1 基本语法 dom bom event 最好懂css 2 熟悉各种浏览器的特性 解决好兼容问题 3 掌握一种框架 例如jQuery 框架中就可以帮你解决很多浏览器的兼容问题. 4 有一个好脾气,但是该说话的时候要说话.做后台比如java那些人虽然技术不怎么样,但是有的还挺拿人,本来是他们出错了,非说是你前端做的不好,要及时跟他们沟通,参考技术ADOM DOM 其它的,css,XML肯定少不了要懂的。参考技术B看一下 《疯狂Ajax》这本书挺不错的。或者学习一些基础
javascript JavaScript isset()等效: - JavaScript
// I generally use the typeof operator:
if (typeof obj.foo !== 'undefined') {
// your code here
// It will return "undefined" either if the property doesn't exist or its value is undefined.
// There are other ways to figure out if a property exists on an object, like the hasOwnProperty method:
if (obj.hasOwnProperty('foo')) {
// your code here
// And the in operator:
if ('foo' in obj) {
// your code here
// The difference between the last two is that the hasOwnProperty method will check if
// the property exist physically on the object (the property is not inherited).
// The in operator will check on all the properties reachable up in the prototype chain, e.g.:
var obj = { foo: 'bar'};
obj.hasOwnProperty('foo'); // true
obj.hasOwnProperty('toString'); // false
'toString' in obj; // true
// As you can see, hasOwnProperty returns false and the in operator returns true when checking the toString
// method, this method is defined up in the prototype chain, because obj inherits form Object.prototype.