Posted 我的IT技术路
1. public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
2. File file = new File("test.txt");
3. if (file.exists()){
4. try (FileOutputStream byteOut = new FileOutputStream(file);//先创建文件流
5. PrintStream out = new PrintStream(byteOut)){//将文件流封装成打印流
6. out.println(10);
7. out.println("it is a test");//文件中显示两行,一行是10 ,一行 it is a test
8. }
9. }
11. }
1. public class PrintStream extends FilterOutputStream
2. implements Appendable, Closeable
3. {
5. private final boolean autoFlush;//是否自动刷新标志
6. private boolean trouble = false;//
7. private Formatter formatter;//打印的格式
8. //以下两个的作用是保证在不断刷新流的同时刷新缓存区
9. private BufferedWriter textOut;
10. private OutputStreamWriter charOut;
11. //构造函数
12. private PrintStream(boolean autoFlush, OutputStream out) {
13. super(out);
14. this.autoFlush = autoFlush;
15. this.charOut = new OutputStreamWriter(this);
16. this.textOut = new BufferedWriter(charOut);
17. }
19. private PrintStream(boolean autoFlush, OutputStream out, Charset charset) {
20. super(out);
21. this.autoFlush = autoFlush;
22. this.charOut = new OutputStreamWriter(this, charset);
23. this.textOut = new BufferedWriter(charOut);
24. }
26. private PrintStream(boolean autoFlush, Charset charset, OutputStream out)
27. throws UnsupportedEncodingException
28. {
29. this(autoFlush, out, charset);
30. }
31. public PrintStream(OutputStream out) {
32. this(out, false);
33. }
34. public PrintStream(OutputStream out, boolean autoFlush) {
35. this(autoFlush, requireNonNull(out, "Null output stream"));
36. }
37. public PrintStream(OutputStream out, boolean autoFlush, String encoding)
38. throws UnsupportedEncodingException
39. {
40. this(autoFlush,requireNonNull(out, "Null output stream"),toCharset(encoding));
41. }
42. public PrintStream(String fileName) throws FileNotFoundException {
43. this(false, new FileOutputStream(fileName));
44. }
45. public PrintStream(String fileName, String csn)
46. throws FileNotFoundException, UnsupportedEncodingException
47. {
48. // ensure charset is checked before the file is opened
49. this(false, toCharset(csn), new FileOutputStream(fileName));
50. }
51. public PrintStream(File file) throws FileNotFoundException {
52. this(false, new FileOutputStream(file));
53. }
54. public PrintStream(File file, String csn)
55. throws FileNotFoundException, UnsupportedEncodingException
56. {
57. // ensure charset is checked before the file is opened
58. this(false, toCharset(csn), new FileOutputStream(file));
59. }
1. public void flush() {
2. synchronized (this) {//加锁
3. try {
4. ensureOpen();//确保流是打开的
5. out.flush();//调用底层的刷新
6. }
7. catch (IOException x) {
8. trouble = true;
9. }
10. }
11. }
12. private void ensureOpen() throws IOException {
13. if (out == null)//判断out是否为null
14. throw new IOException("Stream closed");
15. }
1. public void write(int b) {//写入一个ascall码值
2. try {
3. synchronized (this) {//加锁
4. ensureOpen();//确保流是打开的
5. out.write(b);//写入数据
6. if ((b == '\n') && autoFlush)
7. out.flush();
8. }
9. }
10. catch (InterruptedIOException x) {
11. Thread.currentThread().interrupt();
12. }
13. catch (IOException x) {//设置异常标志
14. trouble = true;
15. }
16. }
17. //和上面类似,写入一个字节数组,off为开始点,len为长度
18. public void write(byte buf[], int off, int len) {
19. try {
20. synchronized (this) {
21. ensureOpen();
22. out.write(buf, off, len);
23. if (autoFlush)
24. out.flush();
25. }
26. }
27. catch (InterruptedIOException x) {
28. Thread.currentThread().interrupt();
29. }
30. catch (IOException x) {
31. trouble = true;
32. }
33. }
1. public void print(Object obj) {
2. write(String.valueOf(obj));
3. }
4. //通过textOut和charOut两个buffer缓存区保证不断刷新流的缓冲buf
5. private void write(String s) {
6. try {
7. synchronized (this) {//加锁
8. ensureOpen();
9. textOut.write(s);//写入数据到textOut
10. textOut.flushBuffer();//开始刷新
11. charOut.flushBuffer();
12. if (autoFlush && (s.indexOf('\n') >= 0))
13. out.flush();//输出刷新
14. }
15. }
16. catch (InterruptedIOException x) {
17. Thread.currentThread().interrupt();
18. }
19. catch (IOException x) {
20. trouble = true;
21. }
22. }
1. public void println(String x) {
2. synchronized (this) {
3. print(x);
4. newLine();
5. }
6. }
7. private void newLine() {
8. try {
9. synchronized (this) {
10. ensureOpen();
11. textOut.newLine();//输入换行符
12. textOut.flushBuffer();
13. charOut.flushBuffer();
14. if (autoFlush)
15. out.flush();
16. }
17. }
18. catch (InterruptedIOException x) {
19. Thread.currentThread().interrupt();
20. }
21. catch (IOException x) {
22. trouble = true;
23. }
24. }
25. public void newLine() throws IOException {
26. write(lineSeparator);//增加输入一个换行符
27. }
1. public PrintStream append(CharSequence csq) {
2. if (csq == null)
3. print("null");
4. else
5. print(csq.toString());//继续增加的输入到流中,因为print使用了两个buf存入相应的数据
6. return this;
7. }