
Posted MATLAB的科学与工程应用








Adaptive optics have the potential toimprove the resolution of optical imaging in deep tissue up to the diffractionlimit. We study neural networks as a possible tool to help improve theconvergence rate of adaptive optics systems by predicting the wavefront phaseerror from an abberated PSF1 . Adaptive optics systems have proved successfulin correcting aberrations produced by atmospheric conditions in astronomy imaging.In this setting artificial guide stars and wavefront sensors which can be usedto reconstruct spatial phase variation in the signal wavefront. In deep tissue,given a comparable guide star “particle”, wavefront sensors fail to accuratelymeasure phase error due to the highly scattering nature of the tissue. Thus,alternative strategies to optimize the array positions of the deformable mirrorare necessary. It has previously been shown that a stochastic gradient descentmethod which randomly permutes the degrees of freedom of the mirror canoptimize to an improvement of 2-5x peak intensity. However this process is timeconsuming (necessitating between 600 and 3000 camera integrations to find anoptimal array position). We would like to train a neural network to predictphase distortions directly from distorted PSF images. In this thesis we show aproof of concept by predicting Zernike and Kolmogorov phase screens fromcorresponding PSF images. We further show that convolutional neural networkarchitectures appear superior to fully-connected neural network architecturesin phase prediction. Finally, we demonstrate a system for the mass collectionof data to train a neural network based on real biological tissue. This studyrepresents the first research conducted to use neural networks for adaptiveoptics for microscopy, and the first research to use convolutional neuralnetworks for any type of adaptive optics.



1. 引言

2. 项目背景:神经网络

3. 训练数据的仿真

4. 结构与训练

5. 结果

6. 海量数据采集程序

7. 结论

附录A 测试数据总结







卷积神经网络研究综述 学习记录