天宫Mesos Event及Protobuf编程

Posted 沃享荟


篇首语:本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了天宫Mesos Event及Protobuf编程相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

各类系统都离不开数据的存储和交互,在消息队列被广泛使用、微服务流行的互联网架构体系下,相信大家对事件、数据格式等话题非常感兴趣。Mesos作为天宫资源管理的核心,本文以天宫中Mesos的Event为例,通过Golang、Java、Python3三种流行编程语言,介绍Event数据处理和著名的Google Protocol Buffer(简称 Protobuf)数据存储格式的工具使用和代码编程。Protobuf的完整介绍推荐IBM文章:Google Protocol Buffer的使用和原理和Github上:Protobuf项目

1 简介

(A)天宫架构中的Mesos是基于开源的Apache Mesos(简称 Mesos),这是 Apache 基金会下顶级开源项目,由C++编写的数据中心资源管理系统。以wDRF算法、两级资源调度为核心对数据中心的节点进行资源管理,以达到最合理的资源利用和分布式应用系统的编程模型简化。

Mesos 除提供SDK,也提供了HTTP Endpoints(即HTTP接口),包括Mesos集群事件(即Event),见https://mesos.apache.org/documentation/latest/endpoints/

关于Mesos详细理论介绍,参见Mesos论文,学习书籍推荐:Mesos In Action,中文译名:Mesos实战。

(B) Google Protocol Buffer 是 因其跨语言、可扩展性、快速序列化/反序列化、数据大小等各方面的综合优势被大量使用。相对来说,与使用最广泛、用户更熟知的JSON、XML等数据格式相比,几乎无数据可读性。但数据可读性本身并非其目的,Protobuf主要为系统交互而设计,比如gRPC则默认采用Protobuf格式。Protobuf性能测试数据原文在Google Code网站上,该文进行了转载:https://blog.csdn.net/luyafei_89430/article/details/10739381, 可以看到Protobuf非常优异的性能表现。

2 Mesos Event

Mesos 在V1版的API 中,通过Subscribe HTTP Endpoint和RecordIO来提供流式的Event事件推送,在传输技术上基于HTTP 长连接(与之相关的技术选型有AJAX 轮询、WebSocket、HTTP/2等)。

Subscribe请求订阅了Mesos集群的事件,在Mesos集群发生变化,如应用启停等都会以动态消息的形式有Mesos Master发送给所有订阅者。而对于订阅者在订阅动作之前,当前的集群情况则会在订阅时全量发送给订阅者,这样客户端即可在一个全量的基础上,通过动态更新来保持集群状况的动态同步。这种方式在增量系统上非常常见。

在本节中介绍基本的Event HTTP传输协议上的定义,Event中Record数据格式

2.1 Event 数据格式

Mesos Event数据格式上同时支持Protobuf和JSON两大主流数据格式。使用非常简单,在发起HTTP请求时设置HTTP的Header: Content-Type: application/x-protobuf,Accept: application/x-protobuf或 Content-Type: application/json,Accept: application/json。 Mesos官网要求同时配置 Message-Accept: application/recordio。

2.2 Event RecordIO

在一个HTTP长连接消息事件订阅中,服务器端会持续推送集群事件,事件数据以Records形式组织,每个Record由record-size LF record-data 三部分组成(即record大小、LF换行符、record数据),其中record大小以十进制数字字面量展示,如一个心跳的record内容为:20\n{"type":"HEARTBEAT"}


  1. 第一部分:变长字节的字节数组,表示一个十进制数,如20。Mesos官方建议其数据类型表示为uint64,意味着record大小这个部分占用字节数最长为20个字节,最大数为(2**64=18446744073709551616)表示此Record数据部分(Record的第三部分)长度为16EiB(32224 PiB),实际上单个事件一般不会超过100MiB(而且用protobuf数据长度会更小),即用普通int/uint类型即可(除c/c++语言中,用long类型来确定最少是4字节);我们可以称为一个Record的head部分

