




Culture is a very broad and most humane concept. In a word, culture is a general term for the forms of living elements of regional human beings, namely, clothing, articles, things, food, shelter and travel. 


It is difficult to define a culture accurately or precisely. The concept of culture has been interpreted in different ways. 


However, there is a common explanation and understanding in the dictionaries and encyclopedias of the east and the west: culture is the total spiritual activity and product of human activities relative to politics and economy.




The philosophical definition of culture:


Culture is all human mental activities and products relative to economy and politics.


Culture is the sum total of all groups of social groups and the inherent spirit of the group.


It encompasses the history of the swarm of wisdom from the past to the future, and is the activity of all groups based on nature. It is the whole material representation and spiritual inner unity of a group.


The specific human culture content refers to the history, geography, customs and customs of the group, the tools, the appendages, the way of life, the religious belief, the art of literature, the law, the law, the system, the way of thinking, the values, the aesthetic interest, the spiritual totem, and so on.



参考技术A Culture (from the Latin cultura stemming from colere, meaning "to cultivate")[1] generally refers to patterns of human activity and the symbolic structures that give such activities significance and importance. Cultures can be "understood as systems of symbols and meanings that even their creators contest, that lack fixed boundaries, that are constantly in flux, and that interact and compete with one another"
Culture can be defined as all the ways of life including arts, beliefs and institutions of a population that are passed down from generation to generation. Culture has been called "the way of life for an entire society."[3] As such, it includes codes of manners, dress, language, religion, rituals, norms of behavior such as law and morality, and systems of belief as well as the art.
Cultural anthropologists most commonly use the term "culture" to refer to the universal human capacity and activities to classify, codify and communicate their experiences materially and symbolically. Scholars have long viewed this capacity as a defining feature of humans (although some primatologists have identified aspects of culture such as learned tool making and use among humankind's closest relatives in the animal kingdom).
Culture is manifested in human artifacts and activities such as music, literature, lifestyle, food, painting and sculpture, theater and film.[5] Although some scholars identify culture in terms of consumption and consumer goods (as in high culture, low culture, folk culture, or popular culture),[6] anthropologists understand "culture" to refer not only to consumption goods, but to the general processes which produce such goods and give them meaning, and to the social relationships and practices in which such objects and processes become embedded. For them, culture thus includes art, science, as well as moral systems.
Various definitions of culture reflect differing theories for understanding, or criteria for evaluating, human activity. Writing from the perspective of social anthropology in the UK, Tylor in 1874 described culture in the following way: "Culture or civilization, taken in its wide ethnographic sense, is that complex whole which includes knowledge, belief, art, morals, law, custom, and any other capabilities and habits acquired by man as a member of society."
Rock engravings in Gobustan, Azerbaijan indicate a thriving culture dating around 10,000 BC.More recently, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (Unesco) (2002) described culture as follows: "... culture should be regarded as the set of distinctive spiritual, material, intellectual and emotional features of society or a social group, and that it encompasses, in addition to art and literature, lifestyles, ways of living together, value systems, traditions and beliefs".
While these two definitions cover a range of meaning, they do not exhaust the many uses of the term "culture." In 1952, Alfred Kroeber and Clyde Kluckhohn compiled a list of 164 definitions of "culture" in Culture: A Critical Review of Concepts and Definitions.
虽然这两个定义涵盖了一系列的含义,但它们并没有耗尽“文化”这个词的许多用法。1952年,Alfred Kroeber和Clyde Kluckhohn编制了一份文化中“文化”的164个定义:对概念和定义的批判性回顾。
These definitions, and many others, provide a catalog of the elements of culture. The items catalogued (e.g., a law, a stone tool, a marriage) each have an existence and life-line of their own. They come into space-time at one set of coordinates and go out of it another. While here, they change, so that one may speak of the evolution of the law or the tool.
A culture, then, is by definition at least, a set of cultural objects. Anthropologist Leslie White asked: "What sort of objects are they? Are they physical objects? Mental objects? Both? Metaphors? Symbols? Reifications?" In Science of Culture (1949), he concluded that they are objects "sui generis"; that is, of their own kind. In trying to define that kind, he hit upon a previously unrealized aspect of symbolization, which he called "the symbolate"—an object created by the act of symbolization. He thus defined culture as "symbolates understood in an extra-somatic context."[10] The key to this definition is the discovery of the symbolate.
参考技术B Culture (from the Latin cultura stemming from colere, meaning "to cultivate")[1] generally refers to patterns of human activity and the symbolic structures that give such activities significance and importance. Cultures can be "understood as systems of symbols and meanings that even their creators contest, that lack fixed boundaries, that are constantly in flux, and that interact and compete with one another"[2]

Culture can be defined as all the ways of life including arts, beliefs and institutions of a population that are passed down from generation to generation. Culture has been called "the way of life for an entire society."[3] As such, it includes codes of manners, dress, language, religion, rituals, norms of behavior such as law and morality, and systems of belief as well as the art.

