



主语+比较级+than any other
什么时候用much than,什么时候用more than?

1. a little, a few, little, few
a little ;little 修饰不可数名词
a few ;few 修饰可数名词
eg:There is a little water in the bottle. 瓶子里还有一点水。
There is little water in the bottle. 瓶子里几乎没有水。
A few people know it. 只有几个人知道这一点。
Few people know it. 几乎没有人知道这一点。
2. much, many “许多”
区别:many:修饰可数名词 much: 修饰不可数名词
eg: Many hands make light work. 人多好办事
There is still much work to be done. 还有很多工作要做
【另】plenty of(大量的)可以修饰可数和不可数名词;
同样的功能的词还有some,any,a lot of,lots of
eg: There is plenty of time. 时间还很充裕
There are plenty of eggs in the basket. 篮里鸡蛋多的很
3. some any 一些
some 表示肯定含义,主要用于肯定句中
eg: There are some birds in the tree. 书上有些鸟。
any 表示否定含义,主要用于否定或疑问句中
eg: Do you have any question? 你有问题吗?
eg: Would you like some coffee?
4. other, others, another, the other
(1) other “另外的,其他的” 作定语修饰单数可数名词和不可数名词
eg: Where\'s my other glove? 我的另外一只手套在哪儿?
Please look at the other side. 请看反面
【注】在the other后面不接其他名词的情况下,表示两者中的另外一个。eg: He has two sons. One is a doctor, the other is a teacher. 他有两个儿子,一个是医生另外一个是教师。
eg: Don\'t worry about others. 不必担心其他人。
Many students are playing on the playground. Some are playing football; others are playing basketball.很多学生在操场上玩,其中有些在踢足球,另有一些人在打篮球。
5. more much many
eg: What more do you want? 你还想要点什么呢?
Would you like to have some more tea? 您要不要再喝点茶?
参考技术A 1. a little, a few, little, few
a little ;little 修饰不可数名词
a few ;few 修饰可数名词
eg:There is a little water in the bottle. 瓶子里还有一点水。
There is little water in the bottle. 瓶子里几乎没有水。
A few people know it. 只有几个人知道这一点。
Few people know it. 几乎没有人知道这一点。
2. much, many “许多”
区别:many:修饰可数名词 much: 修饰不可数名词
eg: Many hands make light work. 人多好办事
There is still much work to be done. 还有很多工作要做
【另】plenty of(大量的)可以修饰可数和不可数名词;
同样的功能的词还有some,any,a lot of,lots of
eg: There is plenty of time. 时间还很充裕
There are plenty of eggs in the basket. 篮里鸡蛋多的很
3. some any 一些
some 表示肯定含义,主要用于肯定句中
eg: There are some birds in the tree. 书上有些鸟。
any 表示否定含义,主要用于否定或疑问句中
eg: Do you have any question? 你有问题吗?
eg: Would you like some coffee?
4. other, others, another, the other
(1) other “另外的,其他的” 作定语修饰单数可数名词和不可数名词
eg: Where's my other glove? 我的另外一只手套在哪儿?
Please look at the other side. 请看反面
【注】在the other后面不接其他名词的情况下,表示两者中的另外一个。eg: He has two sons. One is a doctor, the other is a teacher. 他有两个儿子,一个是医生另外一个是教师。
eg: Don't worry about others. 不必担心其他人。
Many students are playing on the playground. Some are playing football; others are playing basketball.很多学生在操场上玩,其中有些在踢足球,另有一些人在打篮球。
5. more much many
eg: What more do you want? 你还想要点什么呢?
Would you like to have some more tea? 您要不要再喝点茶?

red的比较级和最高级 :redder,reddest
bluer的原级和最高级 :blue,bluest
youngest的原级和比较级 :young,younger
old的比较级和最高级 :older,oldest
better的原级和最高级 :good,best
worst的原级和比较级 :bad,worse
less的原级和最高级 :little,least
well的比较级和最高级 :better,best
badly的比较级和最高级:more badly,most badly
most的原级和比较级 :many,more
much的比较级和最高级 :more,most
heavier的原级和最高级 :heavy,heaviest
farthest的原级和比较级 :far,farther or further
early的比较级和最高级 :earlier,earliest
sooner的原级和最高级 :soon,soonest
happiest的原级和比较级 :happy,happier
beautiful的比较级和最高级:more beautiful,the most beautiful
原级pretty比较级 prettier最高级prettiest
原级safe 比较级safer 最高级safest
原级excited 比较级more excited最高级most excited
原级widely比较级more widely最高级 most widely
原级strange比较级stranger最高级strangest or more strange, most strange
原级terrible比较级more terrible最高级 most terrible
原级exciting比较级more exciting最高级most exciting
参考技术B 用个例子说明:
he is much more stronger than his elder brother.
much 强调语气的,可以修饰more
he has more apples than his little brother.
参考技术C 如果很**
那就用mush than

启动Tomcat的时候 报错 跪求答案啊 急 在线等

log4j:WARN No such property [conversionPattern] in org.apache.log4j.HTMLLayout.
log4j:WARN No such property [maxBackupIndex] in org.apache.log4j.DailyRollingFileAppender.
log4j:WARN No such property [maxFileSize] in org.apache.log4j.DailyRollingFileAppender.
2012-07-16 15:36:53,781 [ WARN] Environment.verifyProperties(503)
Property [hibernate.cglib.use_reflection_optimizer] has been renamed to [hibernate.bytecode.use_reflection_optimizer]; update your properties appropriately

1 log4j,猜测你把日志打印到了console,而console是不支持上边三个玩意的。

2 hibernate.cglib.use_reflection_optimizer 已经改名为hibernate.bytecode.use_reflection_optimizer,请更新你的配置文件。
参考技术A log4j 日志文件错误 参考技术B 没有这样的实现类 参考技术C 百度自有答案







急! iis6.0发布网站后无法加载dll(dll只有一个)急,在线等。。。。