  2. 第二部分:1个字节的换行符\n,ASCII码0x0a

  3. 第三部分:变长字节的字节数组,其长度由第一部分指定;我们可以称为一个Record的body部分。

附 BNF 语法描述:

    records         = *record

record = record-size LF record-data

record-size = 1*DIGIT
record-data = record-size(OCTET)

2.3 Request-Response 格式

由于JSON格式文本可读(Protobuf为二进制无法直接展示),此处以JSON为例,展示Event Client 请求格式和 Mesos 返回内容:

POST /api/v1 HTTP/1.1
Host: mesosmasterhost:5050Content-Type: application/jsonMessage-Accept: application/jsonAccept: application/json
{ "type": "SUBSCRIBE"}
SUBSCRIBE Response Event (JSON):HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/jsonTransfer-Encoding: chunked
<event-length>{ "type": "SUBSCRIBED", "subscribed" : {...}}20\n{ "type":"HEARTBEAT"}<more events>

3 Protocol Buffer

使用Protocol Buffer和使用JSON最大的区别,JSON为文本协议(类似JSON的二进制协议为BSON,MongoDB原生支持该格式)且不需要Schema描述数据格式,而Protobuf为二进制协议,所有消息需要有Schema描述才能进行编解码。

附:不需要Schema描述的协议通常又称为自解释协议或格式,如MessagePack等 ♡这个是我比较喜欢的格式,跨语言传输性能很好♡;采用Schema使用的著名格式有Facebook Thrift*, Apache Avro等;为了更安全的进行JSON数据的校验,JSON也Schema工具加持:JSON Schema


syntax = "proto2";

message Person {
required string name = 1;
required int32 id=2;
optional string email=3;


通常Protobuf Schema保存在一到多个proto文件中,有了Schema文件,我们就可以通过protoc工具/命令,生成特定编程语言下的代码,进行数据的操作,如序列化和反序列化。

protoc可执行文件可在github上下载:https://github.com/protocolbuffers/protobuf/releases, 比如protoc-3.7.1-linux-x86_64.zip 或 protoc-3.7.1-win64.zip 下载后linux系统执行 chmod a+x protoc,为便于以后执行将protoc移动到/usr/local/bin目录下。新版本的protoc命令同时支持兼容编译proto2和proto3的Schema文件。

例如:protoc --python_out=. person.proto, 执行完成后即会在当前目录下生成 person_pb2.py文件。

如果运行报错为protoc: error while loading shared libraries: libatomic.so.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory, 请安装libatomic,如yum -y install libatomic

在Google Developer网站上https://developers.google.com/protocol-buffers/docs/tutorials有以下语言的教程:C++、C#、Dart、Go、Java、Python  其他语言一般在相应的Package或Library的介绍中有提供。

4 Mesos Event 实战

现在我们基本了解了Mesos Event交互API和数据传输格式,Protoc的使用,终于可以Coding啦,在Coding之前,我们还有一点点小小的环境准备工作,也就是我们需要Mesos的Event Protobuf Schema对不对,还需要一个自己喜欢的编程语言环境,另外还有IDE什么的在本文不描述。

Mesos Event Schema文件在Mesos工程下的include/mesos/v1/master/master.proto,该文件引用了另外3个文件include/mesos/v1/mesos.proto, include/mesos/v1/maintenance/maintenance.proto, include/mesos/v1/quota/quota.proto

master.proto文件中Event Request 的 Message名称为 Call、返回的Event Response的Message名称为Event。对于Subscribe Call,目前Mesos返回的Event类型除心跳外,仅有Subscribed、TaskAdd和TaskUpdated三种类型。

4.1 准备

  • 首先我们需要准备linux(Protobuf支持Windows和macOS,为了方便以Centos Linux为例)