Cultural anthropologists most commonly use the term "culture" to refer to the universal human capacity and activities to classify, codify and communicate their experiences materially and symbolically. Scholars have long viewed this capacity as a defining feature of humans (although some primatologists have identified aspects of culture such as learned tool making and use among humankind's closest relatives in the animal kingdom).[4]

Culture is manifested in human artifacts and activities such as music, literature, lifestyle, food, painting and sculpture, theater and film.[5] Although some scholars identify culture in terms of consumption and consumer goods (as in high culture, low culture, folk culture, or popular culture),[6] anthropologists understand "culture" to refer not only to consumption goods, but to the general processes which produce such goods and give them meaning, and to the social relationships and practices in which such objects and processes become embedded. For them, culture thus includes art, science, as well as moral systems.

Various definitions of culture reflect differing theories for understanding, or criteria for evaluating, human activity. Writing from the perspective of social anthropology in the UK, Tylor in 1874 described culture in the following way: "Culture or civilization, taken in its wide ethnographic sense, is that complex whole which includes knowledge, belief, art, morals, law, custom, and any other capabilities and habits acquired by man as a member of society."[7]

Rock engravings in Gobustan, Azerbaijan indicate a thriving culture dating around 10,000 BC.More recently, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (Unesco) (2002) described culture as follows: "... culture should be regarded as the set of distinctive spiritual, material, intellectual and emotional features of society or a social group, and that it encompasses, in addition to art and literature, lifestyles, ways of living together, value systems, traditions and beliefs".[8]

While these two definitions cover a range of meaning, they do not exhaust the many uses of the term "culture." In 1952, Alfred Kroeber and Clyde Kluckhohn compiled a list of 164 definitions of "culture" in Culture: A Critical Review of Concepts and Definitions.[9]

These definitions, and many others, provide a catalog of the elements of culture. The items catalogued (e.g., a law, a stone tool, a marriage) each have an existence and life-line of their own. They come into space-time at one set of coordinates and go out of it another. While here, they change, so that one may speak of the evolution of the law or the tool.

A culture, then, is by definition at least, a set of cultural objects. Anthropologist Leslie White asked: "What sort of objects are they? Are they physical objects? Mental objects? Both? Metaphors? Symbols? Reifications?" In Science of Culture (1949), he concluded that they are objects "sui generis"; that is, of their own kind. In trying to define that kind, he hit upon a previously unrealized aspect of symbolization, which he called "the symbolate"—an object created by the act of symbolization. He thus defined culture as "symbolates understood in an extra-somatic context."[10] The key to this definition is the discovery of the symbolate.

Culture as civilization

The famous "El Castillo" (The castle), formally named "Temple of Kukulcan", in the archeological city of Chichén-Itzá, in the state of Yucatán, Mexico.Many people have an idea of "culture" that developed in Europe during the 18th and early 19th centuries. This notion of culture reflected inequalities within European societies, and between European powers and their colonies around the world. It identifies "culture" with "civilization" and contrasts it with "nature." According to this way of thinking, one can classify some countries and nations as more civilized than others, and some people as more cultured than others. Some cultural theorists have thus tried to eliminate popular or mass culture from the definition of culture. Theorists such as Matthew Arnold (1822-1888) or the Leavisites regard culture as simply the result of "the best that has been thought and said in the world.”[11] Arnold contrasted mass/popular culture with social chaos or anarchy. On this account, culture links closely with social cultivation: the progressive refinement of human behavior. Arnold consistently uses the word this way: "...culture being a pursuit of our total perfection by means of getting to know, on all the matters which most concern us, the best which has been thought and said in the world."[11]

In practice, culture referred to élite activities such as museum-caliber art and classical music, and the word cultured described people who knew about, and took part in, these activities. These are often called "high culture", namely the culture of the ruling social group,[12] to distinguish them from mass culture and or popular culture.

From the 19th century onwards, some social critics have accepted this contrast between the highest and lowest culture, but have stressed the refinement and sophistication of high culture as corrupting and unnatural developments that obscure and distort people's essential nature. On this account, folk music (as produced by working-class people) honestly expresses a natural way of life, and classical music seems superficial and decadent. Equally, this view often portrays Indigenous peoples as 'noble savages' living authentic unblemished lives, uncomplicated and uncorrupted by the highly-stratified capitalist systems of the West.

