参考技术A 不是,是线性回归。现在都是把逻辑回归作为复合函数使用的逻辑回归的原始形式 是非线性的,决定这个复合函数是否是线性的,要看 形式。
比如假设阈值为0.5,这里的 ,实际是一个决策面,这个决策面的两侧分别是正例和负例。逻辑回归的作用是把决策面两侧的点映射到逻辑回归曲线阈值的两侧。如果原始数据是线性可分的, 那么决策面采用线性模型来进行拟合显然比较合理。
python 二元Logistics Regression 回归分析(LogisticRegression)

Logistic regression models are used to analyze the relationship between a dependent variable (DV) and independent variable(s) (IV) when the DV is dichotomous. The DV is the outcome variable, a.k.a. the predicted variable, and the IV(s) are the variables that are believed to have an influence on the outcome, a.k.a. predictor variables. If the model contains 1 IV, then it is a simple logistic regression model, and if the model contains 2+ IVs, then it is a multiple logistic regression model. Assumptions for logistic regression models: The DV is categorical (binary) If there are more than 2 categories in terms of types of outcome, a multinomial logistic regression should be used Independence of observations Cannot be a repeated measures design, i.e. collecting outcomes at two different time points. Independent variables are linearly related to the log odds Absence of multicollinearity Lack of outliers
1. 是 statsmodels 的logit模块
2. 是 sklearn.linear_model 的 LogisticRegression模块
#!/usr/bin/env # -*- coding:utf-8 -*- import pandas as pd import statsmodels.api as sm import pylab as pl import numpy as np from pandas import DataFrame, Series from sklearn.cross_validation import train_test_split from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression from sklearn import metrics from collections import OrderedDict data = { \'y\': [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1], \'x\': [i for i in range(1, 21)], } df = DataFrame(OrderedDict(data)) df["intercept"] = 1.0 # 截距项,很重要的呦,我就错在这里了 print(df) print("==================") print(len(df)) print(df.columns.values) print(df[df.columns[1:]]) logit = sm.Logit(df[\'y\'], df[df.columns[1:]]) # result = logit.fit() # res = result.summary2() print(res)
statsmodels.tools.sm_exceptions.PerfectSeparationError: Perfect separation detected, results not available
我改成x, y变量自己是自己的,就莫名其妙的好了
obj = TwoDimensionalLogisticRegressionModel() data_x = obj.SelectVariableSql( UserID, ProjID, QuesID, xVariable, DatabaseName, TableName, CasesCondition) data_y = obj.SelectVariableSql( UserID, ProjID, QuesID, yVariable, DatabaseName, TableName, CasesCondition) if len(data_x) != len(data_y): raise MyCustomError(retcode=4011) obj.close() df_X = DataFrame(OrderedDict(data_x)) df_Y = DataFrame(OrderedDict(data_y)) df_X["intercept"] = 1.0 # 截距项,很重要的呦,我就错在这里了 logit = sm.Logit(df_Y, df_X) result = logit.fit() res = result.summary() data = [j for j in [i for i in str(res).split(\'\\n\')][-3].split(\' \') if j != \'\'][1:] return data
obj = TwoDimensionalLogisticRegressionModel() data_x = obj.SelectVariableSql( UserID, ProjID, QuesID, xVariable, DatabaseName, TableName, CasesCondition) data_y = obj.SelectVariableSql( UserID, ProjID, QuesID, yVariable, DatabaseName, TableName, CasesCondition) if len(data_x) != len(data_y): raise MyCustomError(retcode=4011) obj.close() df_X = DataFrame(data_x) df_Y = DataFrame(data_y) # 因变量,0, 1 df_X["intercept"] = 1.0 # 截距项,很重要的呦,我就错在这里了 YColumnList = list(df_Y[yVariable].values) setYColumnList = list(set(YColumnList)) if len(setYColumnList) > 2 or len(setYColumnList) < 2: raise MyCustomError(retcode=4015) else: if len(setYColumnList) == 2 and [0,1] != [int(i) for i in setYColumnList]: newYcolumnsList = [] for i in YColumnList: if i == setYColumnList[0]: newYcolumnsList.append(0) else: newYcolumnsList.append(1) df_Y = DataFrame({yVariable:newYcolumnsList}) logit = sm.Logit(df_Y, df_X) result = logit.fit() res = result.summary() data = [j for j in [i for i in str(res).split(\'\\n\')][-3].split(\' \') if j != \'\'] return data[1:]