  • 准备一份mesos 相关proto文件

  • 准备protobuf的命令工具protoc

  • 如果使用Golang还需要额外工具, 参见下文

  • 所用语言的编译运行环境, 如:JDK、Python3、Node.js等、



mkdir ~/mesoseventprotobufcd ~/mesoseventprotobuf# download protoccurl -O protoc-3.7.1-linux-x86_64.ziptest ! -e /usr/local/bin/protoc && mv bin/protoc /usr/local/bintest ! -e /usr/local/include/google && mv include/google /usr/local/includermdir -rf ~/mesoseventprotobuf/*# download mesos event proto filescurl -O zxvf mesos-event-protos.tgz

4.2 Setting & Coding

4.2.1 Golang

首先准备Golang的环境,Golang2 还在研发过程中,我们此处我们使用Golang 1.12.3。另外由于protoc工具原生不支持go代码的生成,我们还需要额外安装protoc-gen-go, 整个安装如下:

# 如果go已安装,可以跳过go的安装,注意GOROOT设置curl -O https://dl.google.com/go/go1.12.3.linux-amd64.tar.gztar zxf go1.12.3.linux-amd64.tar.gzmv go /usr/local/go-1.12.3ln -s /usr/local/go-1.12.3 /usr/local/goexport GOROOT=/usr/local/goexport PATH=$PATH:$GOROOT/bin# 安装 protoc-gen-gomkdir -p ~/mesoseventprotobuf/go/srccd ~/mesoseventprotobufexport GOPATH=$HOME/mesoseventprotobuf/gogo get -u github.com/golang/protobuf/protoc-gen-gocp protoc-gen-go /usr/local/bin# 根据proto文件生成Event消息的Golang代码find include -type f -name "*.proto" | xargs -n1 protoc -Iinclude --go_out=./go/srccd ~/mesoseventprotobuf/go/src


package mainimport ( "bufio" "bytes" "fmt" "github.com/golang/protobuf/proto" mesos "mesos/v1/master" "net/http" "os" "strconv" "strings" "time")func main() { mesosUrl := ""
if len(os.Args) > 1 && len(strings.TrimSpace(os.Args[1])) > 0 { mesosUrl = strings.TrimSpace(os.Args[1]) }
subscribedCall := &mesos.Call{Type: mesos.Call_SUBSCRIBE.Enum()}
requestPayload, _ := proto.Marshal(subscribedCall)
fmt.Printf("%s we subscribe the mesos: %s\n", time.Now().Format("2006-01-02 15:04:05"), mesosUrl)
req, _ := http.NewRequest("POST", mesosUrl, bytes.NewReader(requestPayload))
req.Header.Set("Content-Type", "application/x-protobuf") req.Header.Set("Accept", "application/x-protobuf") req.Header.Set("Message-Accept", "application/recordio")
res, _ := http.DefaultClient.Do(req) defer func() { if res != nil { res.Body.Close() } }()
buf := bufio.NewReaderSize(res.Body, 104857600) // 100MiB Just a Example
recordQueue := make(chan []byte, 10) go recordProcess(recordQueue) for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
record, err := readRecord(buf) if err != nil { fmt.Println("read record failed: ", err) break }
fmt.Printf("\n%s get the %d record, length: %d\n", time.Now().Format("2006-01-02 15:04:05"), i, len(record)) recordQueue <- record
time.Sleep(100 * time.Millisecond) // sleep 0.1s } close(recordQueue)
}// goroutine process each recordfunc recordProcess(ch chan []byte) { for { record, ok := <-ch if !ok { break } handleEventRecord(record) }}func handleEventRecord(data []byte) { // parse record binary data to event object event := &mesos.Event{} err := proto.Unmarshal(data, event) if err != nil { fmt.Println("Parse protobuf data Failed: ", err) return } // do something for this event et := event.GetType().String()
fmt.Println("This is a " + et + " Event") switch event.GetType() { case mesos.Event_SUBSCRIBED: showSubscribedEvent(event) break case mesos.Event_TASK_ADDED: showTaskAddedEvent(event) break case mesos.Event_TASK_UPDATED: showTaskUpdatedEvent(event) break }
}func showSubscribedEvent(e *mesos.Event) { s := e.GetSubscribed().GetGetState() fmt.Printf("The cluster has %v agents, %v frameworks, %v tasks\n", len(s.GetGetAgents().GetAgents()), len(s.GetGetFrameworks().GetFrameworks()), len(s.GetGetTasks().GetTasks()))}func showTaskAddedEvent(e *mesos.Event) { task := e.GetTaskAdded().GetTask() fmt.Printf("A new task %v was %v \n", *(task.TaskId.Value), task.State)}func showTaskUpdatedEvent(e *mesos.Event) { update := e.GetTaskUpdated() fmt.Printf("The task %v was %v \n", *(update.GetStatus().TaskId.Value), update.GetState())}func readRecord(buf *bufio.Reader) ([]byte, error) { // first we read the first part of the record, it ends with a LF head, err := buf.ReadBytes('\n') if err != nil { return nil, err }
length, err := strconv.Atoi(strings.TrimSpace(string(head))) if err != nil { return nil, err } // then we read the third part of the record, it has a mixed size data, err := buf.Peek(length) if err == nil { buf.Discard(length) } return data, err}

