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1. 深入浅出Ajax(中文版)
评价:★★★★ 4.0/5.0星
作者:马劳克林 -

“PR-Cheng: 看过最崩溃的一本书,排版实在太乱了,一直在分散注意力,不过内容还好。
修缘: 深度太浅了,深入浅出,结果变成了浅入浅出了。
jasonbai: 功力不够,看了一半~
2. Head Rush Ajax (Head First)
评价:★★★★ 4.0/5.0星
作者:Brett McLaughlin -
出版社:O'Reilly Media

“Sick of creating web sites that reload every time a user moves the mouse? Tired of servers that wait around to respond to users' requests for movie tickets? It sounds like you need a little (or maybe a lot of) Ajax in your life. Asynchronous programming lets you turn your own web sites into smooth, slick, responsive applications that make your users feel like they're back on the information superhighway, not stuck on a dial-up backroad. But who wants to take on next-generation web programming with the last generation's instruction book? You need a learning experience that's as compelling and cutting-edge as the sites you want to design. That's where we come in. With Head Rush Ajax, in no time you'll be writing javascript code that fires off asynchronous requests to web servers...and having fun doing it. By the time you've taken your dynamic html, XML, JSON,and DOM skills up a few notches, you'll have solved tons of puzzles, figured out how well snowboards sell in Vail, and even watched a boxing match. Sound interesting? Then what are you waiting for? Pick up Head Rush Ajax and learn Ajax and asynchronous programming the right way--the way that sticks. If you've ever read a Head First book, you know what to expect: a visually rich format designed for the way your brain works. Head Rush ramps up the intensity with an even faster look and feel. Have your first working app before you finish Chapter 1, meet up with the nefarious PROJECT: CHAOS stealth team, and even settle the question of the Top 5 Blues CDs of all time. Leave boring, clunky web sites behind with 8-tracks and hot pants--and get going with next-generation web programming. "If you thought Ajax was rocket science, this book is for you. Head Rush Ajax puts dynamic, compelling experiences within reach for every web developer."-- Jesse James Garrett, Adaptive Path "A 'technology-meets-reality' book for web pioneers on the cutting edge."-- Valentin Crettaz, CTO, Condris Technologies
“看云者: 非常喜欢Head.First系列的书,这一本Head.Rush.Ajax,虽然感觉也没快到哪里去。。但是读起来很开心,用扔球给狗狗捡的时候主人可以随便动来解释asynchronous.request很有趣啊。特别适合用来夯实基础。读完了真的意犹未尽啊,好喜欢!
不死虫: 一如head.first系列的传统,浅显易懂,对了解ajax的原理和机制有很大帮助。不过ajax单独应用起来代码需要写的多点,建议用jQuery
Jason Zhai: awesome.book!!!.will.definitely.blow.your.mind!
3. Head First Ajax
评价:★★★★ 4.0/5.0星
作者:Rebecca M. Riordan -
出版社:O'Reilly Media

“Ajax is no longer an experimental approach to website development, but the key to building browser-based applications that form the cornerstone of Web 2.0. "Head First Ajax" gives you an up-to-date perspective that lets you see exactly what you can do - and has been done - with Ajax. With it, you get a highly practical, in-depth, and mature view of what is now a mature development approach. Using the unique and highly effective visual format that has turned "Head First" titles into runaway bestsellers, this book offers a big picture overview to introduce Ajax, and then explores the use of individual Ajax components - including the JavaScript event model, DOM, XML, JSON, and more - as it progresses.You'll find plenty of sample applications that illustrate the concepts, along with exercises, quizzes, and other interactive features to help you retain what you've learned. "Head First Ajax" covers: the JavaScript event model; making Ajax requests with XML HTTP REQUEST objects; the asynchronous application model; the Document Object Model (DOM); manipulating the DOM in JavaScript; controlling the browser with the Browser Object Model; XHTML Forms; POST Requests; XML Syntax and the XML DOM tree; XML Requests & Responses; JSON - an alternative to XML; Ajax architecture & patterns; and the Prototype Library.The book also discusses the server-side implications of building Ajax applications, and uses a "black box" approach to server-side components. "Head First Ajax" is the ideal guide for experienced web developers comfortable with scripting - particularly those who have completed the exercises in "Head First JavaScript" - and for experienced programmers in Java, php, and C# who want to learn client-side programming.
“爱乐的陈: 全文讀完減一星,後面四、五章的知識雖然必要,但放在寫AJAX的書裏有濫竽充數之嫌。.//.讀了一半,還算是按計劃行事。每章一個實用的例子,學起來實在是受益匪淺!另外,全書不單單講XMLHttpRequest,而是從廣義上來講解Ajax,贊!.//.多次尝试之后走上了学习Ajax的正道,按照一天一章的进度,两周内应该可以拿下,学习时心情大好。
Thomas: 非常基础的Ajax知识,其中大量的解释了browser之间的区别和实现技术细节,但那些可以使用jQuery轻松忽略的,所以建议跳过此书直接进入读.Head.first.jQuery
Parano: 当Ajax入门还不错,似乎没太多javascript基础也能看。不过很多内容我之前已经了解过了,跳着跳着就看完整本了
4. Ajax实战
评价:★★★☆ 3.5/5.0星
作者:Dave Crane Eric Pascarello -

