烧瓶培养FLASK CULTURE厂牌首发派对 2020/05/29 Elevator Shanghai

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烧瓶培养FLASK CULTURE厂牌首发派对 2020/05/29 Elevator Shanghai

Poster Design by TIMALAO&NØTH
Music by Ankar Arken


Ankar Arken

烧瓶培养FLASK CULTURE厂牌首发派对 2020/05/29 Elevator Shanghai

Batur Oldi-Ankar Arken.mp3 From 烧瓶培养FlaskCulture 04:56

我们的坏朋友Ankar,作为DJ和声音艺术家活跃在上海的地下音乐场景,通过live set的方式把他独特的美学精神传送到舞池。


Our ultimate BAD friend Ankar as a sound artist and DJ contribute his musical aesthetics through live music acts to Shanghai local music scenes.

Adding a pinch of gobi flavored notes into the grooves. Or the smog from Elephant and Castle London borough of Southwark streaming into your ears. From perceptions to pleasures. There’s a door opened on your cerebral cortex. Dreaming in and out of the loops. Wake up at Tengri Tagh.


烧瓶培养FLASK CULTURE厂牌首发派对 2020/05/29 Elevator Shanghai

Codex Empire - Hessdalen.mp3 From 烧瓶培养FlaskCulture 06:24


Like an unknown substance floating in time and space, he can also be understood as a psychedelic water bear. The music he plays is also disillusioned and nihilistic, irregularly injected with irregular subconsciousness in seemingly regular industrial beats. He has his own set of dark philosophy, organically arranging and combining in the form of sound waves through quantum mechanics and mystics, establishing a neural network. He tries to build a channel with time and space, creates a mirror with the soul, and generates a resonance with us.


烧瓶培养FLASK CULTURE厂牌首发派对 2020/05/29 Elevator Shanghai

Dino Maggiorana - Undergrou From 烧瓶培养FlaskCulture 06:01



TIMALAO is a flying dragon special police from 2077 back to 2020. The aim is to kill the future super evil villain in their infancy. In exchange for the future peace of mankind. With the responsibility of saving all mankind with techno music. He usually acts as a 3D animator of XFF to hide his identity as a future policeman. Occasionally collecting evidence of abominable evil villains as VJ and DJ. When people dance to the TIMALAO's techno music. HE can complete the mission of the future police to save the earth.


烧瓶培养FLASK CULTURE厂牌首发派对 2020/05/29 Elevator Shanghai
VEENAGEENA在2016年正式开始了她的DJ生涯。在南京、西北、上海大大小小的活动中都出现过她的身影。她总是活跃于各类艺术潮流活动,与多位艺术家与厂牌同台献艺。在锐舞俱乐部中每次的DJ set现场以恰到好处的风格转换及混音技巧,极强的律动感和暗黑音符,让你不自主的进入她变幻莫测的氛围中。

VEENAGEENA begin her DJ career from 2016. In Nanjing northwest china and Shanghai she is always active in all kinds of art trends and events. Performing with many artists and brands. Her sets in local rave scenes represents her unique mixing skill and niche taste. A strong sense of rhythm and dark notes. Let you involuntarily into her unpredictable atmosphere. 



烧瓶培养FLASK CULTURE厂牌首发派对 2020/05/29 Elevator Shanghai

XUAN DI夹杂着商业和非商业VJ的视觉基因,常年扎在上海,涉及影像、装置和行为艺术。演出场所飘忽不定,视觉风格难以捉摸,但是炫就完了。

XUAN DI Base in Shanghai. She is mixed with the visual genes of commercial and indie VJ. Her works involve visual installation and performance art. The performance venue is erratic and the visual style is elusive but very dazzling.

-日期 Date-

05.29 周五  29th May Friday



南丹东路265号地下一层 近漕溪路B1/F  265 Nandan Dong Lu near Caoxi Lu


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