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LUA sharing is back! What interesting content did the teachers bring to you today?
I don't know when plants began to show great vitality. Let's explore the mystery of plant growth from the conversation between Ms Lana and Ms Angie. You can also work with your teacher to make a magic sliem, or you can listen to picture books quietly. In the story books, you can lose your "anger" and find happiness.
▲What do plants need to grow?
1. Introduce new words: soil, bean (seed), air. water, to plant, to water, to grow
2. Get students involved in the experiment of growing a seed.
3. Develop students' listening skills.
4. Encourage the students to do their own experiment
Growth conditions required by plants
Before you know how plants are cultivated, you must first know the most necessary conditions for plant growth. Of course, sunlight, air, water.
Watch which plants are all in the sun? Which ones are in the shade? When will the plants on the wall get the sun? This allows you to further identify the growth of the same plant in different places, so that you will be more aware of the growth conditions
Sunlight :it is the most important key to plant growth, so the degree of illumination determines what flowers are suitable for the environment in the home.
Temperature: Plants have their own suitable temperature for growth, the general common plants in the home are mostly tropical plants.
Moisture: Some plants are drought-tolerant, some like adequate moisture, must be adjusted according to plant habits.

Help Children be aware of the materials of slime
have fun of this experiment and explore more of the world
Stimulate the desire and curiosity
Slime, a fictional creature that often appears in modern video games and fantasy novels, first appeared in the 1958 novel of the same name. Its popular image is a jelly-shaped or semi-liquid, opaque or translucent monster that can change shapes and can split or blend, even in the cross-world adventure themes of swords and magic.
In English, Slime means a mud-like, mucus-like object, and its English meaning is very accurate in describing Slim's characteristics, because this sticky mollusc can be transformed into a variety of shapes and tends to creep forward on the ground, walls and ceilings, with different works being able to jump because of the softness and elasticity of the body.
There is no definitive definition of what kind of life Slime belongs to, or even whether it belongs to a single-celled organism or a multicellular organism. Because of the popularity brought about by the "Brave Fighting Dragon" series, there have been different colors, different forms, different characteristics of Slim in different works.

When I Feel Angry
When somebody makes fun of me,I feel angry.
I feel angry when I have to stop a game at the best part and clean up my room,or when we finally can go swimming ,it ranis.
It makes me mad when I try my hardest but I can't make my drawing look right.I Just crumple it up and throw it away.
If the teacher says I was talking and I wasn't ,It isn't fair !
Anger is a strong ,hot feeling.
When I feel angry,I want to say something mean or yell or hit.But feeling like I want to is not the same as doing it .Feeling can't hurt anyone or get me in trouble,But doing can.
I can go away from the person I'm angry with .I can take deep breaths and blow the air out,hard,to send the anger out of me.
I can make my anger cooler by running,riding my bike,or by doing something I really like to do.
After a while I feel beter .I can have a Good time again.

The original growth of plants needs a variety of conditions. The teachers' slime looks amazing! From the story books we know how to face the feeling of anger. I believe that the children will benefit a lot from this sharing. Next time, our content will be more wonderful.see you next time !
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