然后执行: go run eventdemo.go [mesosurl]

4.2.2 Java

首先准备Java的环境,需要Java JDK,为了减少Maven使用,直接下载jar,不用Maven工程。另外,此处采用Java 11 提供的HttpClient,而非Java8中常用的Apache HttpClient包。安装如下

# 安装Java11yum -y install java-11-openjdk java-11-openjdk-develmkdir -p ~/mesoseventprotobuf/java/bincd ~/mesoseventprotobufcurl -O http://central.maven.org/maven2/com/google/protobuf/protobuf-java/3.7.1/protobuf-java-3.7.1.jar# 根据Proto文件生成Event消息Java代码find include -type f -name "*.proto" | xargs protoc -Iinclude --java_out=./java


package eventdemo;import java.io.IOException;import java.io.InputStream;import java.net.URI;import java.net.http.HttpClient;import java.net.http.HttpRequest;import java.net.http.HttpRequest.BodyPublishers;import java.net.http.HttpResponse;import java.net.http.HttpResponse.BodyHandlers;import java.nio.ByteBuffer;import java.time.Duration;import java.time.LocalDateTime;import java.util.function.Consumer;import org.apache.mesos.v1.master.Protos;import org.apache.mesos.v1.master.Protos.Event;import org.apache.mesos.v1.master.Protos.Response.GetState;/** * MESOS Event Demo With PROTOBUF, New HttpClient API In Java11 *  * @author xiaowei * */public class EventDemo { private String mesosUrl; public EventDemo(String mesosUrl) { this.mesosUrl = mesosUrl; } public void callMesos() {
Protos.Call subscribedCall = Protos.Call.newBuilder() .setType(Protos.Call.Type.SUBSCRIBE).build(); byte[] payload = subscribedCall.toByteArray();
HttpClient client = HttpClient.newHttpClient();
HttpRequest request = HttpRequest.newBuilder().uri(URI.create(mesosUrl)) .timeout(Duration.ofMinutes(2)) .header("Content-Type", "application/x-protobuf") .header("Accept", "application/x-protobuf") .header("Message-Accept", "application/recordio") .POST(BodyPublishers.ofByteArray(payload)).build(); final EventDemo ed = this;
client.sendAsync(request, BodyHandlers.ofInputStream()) .thenApply(HttpResponse::body) .thenAccept(new Consumer<InputStream>() { @Override public void accept(InputStream in) {
ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(104857600); // 100MiB
try { for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { buffer.clear(); ed.readRecord(in, buffer); System.out.printf( "\n%s we get the %d record, length of: %s\n", LocalDateTime.now(), i, buffer.limit()); Event ev = ed.parseRecord(buffer); if (ev != null) { ed.handleEvent(ev); } try { Thread.sleep(100); } catch (InterruptedException e) { }
} catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); }