def TwoDimensionalLogisticRegressionDetail(UserID, ProjID, QuesID, xVariableID, yVariableID, CasesCondition): two_obj = TwoDimensionalLogisticModel() sql_data, xVarName, yVarName = two_obj.showdatas(UserID, ProjID, QuesID, xVariableID, yVariableID, CasesCondition) two_obj.close() df_dropna = DataFrame(sql_data).dropna() df_X = DataFrame() df_Y = DataFrame() # 因变量,0, 1 df_X[xVarName] = df_dropna[xVarName] df_Y[yVarName] = df_dropna[yVarName] df_X["intercept"] = 1.0 # 截距项,很重要的呦,我就错在这里了 YColumnList = list(df_Y[yVarName].values) setYColumnList = list(set(YColumnList)) # print(setYColumnList) if len(setYColumnList) > 2 or len(setYColumnList) < 2: raise MyCustomError(retcode=4015) # else: if len(setYColumnList) == 2 and [0, 1] != [int(i) for i in setYColumnList]: newYcolumnsList = [] for i in YColumnList: if i == setYColumnList[0]: newYcolumnsList.append(0) else: newYcolumnsList.append(1) df_Y = DataFrame({yVarName: newYcolumnsList}) logit = sm.Logit(df_Y, df_X) res = logit.fit() res_all = res.summary() LogLikelihood = [i.strip() for i in str(res_all).split("\\n")[6].split(" ") if i][3] # 没找到具体参数, 只能这么分割 index_var = [i.strip() for i in str(res_all).split("\\n")[12].split(" ") if i] intercept = [i.strip() for i in str(res_all).split("\\n")[13].split(" ") if i] std_err = [index_var[2], intercept[2]] z = [index_var[3], intercept[3]] P_z = [index_var[4], intercept[4]] # 显著性 interval_25 = [index_var[5], intercept[5]] interval_975 = [index_var[6], intercept[6]] Odds_Ratio = [math.e ** i for i in list(res.params)] return { "No_Observations": res.nobs,#No. Observations "Pseudo_R": res.prsquared,# Pseudo R^2 "Log_Likelihood": LogLikelihood, # LogLikelihood "LLNull": res.llnull, "llr_pvalue": res.llr_pvalue, #llr显著性 "coef": list(res.params), # 系数 "std_err": std_err, "Odds_Ratio": Odds_Ratio, "z": z, "P": P_z, #显著性 "interval_25": interval_25, # 区间0.025 "interval_975": interval_975 }
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding:utf-8 -*- from collections import OrderedDict import pandas as pd examDict = { \'学习时间\': [i for i in range(1, 20)], \'通过考试\': [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1] } examOrderDict = OrderedDict(examDict) examDF = pd.DataFrame(examOrderDict) # print(examDF.head()) exam_X = examDF.loc[:, "学习时间"] exam_Y = examDF.loc[:, "通过考试"] print(exam_X) # print(exam_Y) from sklearn.cross_validation import train_test_split X_train,X_test,y_train, y_test = train_test_split(exam_X,exam_Y, train_size=0.8) # print(X_train.values) print(len(X_train.values)) X_train = X_train.values.reshape(-1, 1) print(len(X_train)) print(X_train) X_test = X_test.values.reshape(-1, 1) from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression module_1 = LogisticRegression() module_1.fit(X_train, y_train) print("coef:", module_1.coef_) front = module_1.score(X_test,y_test) print(front) print("coef:", module_1.coef_) print("intercept_:", module_1.intercept_) # 预测 pred1 = module_1.predict_proba(3) print("预测概率[N/Y]", pred1) pred2 = module_1.predict(5) print(pred2)
机器学习Logistic 分类回归算法 (二元分类 & 多元分类)
python 二元Logistics Regression 回归分析(LogisticRegression)