“本书是目前 Ajax 领域最为全面深入的一本著作,其中不仅有对于基础知识的介绍,还有对于 Ajax 开发中重大的体系架构问题的深入探讨,总结了大量 Ajax 开发中的设计模式,并讨论了框架、安全性与性能等等。书中提供了几个典型的例子,兼顾各种开发平台,这些例子的代码稍作修改就可以直接应用于项目开发之中,代码源文件可以从图灵网站下载。本书内容广泛且深入,同时适用于各个层次的 Web 应用开发人员。
“刘罗锅: 有一定的实践应用价值。但真正要做AJAX应用,光有案例是完全不够的,这个得创造。本书只能算是抛砖引玉吧。
君弈: 比较早的一本AJAX书籍,内容还是不错,不过现在都用框架实现了。.技术更新太快了,IT男很辛苦~
caibinbupt: 总体一般,讲的东西都不是很难,理论上我更没学到什么。.这本书读了太久了,汗。
5. Bulletproof Ajax中文版
评价:★★★ 3.0/5.0星
作者:[英] -

“本书介绍了如何构建无懈可击的Ajax Web应用程序,重点讲述如何在已有Web站点使用Ajax增强网站用户体验,从而尽可能地保证网站拥有最大限度的可移植性和亲和力,这正是目前大多数网站面临的需求。书中主要介绍了JavaScript、DOM、XMLHttpRequest、数据格式等,同时还提出了一种Hijax方法,即可以让Web应用程序平稳退化的方法。 本书适合各层次Web开发和设计人员阅读。
“kevin: 最后的那个PHP的例子没看,嘿嘿。.书写得还不错,还是需要多实践啊
anrs: 我相信.Hijax.的概念会影响很多搞.Ajax.的开发人员...
蝉: :TP393.4/907
6. Ajax实战实例详解
评价:★★★ 3.0/5.0星
作者:(英)Dave Crane -

“《Ajax实战实例详解》堪称Ajax 领域内的典范之作,深受读者好评。它以Ajax 的简要介绍开篇,然后以知识点为脉络, 讲述了几十个易于使用的、以解决方案为重点的实例,并针对每一个实例给出了详细的范例代码,可操作性极强。通过《Ajax实战实例详解》,读者可以学会如何实现富客户端用户界面,包括拖拽、实践性策略、有效导航、事件处理、表单项目验证、状态管理、Ajax 库的选择、访问第三方的开放网络服务接口,等等。最后,《Ajax实战实例详解》以一个妙趣横生且极其实用的mashup 实例结尾。《Ajax实战实例详解》适合所有的现代Web 开发人员。
“小K: 貌似是这本书吧,很久之前读过的了。实例讲解ajax.还是很帅的
未归的Peter: 很多用例都是基于prototype,而我喜欢的jquery
Koen-C: Ajax.in.action.最好的补充。
7. Ajax Hacks
评价:★★★ 3.0/5.0星
作者:Bruce W. Perry -
出版社:O'Reilly Media

“Ajax, the popular term for Asynchronous JavaScript and XML, is one of the most important combinations of technologies for web developers to know these days. With its rich grouping of technologies, Ajax developers can create interactive web applications with XML-based web services, using JavaScript in the browser to process the web server response. Taking complete advantage of Ajax, however, requires something more than your typical "how-to" book. What it calls for is "Ajax Hacks" from O'Reilly. This valuable guide provides direct, hands-on solutions that take the mystery out of Ajax's many capabilities. Each hack represents a clever way to accomplish a specific task, saving you countless hours of searching for the right answer. A smart collection of 100 insider tips and tricks, "Ajax Hacks" covers all of the technology's finer points. Want to build next-generation web applications today? This book can show you how. Among the multitude of topics addressed, it shows you techniques for: using Ajax with Google Maps and Yahoo Maps; displaying Weather.com data; scraping stock quotes; fetching postal codes; and building web forms with auto-complete functionality. "Ajax Hacks" also features a number of advanced hacks for accelerated web developers. Discover how to create huge, maintainable bookmarklets, how to use client-side storage for Ajax applications, and how to call a built-in Java object from JavaScript using Ajax. The book even addresses best practices for testing Ajax applications and improving maintenance, performance, and reliability for JavaScript code. The latest in O"Reilly's celebrated "Hacks" series, "Ajax Hacks" smartly complements other O'Reilly titles such as "Head Rush Ajax and JavaScript: The Definitive Guide".
“Keeper: 都是些林林种种、乱七八糟的
Evance: 没有传说中地好;
8. XML 基础教程
评价:★★★ 3.0/5.0星
作者:(美)雅可布斯 -

