HTTP is night that explores the future of our culture. H - middle/halfT - transT - tomboyP - Po (femme)Respect & collaboration are the key ingredients for what HTTP are brining to queer community. Visual artist: Mengki Music: Ocoeur - Everything - Dawn Exploring the relationship between the dance-floor lovers, the DJs/producers and the promotors using the these 2 ingredients; RESPECT & COLLABORATION. The DJs and Producers that we select to play are talented, uncompromising within their vision. These individuals are continually exploring the future within their music which in turn shapes culture. By keeping our eyes open, our minds open, and really listening to what this generation and the active members are telling us, we create another safe space that is filled with comfort and vitality, like our clam, for the community. HTTP proudly presents special guests YINAN, VELVET ROBOT, COCOONICS and MENGKI
酒吧禁止穿拖鞋进入场地,未经发现入场滑倒摔伤等造成的事故一概由自己负责, 希望大家能配合,谢谢! ELEVATOR 网易云音乐人账号已开通我们会不定期上传邀请的艺人Mix与演出录制音乐和大家分享点击下方阅读原文查看↓