu, Hurricane and Wildbone. CAPITALL means Cap-It-All, and "Cap" is the cap of spray paint as a symbol of graffiti street art. CAPITALL is rooted in the development of street graffiti culture and street public art as well as providing street art sales, international artists exchange project and event planning services. It aims to promote local street artists and works, to connect domestic and foreign street culture communities, and to create diversified, original, educational and entertaining life experience for the city and the public.

关于MAM ART LAB艺仓美学实验室


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