} protected void handleEvent(Event e) { showEvent(e); } public void showEvent(Event e) { System.out.println("This is a " + e.getType() + " Event"); switch (e.getType().getNumber()) { case Event.Type.SUBSCRIBED_VALUE: showSubscribedEvent(e); break; case Event.Type.TASK_ADDED_VALUE: showTaskAddedEvent(e); break; case Event.Type.TASK_UPDATED_VALUE: showTaskUpdatedEvent(e); break; }
} public void showSubscribedEvent(Event e) { String showtpl = "The cluster has %s agents, %d frameworks, %s tasks\n"; GetState state = e.getSubscribed().getGetState(); System.out.printf(showtpl, state.getGetAgents().getAgentsCount(), state.getGetFrameworks().getFrameworksCount(), state.getGetTasks().getTasksCount());
} public void showTaskAddedEvent(Event e) { System.out.printf("A new task %s was %s\n", e.getTaskAdded().getTask().getTaskId().getValue(), e.getTaskAdded().getTask().getState()); } public void showTaskUpdatedEvent(Event e) { System.out.printf("The task %s was %s\n", e.getTaskUpdated().getStatus().getTaskId().getValue(), e.getTaskUpdated().getState()); } protected Event parseRecord(ByteBuffer buffer) throws IOException { return Event.parseFrom(buffer); } protected ByteBuffer readRecord(InputStream in, ByteBuffer buffer) throws IOException { // first read head of the record for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) { int b = in.read(); if (b != '\n') { buffer.put((byte) b); } else { break; } } if (buffer.position() == 20) { throw new IOException("can not find record second part, the `LF` Character: " + new String(buffer.array(), 0, buffer.position())); } // then read the third of the record int recordBodySize = Integer .parseInt(new String(buffer.array(), 0, buffer.position())); if (recordBodySize <= 0 || recordBodySize > buffer.capacity()) { throw new IOException( "record data, length error: " + recordBodySize); } buffer.clear(); int read = in.readNBytes(buffer.array(), 0, recordBodySize); if (read != recordBodySize) { throw new IOException("record data not enough, need " + recordBodySize + ", only have: " + read); } buffer.position(0); buffer.limit(recordBodySize); return buffer; } public static void main(String[] args) {
String url = ""; if (args.length > 1) { url = args[1]; }
System.out.printf("%s we subscribe the mesos: %s\n", LocalDateTime.now(), url); EventDemo me = new EventDemo(url);


# compile find org -type f -name "*.java" -exec javac -cp .:protobuf-java-3.7.1.jar -d `pwd`/bin {} \;javac -cp .:protobuf-java-3.7.1.jar:bin -d bin EventDemo.java# runjava -cp bin:protobuf-java-3.7.1.jar EventDemo [mesosurl]

4.2.3 Python3


yum -y insall python36 python36-pippip3 install protobuf requestsmkdir ~/mesoseventprotobuf/pythoncd ~/mesoseventprotobuf
# 根据Proto文件生成Event消息Python代码find include -type f -name "*.proto" | xargs protoc -Iinclude --python_out=./pythoncd python


