



Do personnel records exist at the factory?
Do all employees have personnel records?
Do the personnel files contain age verification and employment date?
Do all employees currently meet the minimum legal working age?
How many personnel files were reviewed for underage labor?
How many employees were found to be underage?
Is there any indication that any worker has suffered disadvantages based on gender, color, nationality, creed, religion, political opinion, or social origin?
How many employees did this happen to?
In which area of the factory did this happen?
Is there evidence of sexual harassment and/or indecent behavior by employers/managers?
How many employees did this happen to?
In which area of the factory did this happen?
Is there any evidence of men and women doing work of equal value but not receiving the same pay?
How many employees did this happen to?
In which area of the factory did this happen?
Are employees paid in a timely manner in accordance with local law?
When were the employees last paid?
Do employees understand pay structure and/or deductions from their pay?
Can you confirm that there is only one set of payroll and/or production records?
Did the factory act in an ethical manner and not offer you gifts, incentives, bribes?
If no, what is the name of the person that offered you a gift, incentives, bribes?
What is the title of the person that offered you a gift, incentives, bribes?
What did they offer you?
Based on the factory tour and available records reviewed, is the proper country of origin declared on the product?

Do personnel records exist at the factory?
Do all employees have personnel records?
Do the personnel files contain age verification and employment date?
Do all employees currently meet the minimum legal working age?
How many personnel files were reviewed for underage labor?
How many employees were found to be underage?
Is there any indication that any worker has suffered disadvantages based on gender, color, nationality, creed, religion, political opinion, or social origin?
How many employees did this happen to?
In which area of the factory did this happen?
Is there evidence of sexual harassment and/or indecent behavior by employers/managers?
How many employees did this happen to?
In which area of the factory did this happen?
Is there any evidence of men and women doing work of equal value but not receiving the same pay?
How many employees did this happen to?
In which area of the factory did this happen?
Are employees paid in a timely manner in accordance with local law?
When were the employees last paid?
Do employees understand pay structure and/or deductions from their pay?
Can you confirm that there is only one set of payroll and/or production records?
Did the factory act in an ethical manner and not offer you gifts, incentives, bribes?
If no, what is the name of the person that offered you a gift, incentives, bribes?
What is the title of the person that offered you a gift, incentives, bribes?
What did they offer you?
Based on the factory tour and available records reviewed,
is the proper country of origin declared on the product?
参考技术A 你好,翻译如下:
Do personnel records exist at the factory?
Do all employees have personnel records?
Do the personnel files contain age verification and employment date?
Do all employees currently meet the minimum legal working age?
How many personnel files were reviewed for underage labor?
How many employees were found to be underage?
Is there any indication that any worker has suffered disadvantages based on gender, color,nationality, creed, religion, political opinion, or social origin?
How many employees did this happen to?
In which area of the factory did this happen?
Is there evidence of sexual harassment and/or indecent behavior by employers/managers?
How many employees did this happen to?
In which area of the factory did this happen?
Is there any evidence of men and women doing work of equal value but not receiving the same pay?
How many employees did this happen to?
In which area of the factory did this happen?
Are employees paid in a timely manner in accordance with local law?
When were the employees last paid?
Do employees understand pay structure and/or deductions from their pay?
Can you confirm that there is only one set of payroll and/or production records?
Did the factory act in an ethical manner and not offer you gifts, incentives, bribes?
If no, what is the name of the person that offered you a gift, incentives, bribes?
What is the title of the person that offered you a gift, incentives, bribes?
What did they offer you?
Based on the factory tour and available records reviewed, is the proper country of origin declared on the product?
参考技术B 是否每一个工厂都建立了人事档案?

是否有员工因为性别, 种族, 国家, 信仰,宗教, 政治观治,家庭而遭受到了不公平待遇?这种不公平待遇发生在了多少员工身上?在哪个区域的工厂发生了这种不公平待遇现象?

