重磅发布 | OpenCV 4.0正式来了

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三天前OpenCV通过GITHUB正式发布了OpenCV又一个重要里程碑版本OpenCV 4.0。


release note中介绍了OpenCV4.0 内含一些特别有用的新特性与新模块,下面就来先睹为快!


重磅发布 | OpenCV 4.0正式来了

1.A lot of C API from OpenCV 1.x has been removed. The affected modules are objdetect, photo, video, videoio, imgcodecs, calib3d.


2.Persistence (storing and loading structured data to/from XML, YAML or JSON) in the core module has been completely reimplemented in C++ and lost the C API as well. For now base64 support is not complete (only loading base64-encoded XML and YAML is supported, encoding is not supported at all). Also, random access of sequences stored in a FileNode is slow O(N) operation; use cv::FileNodeIterator for much faster sequential access. On the positive side, loaded FileStorage takes 3-6x less memory than in the previous implementation.


3.OpenCV is now C++11 library and requires C++11-compliant compiler. Note that OpenCV 3.x can also be built as C++11 library by passing -DENABLE_CXX11=ON flag to CMake. Now this is the only option so the flag is not needed and is not available anymore.

意思是说OpenCV现在基于C++11库而且要求C++11的编译器在CMake的时候,然后说CMake OpenCV 4.0与OpenCV3.x之间的不同,需要注意一下,如果自己编译OpenCV 4.0源码应该注意到。

4.Thanks to the extended C++11 standard library, we could get rid of hand-crafted cv::String and cv::Ptr. Now cv::String == std::string and cv::Ptr is a thin wrapper on top of std::shared_ptr. Also, on Linux/BSD for cv::parallel_for_ we now use std::thread's instead of pthreads.


重磅发布 | OpenCV 4.0正式来了

1.Added support for Mask-RCNN model. Follow a guide and use a python sample.


2.Integrated ONNX parser. We now support many popular classification networks. YOLO object detection network in partially supported as well (ONNX version of YOLO lacks some final layers that actually give you the list of rectangles). Thanks to Lubov Batanina for her first-time contribution to OpenCV!

这个说是集成ONNX解析器,这样就支持了大多数分类网络,YOLO对象检测网络也是部分支持(晕倒,还不是完全支持),最后是要感谢ubov Batanina这个哥们,显然这个新特性跟他有莫大的关系,身上隐藏了不少秘密。

3.Further improved performance of DNN module when it's built with Intel DLDT support by utilizing more layers from DLDT. By the way, DLDT has been recently released as open-source. See the guide how to build and use OpenCV with DLDT support.

这条对一般开发者暂时无影响,是说DNN模块的性能又有提升了,而且是基于Intel DLDT,看来这个属于Intel在发布时候夹带的私货。

4.API changes: by default, blobFromImage methods family do not swap red and blue channels and do not crop the input image. Beware that this API change has also been propagated to OpenCV 3.4 branch.


5.Experimental Vulkan backend has been added for the platforms where OpenCL is not available: https://github.com/opencv/opencv/pull/12703. Thanks to Zhiwen Wu and Juan J. Zhao for the contribution!

意思是说如果OpenCL不支持的话,还可以通过Vulkan backend来执行一波,显然也要感谢一波对这个问题有贡献的人。

6.Added shortcuts for the most popular deep learning networks supported by OpenCV. You may specify an alias name of model to skip pre-processing parameters and even paths to models! In example, instead of

意思是是说支持快捷方式,可以声明一个别名跳过预处理参数甚至模型路径,说实话小编有点发懵,难道这么就可以操作一波啦,仔细看了一下代码示例,发现确实如此,有一堆默认值,可以直接通过tf的组件读取模型了,而且跟tensorflow object detection API实现了无缝对接,这个是不是以后tensorflow object detection API导出模型直接可以用了,这样对端侧应用来说是很大的福音,为OpenCV这个新特性打Call。

python object_detection.py --model opencv_face_detector.caffemodel --config opencv_face_detector.prototxt --mean 104 177 123 --width 300 --height 300

you can type just

python object_detection.py opencv_fd

7.Fixed OpenCL acceleration on AMD and NVIDIA GPUs. Now you may enable DNN_TARGET_OPENCL for your model without extra environment variables. Please note that DNN_TARGET_OPENCL_FP16 is tested on Intel GPUs only, so it still requires additional flags.

意思是或现在支持OpenCL不需要配置一堆啦,直接一句话搞定,最后又说这个好像只有对Intel GPU才行,对其它还需要操作一波,显然Intel只想于自己方便。哈哈!


重磅发布 | OpenCV 4.0正式来了

重磅发布 | OpenCV 4.0正式来了


重磅发布 | OpenCV 4.0正式来了


重磅发布 | OpenCV 4.0正式来了

3D对象扫描与模型创建流行算法Kinect Fusion algorithm已经被实现,被集成到了rgbd模块中,这个东西太好用啦,值得尝试一波。

重磅发布 | OpenCV 4.0正式来了

DIS稠密光流算法已经从扩展模块中移到主仓发布,在OpenCV视频模板中,同时还把TV L1光流算法从master移到扩展模块中去啦,果然是一波神操作。



OpenCV 4.0 有155位开发者参与
OpenCV4.0 扩展模块有43位开发者参与






以上是关于重磅发布 | OpenCV 4.0正式来了的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章

开发 | OpenCV 4.0 正式发布

千呼万唤始出来!OpenCV 4.0正式发布!