#!/usr/bin/python3#author: xiaoweiimport timefrom datetime import datetimeimport requestsfrom mesos.v1.master import master_pb2from mesos.v1 import mesos_pb2
HEADERS = { 'Content-Type': "application/x-protobuf", 'Accept': "application/x-protobuf", 'Message-Accept': "application/recordio", 'cache-control': "no-cache",}class MesosEvent(object):
def __init__(self, mesosurl): self.url = mesosurl def call_mesos(self): print('%s we subscribe the mesos: %s' % (datetime.now().isoformat(' '), self.url)) subscribed = master_pb2.Call() subscribed.type = master_pb2.Call.SUBSCRIBE
payload = subscribed.SerializeToString()
self.res = requests.request( "POST", self.url, data=payload, headers=HEADERS, stream=True, timeout=(3, 120), ) try: self._api_handle() finally: if self.res is not None: self.res.close() def _api_handle(self): for i in range(10): # 此处我们只读取10个Record, 然后结束 record = self._read_record() if record is not None: print('\n%s get the %d record, length: %s' % (datetime.now().isoformat(' '), i, len(record))) event = self._parse_record(record) if event is not None: self._handle_event(event) def _handle_event(self, e): self.show_event(e) def _parse_record(self, r): e = master_pb2.Event() try: e.ParseFromString(r) except: print(r) raise
return e def _read_record(self): r = self.res.raw # now read record first part, we call it head of record
head = bytearray() pos = -1 while len(head) < 21: # a HEARTBEAT record total size is 4 bytes: 1 byte of the 1st part, 1 byte of LF, 2 bytes of the 3rd part # so we only read 4 bytes each time, otherwise we will maybe read more than two records data = r.read(4) if not data: # no data, maybe we need wait time.sleep(0.1) continue head.extend(data) pos = head.find(b'\n') if pos > 0: break
if pos > 0: record_body_len = int(head[:pos]) else: raise IOError( 'can not find record second part, the `LF` Character: ' + str(head)) # now read record third part, we call it body of record
if record_body_len <= 0 or record_body_len > 1073741824: # we assume record body less than 1GiB raise ValueError('record data, length error: ' + str(head)) if pos < len(head) - 1: body_remain_read = record_body_len - len(head) + pos + 1 else: body_remain_read = record_body_len
body = r.read(body_remain_read) if body_remain_read < record_body_len: body = head[pos+1:] + body return body def show_event(self, e):
et = master_pb2.Event.Type.Name(e.type) print("This is a %s event" % (et, )) if hasattr(self, '_show_event_' + et.lower()): getattr(self, '_show_event_' + et.lower())(e) def _show_event_subscribed(self, e): showtpl = '''The cluster has %s agents, %d frameworks, %s tasks\n''' s = e.subscribed.get_state print(showtpl % (len(s.get_agents.agents), len( s.get_frameworks.frameworks), len(s.get_tasks.tasks))) def _show_event_task_added(self, e): a = e.task_added print('A new task %s was %s ' % (a.task.task_id.value, mesos_pb2.TaskState.Name(a.task.state))) def _show_event_task_updated(self, e): u = e.task_updated print('The task %s was %s ' % (u.status.task_id.value, mesos_pb2.TaskState.Name(u.state)))if __name__ == '__main__': if len(sys.argv) > 1 and len(sys.argv[1].strip()) > 0: mesosurl = sys.argv[1].strip() else: mesosurl = "" MesosEvent(mesosurl).call_mesos()

然后执行: python3 eventdemo.py [mesosurl]

5 后记

至此,我们对Mesos Event和Google Protobuf的基本使用有了认识和了解,但距离生产还有较大的距离。比如对于Event长链接的正确处理,像异常断开重连、数据异常检测、等待超时、数据的流式处理、链接断开导致缓存溢出等在生产系统中都需要考虑;比如上面的例子中都没有对HTTP Status Code做检测、对Exception的控制需要更精确等等。以此为基础再接再厉。


Apache Mesos 


python requests
python urllib3
国内Protobuf性能转载 luyafei CSDN Blog

注:Facebook Thrift,已捐献给Apache,是Apache顶级项目。

本文为©xiaowei原创,基于CC BY-NC-SA 4.0协议公开许可, 2019-05-08

以上是关于天宫Mesos Event及Protobuf编程的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章

Mesos Implicit Roles介绍及实践



Java Swing界面编程(25)---事件处理:鼠标事件及监听处理