你可以保证只有一套工资标准或生产记录吗?是否工厂的得为符合道德规范, 是否该工厂有贿赂, 赠送礼物, 奖励.
假如工厂有上述现象, 哪么提供给你贿赂,礼物,奖励的姓名是什么?他们提供给你什么?
基于参观工厂的感受和可得到的工厂记录, 判断该工厂是否是合适的商品上宣称的产品的原产国.

这应该是判断供应商, 或选择供应商方法方面的文章

求翻译成英文 谢谢


翻译成英文 谢绝机翻 求准确

Dong Jin is a Chinese national intangible cultural heritage , the famous Chinese brocade . Dong Jin has 2000 years of history, is the daughter of Dong and close relatives through generations handmade fabric , has become a showcase Chinese " women weave " living fossil . Dong Jin is the Dong handmade fabric. Dong Jin to go through a woven cotton ginning , spinning, ranked yarn, combed yarn over 10 channel complex process procedures. Dong Jin design and change the pattern depends on the brain and memory were patterned brocade , pattern , mostly geometric , prismatic , square, circle, triangle , etc., to birds, animals , insects , fish , flowers , people, as the main floor , structural precision rigorous , exquisite and elegant , its contents reflect the natural genesis of ancient myths and legends, myths totem , mountain scenes of everyday life , and the Dong people yearning for a better life and so on . To the rescue, protection, inheritance and development of China's outstanding cultural heritage , in recent years , Hunan channel Dong Dong Autonomous Yeah yeah Hello Nishikori Arts Development Co. developed the textile , clothing, travel , gifts and shawls , scarves, table runners , pillow , etc. a range of products , to create " Hello Yeah yeah Dong Jin " brand has become a famous brand in Hunan , the company has also been awarded the production base of national intangible cultural heritage protection production demonstration bases Ministry of Culture . Dong Jin- products due to the distinctive , unassuming beauty of handmade creation , features a strong , unique, has a rich cultural connotations , by domestic and foreign consumers. 参考技术A Dong Jin is China state-level intangible cultural heritage, China famous brocade. Dong Jin has 2000 years of history, is the mother and relatives through generations of pure handmade fabric, has now become the "living fossils show Chinese woman weaving". Dong Jin Dong pure hand woven fabrics. Woven Dong Jin after ginning, spinning, yarn, carded yarn, 10 channel complex process. Design and change of Dong Jin pattern depends on the brocade brain memory mapping, multiple patterns for geometric shape, prismatic, four square, round, triangle, with birds, beasts, insects, fish, flowers, people, buildings and so on as the main body, the precise structure rigorous, exquisite designs elegant, ancient myth and legend, totem myth story mountain scenes of daily life, its contents reflect the natural characteristics, as well as the Dong People's yearning for a better life. In order to rescue, protection, inheritance and development of Chinese outstanding cultural heritage, in recent years, Hunan Province, Tongdao Dong Autonomous County. The Lord ah Dong Jin weaving Development Co. Ltd developed textile, clothing, tourism, gifts and shawl, scarf, tablecloth, pillows and a series of products, to create "ah." Dong Jin "brand, has become the famous brand of Hunan Province, the company production base has also been awarded the national intangible cultural heritage protection production demonstration base of the Ministry of culture. Dong Jin products due to have great originality, publicity manual beauty of creation, features strong, the one and only, has the rich cultural connotation, deeply domestic and foreign consumers favor.要给好评哦!亲!希望对你有帮助!我是费了好大劲才翻译出来的!一定要采纳呀! 参考技术B Dong Jin is China state-level intangible cultural heritage, China famous brocade. Dong Jin has 2000 years of history, is the mother and relatives through generations of pure handmade fabric, has now become the "living fossils show Chinese woman weaving". Dong Jin Dong pure hand woven fabrics. Woven Dong Jin after ginning, spinning, yarn, carded yarn, 10 channel complex process. Design and change of Dong Jin pattern depends on the brocade brain memory mapping, multiple patterns for geometric shape, prismatic, four square, round, triangle, with birds, beasts, insects, fish, flowers, people, buildings and so on as the main body, the precise structure rigorous, exquisite designs elegant, ancient myth and legend, totem