Today most social scientists reject the monadic conception of culture, and the opposition of culture to nature. They recognize non-élites as just as cultured as élites (and non-Westerners as just as civilized)—simply regarding them as just cultured in a different way.

Williams[13] argues that contemporary definitions of culture fall into three possibilities or mixture of the following three:

"a general process of intellectual, spiritual, and aesthetic development"
"a particular way of life, whether of a people, period, or a group"
"the works and practices of intellectual and especially artistic activity".本回答被提问者和网友采纳
参考技术C culturenbsp;(fromnbsp;thenbsp;latinnbsp;culturanbsp;stemmingnbsp;fromnbsp;colere,nbsp;meaningnbsp;“tonbsp;cultivate“)[1]nbsp;generallynbsp;refersnbsp;tonbsp;patternsnbsp;ofnbsp;humannbsp;activitynbsp;andnbsp;thenbsp;symbolicnbsp;structuresnbsp;thatnbsp;givenbsp;suchnbsp;activitiesnbsp;significancenbsp;andnbsp;importance.nbsp;culturesnbsp;cannbsp;benbsp;“understoodnbsp;asnbsp;systemsnbsp;ofnbsp;symbolsnbsp;andnbsp;meaningsnbsp;thatnbsp;evennbsp;theirnbsp;creatorsnbsp;contest,nbsp;thatnbsp;lacknbsp;fixednbsp;boundaries,nbsp;thatnbsp;arenbsp;constantlynbsp;innbsp;flux,nbsp;andnbsp;thatnbsp;interactnbsp;andnbsp;competenbsp;withnbsp;onenbsp;another“[2]culturenbsp;cannbsp;benbsp;definednbsp;asnbsp;allnbsp;thenbsp;waysnbsp;ofnbsp;lifenbsp;includingnbsp;arts,nbsp;beliefsnbsp;andnbsp;institutionsnbsp;ofnbsp;anbsp;populationnbsp;thatnbsp;arenbsp;passednbsp;downnbsp;fromnbsp;generationnbsp;tonbsp;generation.nbsp;culturenbsp;hasnbsp;beennbsp;callednbsp;“thenbsp;waynbsp;ofnbsp;lifenbsp;fornbsp;annbsp;entirenbsp;society.“[3]nbsp;asnbsp;such,nbsp;itnbsp;includesnbsp;codesnbsp;ofnbsp;manners,nbsp;dress,nbsp;language,nbsp;religion,nbsp;rituals,nbsp;normsnbsp;ofnbsp;behaviornbsp;suchnbsp;asnbsp;lawnbsp;andnbsp;morality,nbsp;andnbsp;systemsnbsp;ofnbsp;beliefnbsp;asnbsp;wellnbsp;asnbsp;thenbsp;art.culturalnbsp;anthropologistsnbsp;mostnbsp;commonlynbsp;usenbsp;thenbsp;termnbsp;“culture“nbsp;tonbsp;refernbsp;tonbsp;thenbsp;universalnbsp;humannbsp;capacitynbsp;andnbsp;activitiesnbsp;tonbsp;classify,nbsp;codifynbsp;andnbsp;communicatenbsp;theirnbsp;experiencesnbsp;materiallynbsp;andnbsp;symbolically.nbsp;scholarsnbsp;havenbsp;longnbsp;viewednbsp;thisnbsp;capacitynbsp;asnbsp;anbsp;definingnbsp;featurenbsp;ofnbsp;humansnbsp;(althoughnbsp;somenbsp;primatologistsnbsp;havenbsp;identifiednbsp;aspectsnbsp;ofnbsp;culturenbsp;suchnbsp;asnbsp;learnednbsp;toolnbsp;makingnbsp;andnbsp;usenbsp;amongnbsp;humankind‘snbsp;closestnbsp;relativesnbsp;innbsp;thenbsp;animalnbsp;kingdom).[4]culturenbsp;isnbsp;manifestednbsp;innbsp;humannbsp;artifactsnbsp;andnbsp;activitiesnbsp;suchnbsp;asnbsp;music,nbsp;literature,nbsp;lifestyle,nbsp;food,nbsp;paintingnbsp;andnbsp;sculpture,nbsp;theaternbsp;andnbsp;film.[5]nbsp;althoughnbsp;somenbsp;scholarsnbsp;identifynbsp;culturenbsp;innbsp;termsnbsp;ofnbsp;consumptionnbsp;andnbsp;consumernbsp;goodsnbsp;(asnbsp;innbsp;highnbsp;culture,nbsp;lownbsp;culture,nbsp;folknbsp;culture,nbsp;ornbsp;popularnbsp;culture),[6]nbsp;anthropologistsnbsp;understandnbsp;“culture“nbsp;tonbsp;refernbsp;notnbsp;onlynbsp;tonbsp;consumptionnbsp;goods,nbsp;butnbsp;tonbsp;thenbsp;generalnbsp;processesnbsp;whichnbsp;producenbsp;suchnbsp;goodsnbsp;andnbsp;givenbsp;themnbsp;meaning,nbsp;andnbsp;tonbsp;thenbsp;socialnbsp;relationshipsnbsp;andnbsp;practicesnbsp;innbsp;whichnbsp;suchnbsp;objectsnbsp;andnbsp;processesnbsp;becomenbsp;embedded.nbsp;fornbsp;th 参考技术D 不同的国家有着不同的文化习俗


