CAPAL实验室关于聚类算法DHeat的合作研究成果发表在IEEE TSMC:System

Posted 计算机系统结构与并行加速实验室


篇首语:本文由小常识网(小编为大家整理,主要介绍了CAPAL实验室关于聚类算法DHeat的合作研究成果发表在IEEE TSMC:System相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

DHeat: A Density Heat-Based Algorithm for 

Clustering With Effective Radius

Yewang Chen, Shengyu Tang, Songwen Pei, Member, IEEE, Cheng Wang,
Jixiang Du, and Naixue Xiong, Senior Member, IEEE


    Density-based clustering is one of the most popular paradigms of existing clustering approaches, most approaches of this kind, such as DBSCAN, recognize clusters of data characterized by a fixed scanning radius. However, some flaws are caused by the fixed scanning radius, e.g., the determination of

a proper scanning radius is nontrivial. In order to solve these problems, we revise DBSCAN, Meanshift, DPeak, etc. based on two new features, i.e., effective radius and density heat (DHeat). Generally, we name these revised clustering algorithms as DHeat. The underlying idea is based on two assumptions: 1) the existence of clusters is raised by the nonuniformity of data distribution, and the density of one data point within its r-neighborhood is proportional to the volume of the neighborhood provided the density distribution  is uniform and 2) each cluster can be divided into different density layers, such as edges, shallow inner, deep inner, etc.; the deeper inner of a point locates, the higher density of that point. The experiments conducted on various test cases show that the advantage of DHeat lies in its good performance and the self-adapting scanning radius. Index Terms—Clustering, density deviation, density heat (DHeat), effective radius, r-uniform density.


以上是关于CAPAL实验室关于聚类算法DHeat的合作研究成果发表在IEEE TSMC:System的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章





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