“《XML 基础教程:入门、DOM、Ajax与Flash》全面讲述了XML及其在Web开发领域中的作用,同时介绍了一些特定的XML词汇以及相关的XML推荐标准。书中首先解释了XML并介绍了XML文档的不同组成部分;其次讲解了XML应用程序客户端的处理方法,如何使用CSS和 XSLT对XML文档进行显示和转换,如何使用JavaScript操作XML文档等内容;然后介绍了如何在服务器端处理XML;最后深入分析了两个XML应用程序:新闻应用程序和社区天气门户系统。《XML 基础教程:入门、DOM、Ajax与Flash》适合各层次的Web开发人员阅读,不仅为不太熟悉XML应用程序的开发者提供了一个很好的起点,也使有经验的开发者可以更深入地理解创建 XML应用程序的过程。
“五杀摇滚吉他手: 直接看第五章就OK了。虽然举了很多的例子,但就像是刚学古文的时候,老师一段一段讲句子的意思。倒是觉得IBM的XML教程更加清晰有条理,https://www.ibm.com/developerworks/xml/tutorials/xmlintro/xmlintro.html。
虚谷若谷: 说实话没读完,读了一半吧,真的非常好,不过当我发现很多篇幅在说某某功能只有某某浏览器支持。我就无奈了。Apress的书果然牛掰~
Chemandy: IE浏览器还是6的,大概看了一下,了解一下基本的XML
评价:★★★ 3.0/5.0星
作者:陈黎夫 -

“L.J: 作为一本国人写的介绍Asp.net.AJAX的书,的确挺不错!但从AJAX的角度来说,Asp.net.AJAX略显臃肿!
TerabyteX: 微软的技术栈更新太快,导致这个系列的第3本书流产了。。。
gucs: 前些看读的书,第一和第二卷都看了,迟迟没有等到第三卷。
10. Ajax on Rails
评价:★★★ 3.0/5.0星
作者:Scott Raymond -
出版社:O'Reilly Media, Inc.

“Learn to build dynamic, interactive web applications using the two most important approaches to web development today: Ajax and the phenomenally efficient Ruby on Rails platform. This book teaches intermediate to advanced web developers how to use both Ajax and Rails to quickly build high-performance, scalable applications without being overwhelmed with thousands of lines of JavaScript code. More than just recipes, you also get a thorough, low-level understanding of what's happening under the hood. Ajax on Rails includes three fully worked out Rails/Ajax applications, and quick reference sections for Prototype and script.aculo.us. Testing lessons show you how to eliminate cross-browser JavaScript errors and DOM debugging nightmares using a combination of Firebug, and Venkman. Advanced material explains the most current design practices for Ajax usability. You'll learn to avoid user experience mistakes with proven design patterns. Beyond the how-to, Ajax on Rails helps you consider when Ajax is (and isn't) appropriate, and the trade-offs associated with it. For those new to Rails, this book provides a quick introduction, the big picture, a walk through the installation process, and some tips on getting started. If you've already started working with Rails and seek to deepen your skill set, you'll find dozens of examples drawn from real-world projects, exhaustive reference for every relevant feature, and expert advice on how to "Ajaxify" your applications.
“琳琳的小狗: 讲script.aculo.us最好的参考书,虽然版本低了点,但是很多东西是别的地方找不到的哦:)唯一的缺憾就是,即将过时,因为scripty就要出了,也就是前面说的那个特效库的新版。
11. Ajax基础教程
评价:★★★ 3.0/5.0星
作者:(美)阿斯利森 -
“Ajax技术可以提供高度交互的Web应用,给予用户更丰富的页面浏览体验。本书重点介绍Ajax及相关的工具和技术,主要内容包括XMLHttpRequest对象及其属性和方法、发送请求和处理响应、构建完备的Ajax开发工具、使用JsUnit测试JavaScript、分析JavaScript调试工具和技术,以及Ajax开发模式和框架等。本书中所有例子的代码都可以从Apress网站本书主页的源代码(Source Code)免费得到。本书适合各层次Web应用开发人员和网页设计人员阅读。
“Stanley: 实在没什么内容,基本上只要看个基本概念,接下来可以扔了
刘罗锅: 只能算是入门,实践应用还差点。
ilangge: good
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