【中文标题】Theta符号的简单英语解释?【英文标题】:Plain English explanation of Theta notation? 【发布时间】:2012-09-02 04:58:12 【问题描述】:

Theta 符号的简单英文解释是什么?尽可能少的正式定义和简单的数学。

theta 表示法与 Big O 表示法有何不同?谁能用简单的英语解释一下?



听起来很有趣,Plain English explanation of Big O 的答案实际上描述了 big-Theta 这不是大 o ,这是 theta 符号 ... 可以夹在两个函数之间。 另外:您的第一个问题(大 O 和大 Theta 之间的区别)已包含在线程中:Difference between Big-Theta and Big O notation in simple language 见How does one know which notation of time complexity analysis to use?Computer Science 【参考方案1】:

如果一个算法的运行时间是 Big Theta(f(n)),它的上下边界是 f(n)。大 O 是相同的,只是界限只在上面。

直观地说,Big O(f(n)) 表示“我们可以肯定,忽略常数因素和项,运行时间永远不会超过 f(n)。”粗略地说,如果您认为运行时间“很糟糕”,那么 Big O 就是最坏的情况。 Big Theta(f(n)) 说“我们可以肯定,忽略常数因素和项,运行时间总是随着 f(n) 而变化。”换句话说,Big Theta 是一个已知的紧界:它既是最坏的情况,也是最好的情况。

对直觉的最后一次尝试:大 O 是“片面的”。 O(n) 运行时间也是 O(n^2) 和 O(2^n)。 Big Theta 并非如此。如果您的算法运行时间为 O(n),那么您已经有证据证明它不是 Big Theta(n^2)。它可能是也可能不是 Big Theta(n)

一个例子是比较排序。信息论告诉我们排序至少需要上限(n log n) 比较,而我们实际上发明了 O(n log n) 算法(其中 n 是比较次数),所以排序比较是 Big Theta(n log n)。


伙计,如果你要学习计算机科学,你必须学习计算机科学的词汇和数学。没有办法解决它。 只是为了解决一些语义问题:请注意,算法不是大 Theta 也不是大 O。 O(f(n))Theta(f(n)) 是一组 函数。算法(它是一个函数)的复杂度(在某些特定分析下)可能是O(f(n))Theta(f(n))。此外,排序不是Theta(nlogn)。 QuickSort 平均情况(或合并排序最坏情况)是Theta(nlogn)。 (另一方面,冒泡排序的最坏情况复杂度为Theta(n^2),尽管它是一种排序算法)。 @amit:我完全糊涂了,有时某些作者将大 O 用于最坏情况,而一些作者将大 theta 用于不同算法的最坏情况。 @krishnaChandra:Big O 和 Big Theta 都可以应用于最坏情况平均情况最佳情况 ,或您能想到的任何其他情况。它用于绑定函数,而不是算法。最坏的情况(例如)是产生一个函数(这通常不同于一般情况),并且每个符号都可以应用于任何情况。 @amit:如果任何一个符号都可以应用于任何分析,那么为什么会有三个符号,为什么不是一个。【参考方案2】:



Big O : Ex O(n) - 表示 n 是上限。最终值可能小于或等于 n。

Big Omega:Ex Ω(n) - 表示 n 是下限。最终值可以等于或大于 n。

Theta : Ex Θ(n) - 表示 n 是唯一可能的值。 (上限和下限)


请注意这个答案是错误的。 2nΘ(n) 中。







adsl猫\cable moden\路由器这些词怎么解释啊我还是糊涂, 怎么名词解释里面没有啊谁能详细地解释一下谢谢!