myth story mountain scenes of daily life, its contents reflect the natural characteristics, as well as the Dong People's yearning for a better life. In order to rescue, protection, inheritance and development of Chinese outstanding cultural heritage, in recent years, Hunan Province, Tongdao Dong Autonomous County. The Lord ah Dong Jin weaving Development Co. Ltd developed textile, clothing, tourism, gifts and shawl, scarf, tablecloth, pillows and a series of products, to create "ah." Dong Jin "brand, has become the famous brand of Hunan Province, the company production base has also been awarded the national intangible cultural heritage protection production demonstration base of the Ministry of culture. Dong Jin products due to have great originality, publicity manual beauty of creation, features strong, the one and only, has the rich cultural connotation, deeply domestic and foreign consumers favor.
参考技术C Dong jin is a state-level non-material cultural heritage in China, Chinese famous brocade.Dong dong jin has more than 2000 years of history, is passed from generation to generation through the mother and daughter and close relatives of handmade fabric, has now become a "women weave" the living fossil of Chinese.Dong jin is dong handmade fabric.Dong brocade weaving through ginning cotton, spinning, yarn, combed yarn and so on more than 10 complex working process.Dong jin and change pattern of the design by brocade memory composition, design for geometry, rhombus, square, circle, triangle, etc., to birds, beasts, insects, fish, flowers, people, buildings, etc as the main body, the structure of precision is rigorous, the pattern is exquisite and refined, its content reflects the natural germination of ancient myths and legends, totem mythology, mountain daily life scenes, and dong people yearning for a better life.In order to rescue, protection, inheritance and development of Chinese excellent culture heritage, in recent years, the channel dong autonomous county of hunan province ah! Ye dong brocade weaving art development co., LTD developed home textile, apparel, travel, gifts and shawls, scarves, table flags, pillow and a series of products, build "ah dong jin" brand, has become a famous brand of hunan province, the company production base is also protected by the ministry of culture awarded state-level intangible cultural heritage productive demonstration base.Dong jin products due to the unique, make public manually create beauty, characteristics, unique, has the rich cultural connotation, by the broad masses of customers at home and abroad. 参考技术D 楼主您好
Dong Jin is China state-level intangible cultural heritage, China famous brocade. Dong Jin has 2000 years of history, is the mother and relatives through generations of pure handmade fabric, has now become the "living fossils show Chinese woman weaving". Dong Jin Dong pure hand woven fabrics. Woven Dong Jin after ginning, spinning, yarn, carded yarn, 10 channel complex process. Design and change of Dong Jin pattern depends on the brocade brain memory mapping, multiple patterns for geometric shape, prismatic, four square, round, triangle, with birds, beasts, insects, fish, flowers, people, buildings and so on as the main body, the precise structure rigorous, exquisite designs elegant, ancient myth and legend, totem myth story mountain scenes of daily life, its contents reflect the natural characteristics, as well as the Dong People's yearning for a better life. In order to rescue, protection, inheritance and development of Chinese outstanding cultural heritage, in recent years, Hunan Province, Tongdao Dong Autonomous County. The Lord ah Dong Jin weaving Development Co. Ltd developed textile, clothing, tourism, gifts and shawl, scarf, tablecloth, pillows and a series of products, to create "ah." Dong Jin "brand, has become the famous brand of Hunan Province, the company production base has also been awarded the national intangible cultural heritage protection production demonstration base of the Ministry of culture. Dong Jin products due to have great originality, publicity manual beauty of creation, features strong, the one and only, has the rich cultural connotation, deeply domestic and foreign consumers favor.
新年快乐 望采纳。






