
Posted 苏大强的鱼塘



Big Picture

calico 释放IP的逻辑相比分配IP的逻辑要简单很多,老样子,先画个图:


func cmdDel(args *skel.CmdArgs) error {
handleID := utils.GetHandleID(conf.Name, args.ContainerID, epIDs.WEPName)

if err := calicoClient.IPAM().ReleaseByHandle(ctx, handleID); err != nil {
if _, ok := err.(errors.ErrorResourceDoesNotExist); !ok {
logger.WithError(err).Error("Failed to release address")
return err
logger.Warn("Asked to release address but it doesn't exist. Ignoring")
} else {
logger.Info("Released address using handleID")

// Calculate the workloadID to account for v2.x upgrades.
workloadID := epIDs.ContainerID
if epIDs.Orchestrator == "k8s" {
workloadID = fmt.Sprintf("%s.%s", epIDs.Namespace, epIDs.Pod)

logger.Info("Releasing address using workloadID")
if err := calicoClient.IPAM().ReleaseByHandle(ctx, workloadID); err != nil {
if _, ok := err.(errors.ErrorResourceDoesNotExist); !ok {
logger.WithError(err).Error("Failed to release address")
return err
logger.WithField("workloadID", workloadID).Debug("Asked to release address but it doesn't exist. Ignoring")
} else {
logger.WithField("workloadID", workloadID).Info("Released address using workloadID")

return nil
  • 上来逻辑是一样的,先获取配置文件生成conf的对象。

  • 然后基于ns+containerID 获取handleID, 用于查询对应的IP以及block信息。


func (c ipamClient) releaseByHandle(ctx context.Context, handleID string, blockCIDR net.IPNet) error {

// Release the IP by handle.
block := allocationBlock{obj.Value.(*model.AllocationBlock)}
num := block.releaseByHandle(handleID)

logCtx.Debugf("Block has %d IPs with the given handle", num)

if block.empty() && block.Affinity == nil {
logCtx.Info("Deleting block because it is now empty and has no affinity")
err = c.blockReaderWriter.deleteBlock(ctx, obj)
if err != nil {
if _, ok := err.(cerrors.ErrorResourceUpdateConflict); ok {
logCtx.Debug("CAD error deleting block - retry")

// Return the error unless the resource does not exist.
if _, ok := err.(cerrors.ErrorResourceDoesNotExist); !ok {
logCtx.Errorf("Error deleting block: %v", err)
return err
logCtx.Info("Successfully deleted empty block")
} else {
// Compare and swap the AllocationBlock using the original
// KVPair read from before. No need to update the Value since we
// have been directly manipulating the value referenced by the KVPair.
logCtx.Debug("Updating block to release IPs")
_, err = c.blockReaderWriter.updateBlock(ctx, obj)
if err = c.decrementHandle(ctx, handleID, blockCIDR, num); err !=

// Determine whether or not the block's pool still matches the node.
if err = c.ensureConsistentAffinity(ctx, block.AllocationBlock); err ......
return errors.New("Hit max retries")
  • block.releaseByHandle(handleID) 这个方法是释放IP的主要逻辑,在calico分配好IP之后,每个block会维护几个表,先看下block的结构体:

type AllocationBlock struct {
CIDR net.IPNet `json:"cidr"`
Affinity *string `json:"affinity"`
Allocations []*int `json:"allocations"`
Unallocated []int `json:"unallocated"`
Attributes []AllocationAttribute `json:"attributes"`
Deleted bool `json:"deleted"`

// HostAffinity is deprecated in favor of Affinity.
// This is only to keep compatibility with existing deployments.
// The data format should be `Affinity: host:hostname` (not `hostAffinity: hostname`).
HostAffinity *string `json:"hostAffinity,omitempty"`

Attributes 和Allocations 基于数组的index一一对应。
所以回到releaseByHandle, 该方法实际上就是多上述3个数组进行更新,清理,说白了,此时只是删除了内存数据,并没有删除实际的数据库数据(etcd)

  • 之后判断block是否空了,且是否和节点亲和,如果都不满足,则直接删除对应的blockc.blockReaderWriter.deleteBlock(包括数据库)

  • 如果block 还没空,只是删除了部分IP,则直接更新数据库c.blockReaderWriter.updateBlock

  • decrementHandle 清理handleId等信息

  • ensureConsistentAffinity最后检查该block所在的ippool 是否还和node亲和(nodeselector),做二次确认,如果不亲和了,直接删除blockAffinity对象

  • 释放完成




calico ipam 里面用到了以下etcd的Key:



CNI IPAM插件分析 --- 以hostlocal为示例

k8s cni bridge

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