/* @function map-isset()
Sometimes we need to test if a map is really set.
Testing with variable_exist is not enought, cause if map is empty it return true
Type-of return false if the map is empty
For example in my icon-set component
, the theme _globals must define a icon-set variable map containing :
$icon-set: (
'icon': 'hex code'
@author - Arnaud B. (Mist. GraphX)
@url - http://www.mister-graphx.com
@see - http://sass-lang.com/documentation/Sass/Script/Functions.html
@param $input -
@return - what you want ;-) sting or boolean
.selector {
color: "Hey your variable is not a map or there is no key, value defined";
color: "Hey your variable is not a map or there is no key, value defined";
color: "This is a map with 1index set";
// ----
// libsass (v3.2.5)
// ----
/* @function map-isset()
Sometimes we need to test if a map is really set.
Testing with variable_exist is not enought, cause if map is empty it return true
Type-of return false if the map is empty
For example in my icon-set component
, the theme _globals must define a icon-set variable map containing :
$icon-set: (
'icon': 'hex code'
@author - Arnaud B. (Mist. GraphX)
@url - http://www.mister-graphx.com
@see - http://sass-lang.com/documentation/Sass/Script/Functions.html
@param $input -
@return - what you want ;-) sting or boolean
$string-variable: "I'm a String";
$empty-map-variable: ();
$filled-map-variable: (
@function map-isset($input){
// Is it a map type variable ?
// Type-of() return false if the map is empty
// so we convert the number of keys to a list
// and use lenght to test the number of keys
@if((type-of($input) == 'map') and (length(map-keys($input)) > 0)){
$num-of-keys: length(map-keys($input));
@return "This is a map with " + $num-of-keys + "index set";
@else {
@return "Hey your variable is not a map or there is no key, value defined";
.selector {
color: map-isset($string-variable);
color: map-isset($empty-map-variable);
color: map-isset($filled-map-variable);