MWC上海| 用IT思维加速转型 中兴通讯Carrier DevOps打造定制化网络切片

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     6月28日,中兴通讯携云原生CarrierDevOps解决方案亮相MWC2017上海展,MANO总架构师何伟以“Carrier DevOps Promotes Telecom Industry Programmable network”为主题,分享了中兴通讯创新性应用定制化网络切片,满足新形势下复杂多样的网络需求,以IT思维加速行业应用转型,打造更便捷、高效、开放的基础网络平台。

DevOps本是IT领域工业生产链的概念,是一组过程、方法及系统的统称。其优点在于将开发和运营紧密有机的结合在一起,促进新软件功能及服务的按时交付。作为电信级服务提供商,中兴通讯Carrier DevOps Builder 2.0将这一敏捷理念创新性地运用到高可用、高可靠要求的电信网络中。采用增强电信级Docker容器技术,发布上千种可编辑端到端的即插即用5G切片服务定制,通过友好的图形化操作界面,实现快速的网络切片定制。DevOps为基于微服务的网络切片提供了“闭环”式的自动设计、自动开发、自动部署、自动运维环境。同时利用大数据及AI技术,执行闭环智能分析和自动化运维托管。

何伟表示,行业应用千差万别,一张网络相同功能服务全行业的时代即将终结。为了更好的理解不同行业领域的应用要求,Carrier DevOps Builder 2.0的发展非常注重行业生态合作建设。中兴通讯已在车载、银行、运输、智能家居等多个领域携手行业伙伴,共同帮助运营商打造可定制的不同细分网络切片。


作为全球领先的电信设备与解决方案提供商,中兴通讯自推出业界首个可商用的云原生Carrier DevOps Builder后,不断完善应用场景、验证商用化能力。迎接5G时代,中兴通讯将不断提升SDN/NFV技术及商用化成熟度,为网络转型及行业的生态发展做出贡献。


ZTE Cloud Native Carrier DevOps leverages IT thinking to acceleratethe transformation of industrial applications



On June 28, ZTE showcased its CarrierDevOps solution at MWC2017 Shangha. Mr. He Hei, Chief Architect of MANO,delivered a speech of "Carrier DevOps Promotes Telecom IndustryProgrammable Network", sharing ZTE's innovative application of customizednetwork slices, which is going to meet the complex and diversified networkneeds in the new situation, and to accelerate the transformation of industrial applicationsby leveraging IT thinking, and to a create more convenient, efficient and openbasic network platform.


DevOps originally is the concept of industrialproduction chain in the IT field, the general designation of a group ofprocesses, methods and systems. Its advantage is that the development andoperation will be closely integrated together to promote the on time deliveryof new software features and services. As a carrier-grade service provider, ZTEequips its Carrier DevOps Builder 2.0 with the innovative application of thisagile concept to the telecom network which high availability and highly reliabilityrequirements. It uses enhanced carrier-grade Docker container technology toissue thousands of editable end-to-end plug-and-play customized 5G slicingservices, to achieve fast network slice customization through a friendlygraphical interface. DevOps provides "closed-loop" automatic design,automatic development, automatic deployment, and automatic operation andmaintenance (O&M) environment for micro-service-based network slices, andadopts big data and AI technologies to implement closed-loop intelligentanalysis and automated O&M.


He Wei said that due to multifariousindustrial applications, the era that one network with same functions servicesall industries is coming to the end. In order to better understand applicationrequirements of different industries, ZTE attaches great importance to the cooperativeconstruction of industrial ecosystem during developing the Carrier DevOpsBuilder 2.0. ZTE has been working with industry partners in the vehicle-mounting,banking, transportation, smart home and other fields to help operators buildcustomized different segment network slices.


As the world's leading provider oftelecom equipment and solutions, since the introduction of the industry's firstcommercially available Cloud Native Carrier DevOps Builder, ZTE constantlyimproves application scenarios, verify the commercialization capabilities. Tomeet the 5G era, ZTE will continue to improve SDN / NFV technology andcommercial maturity, to contribute to network transformation and industrialecological development.

以上是关于MWC上海| 用IT思维加速转型 中兴通讯Carrier DevOps打造定制化网络切片的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章

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从思维走向实践,数字化转型 IT 经营的成功路径

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