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15 MAY / 五月 2020 9pm - LATE @Elevator / 上海
Lhasa - The Attic From Elevator上海00:0005:13
本周五是上海全新酷儿之夜 HTTP 的开幕派对:
Friday is the opening night of HTTP, Shanghai's new qweer bb. Over the last decade Shanghai's qweer community culture has flourished into an immersive scene.
HTTP is a night designed by women, played by women and enjoyed by women and like minded friends.
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5月15日,上海的夜空将接近满月。派对的氛围是你为她带来的气息:可以从我们的阵容中期待各种各样的音乐~ May 15th the moon in Shanghai is phasing from third quarter to full moon phase; the party mood is what you bring to the party. Expect a diverse mix of music from our line up.
Come as you are.
Come as your freakiest fantasy.
带上你的朋友们,把bs留在家里。 Bring your friends and leave your bullshit at home. HUAN HUAN This browser does not support music or audio playback. Please play it in WeChat or another browser. HUANHUAN(AKA Diamond Lil)是现居上海的独立音乐制作人和 DJ。她长期活跃在上海本地的俱乐部场景中,绝对是你在上海各大俱乐部舞池里最常见到的身影之一。近些年来上海发达的 Club 文化场景也将她的表演和作品推到了更广泛的平台,得到了众多国际音乐人及厂牌的关注和青睐。 This browser does not support music or audio playback. Please play it in WeChat or another browser. HUAN HUAN(aka Diamond Lil) is an independent music producer and DJ living in Shanghai; and in recent years has become a key figure in the scene through her releases, remixes of other artists and her DJ sets. 她在 Ran Groove 旗下发行自己的首张12“ EP “One Big Bug“ (RGV015-12)。其经典的 Electro 律动,充满攻击性的现代低频声音设计,任性的随机噪音作为背景铺垫声场,让听众寻觅到当代前卫 Techno 取向的踪迹与Electro 复兴的气息。 This browser does not support music or audio playback. Please play it in WeChat or another browser. HUAN HUAN is releasing her first 12” EP “One Big Bug” in Ran Music’s sub-label Ran Groove in November. Her usual deep and exquisite sounds have turned into a more minimalistic and industrial direction which you can hear in the classic Electro grooves, aggressive modern sub-frequency sound design and random industrial noise in the background. The listener can find the trail of the modern techno direction as well as feel the smell of an electro revival. YINAN
Yinan于两年前开始在美国东北的普罗维登斯周边组织派对。你可以经常在充满diy氛围的地下室,仓库,大楼,露台找到她和当地居民集结到一起的身影。她热爱舞池,也热爱因为这个场景团结起来的集体。你最近可以在上海找到她,与她一起在纯粹,快速,热烈的音乐情绪中旋转跳跃,出汗排毒。 Yinan started DJing and doing DIY parties in Providence, Rhode Island. You can find her raving with the local community in a basement, a roof top, or some warehouse. She loves the dance floor, and the communities surrounding it. Join her in Shanghai, for some late night workout: to spin, sweat, and cleanse at a session that is almost as hot as doner kebab. Jiruin1l SHCR(上海社区电台)的常驻DJ之一。活跃于上海地下音乐场景中,她曾与 Laurel Halo,Lotic 等国际嘉宾同台演出, 也时常活跃在多元化跨性别的派对。 One of the resident DJ of SHCR (Shanghai community radio). Active in Shanghai's underground music scene, she has performed on the same stage with Laurel Halo, Lotic and other international guests, and is often active in multi gender parties. OFFSKII 90年代的苏格兰像迷失的情人一样拥抱rave文化,她也如是。00年代到了,Offskii从狂欢中进入休眠状态,并在同性恋俱乐部文化中寻到了避难所。将这两个元素混合在一起,就可以组成Offskii的现场。作为一个酷儿raver,她无法将这两个元素分开,但是每部分又无法完全取代另一个。 Scotland in the 90s was embracing rave like a lost lover and she was ankles-deep. 00’s came and OFFSKII went into hibernation from rave and found sanctuary with gay club culture. Mixing these two elements sums up an OFFSKII set. A Queer raver, unable to separate these two parts, but neither too much of any to be completely one thing at all. VJ MENGKI Mengki是来自成都的新到上海的3D视觉艺术家
Mengzi is a 3D visual artist from Chengdu newly arrived in Shanghai
ELEVATOR 网易云音乐人账号已开通我们会不定期上传邀请的艺人Mix与演出录制音乐和大家分享点击下方阅读原文查看↓