SAP Adobe Form 教程三 日期,时间,floating field,图片
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篇首语:本文由小常识网(小编为大家整理,主要介绍了SAP Adobe Form 教程三 日期,时间,floating field,图片相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。
原文标题:SAP Adobe Interactive Form Tutorial. Part III. Date Time and Floating Fields
将 DATE 和 TIME 字段拖放到 Context。 这些是系统生成的变量,
如何使用floating field?
floating field,即根据绑定打印的字段,具体打印内容取决于运行期间绑定的字段。
展开/拉伸(如在ms paint中所做的)文本字段边界,以便在其中写文本。
输入下面的文本或任何所需的行。但选择一个你想保留为floating field的单词。floating field意味着,它可以打印任何绑定的字段。
My name is NAME, I am SAP Technical consultant. Thank you SAP Yard.
对于本示例,我们希望NAME是动态的。 选择文本(NAME),右键单击它并选择它作为floating field, NAME一词更改为 {TextField}。
将floating field与我们拖到上下文区域的NAME字段绑定,
字段{Text Field}将具有动态长度(从上下文到绑定NAME字段的最大长度)。它将根据输入进行扩展和压缩。名称“Ram”只有3个字符,但名称“Wolfeschlegelsteinhausenbergerdorff”有30多个字符,但{TextField}仍会接受它。毕竟,这是一个floating field。
前往Data view,
Adobe Form中存在以下系统字段,

1 *======================================================================* 2 * YRAM_ADOBE_FORM_PROGRAM3 * 3 *======================================================================* 4 * Project : SAP Adobe Forms Tutorial * 5 * Author : Ramanjula Naidu DARURU ( * 6 * Description : Driver Program for Printing Floating Field, Date & Time * 7 *======================================================================* 8 REPORT yram_adobe_form_program3. 9 10 * Selection Screen 11 PARAMETERS: p_name TYPE name1. 12 13 **&&~~ Data Objects 14 DATA: gv_fm_name TYPE rs38l_fnam, " FM Name 15 gs_fp_docparams TYPE sfpdocparams, 16 gs_fp_outputparams TYPE sfpoutputparams. 17 18 CONSTANTS : gv_form_name TYPE fpname VALUE \'YRAM_ADOBE_FORM3\'. 19 20 *======================================================================* 21 * START of Calling the Form 22 *======================================================================* 23 *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* 24 **&&~~ Form Processing: Call Form - Open 25 * 26 CALL FUNCTION \'FP_JOB_OPEN\' 27 CHANGING 28 ie_outputparams = gs_fp_outputparams 29 EXCEPTIONS 30 cancel = 1 31 usage_error = 2 32 system_error = 3 33 internal_error = 4 34 OTHERS = 5. 35 IF sy-subrc <> 0. 36 " Suitable Error Handling 37 ENDIF. 38 *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* 39 **&&~~ Get the Function module name based on Form Name 40 * 41 CALL FUNCTION \'FP_FUNCTION_MODULE_NAME\' 42 EXPORTING 43 i_name = gv_form_name 44 IMPORTING 45 e_funcname = gv_fm_name. 46 IF sy-subrc <> 0. 47 " Suitable Error Handling 48 ENDIF. 49 *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* 50 **&&~~ Take the FM name by execuing the form - by using Pattern- 51 **&&~~ call that FM and replace the FM Name by gv_fm_name 52 **&&~~ Call the Generated FM 53 CALL FUNCTION gv_fm_name "\'/1BCDWB/SM00000176\' 54 EXPORTING 55 /1bcdwb/docparams = gs_fp_docparams 56 name = p_name 57 EXCEPTIONS 58 usage_error = 1 59 system_error = 2 60 internal_error = 3 61 OTHERS = 4. 62 IF sy-subrc <> 0. 63 * Implement suitable error handling here 64 ENDIF. 65 *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* 66 67 *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* 68 *&---- Close the spool job 69 CALL FUNCTION \'FP_JOB_CLOSE\' 70 EXCEPTIONS 71 usage_error = 1 72 system_error = 2 73 internal_error = 3 74 OTHERS = 4. 75 IF sy-subrc <> 0. 76 * <error handling> 77 ENDIF.
[SAP BASIS] com.adobe.ProcessingException: com.adobe.ProcessingException: Problem accessing data fro
关键字:SYSTEM ERROR: ADS: com.adobe.ProcessingException: com.adobe.ProcessingException: Problem accessing data from Destination: dest:FP_ICF_DATA_<SID>//sap/bc/fp/form/layout/FP_FORM_SECURITY_TEST.XDP
参阅 2215134 - ADS HTTP authentication in ICF services fp and fpads, 检查了SICF 服务,SSL证书,仍然没有解决问题.
SICF FP service settings must be checked:
1. Go to T-code SICF and open service default_host
2. Check "Logon data" tab, parameter Procedure should be set to "Standard"
3. Previous step should be repeated for services sap -> bc -> fp and fpads.
a) If service fp or fpads use "Alternative logon procedure", please change this procedure to "Standard".
b) If parent node (default_host, sap, bc) service use
"Alternative log on procedure", please edit ICF service fp and fpads
authentication procedure to "Alternative logon procedure"
and make sure that "Basic Authentication" is on higher position like procedure used in parent node service (ex. SPNEGO, SAML).
On the picture below position of „Basic Authentication” is below system
authentication procedure SPNEGO. „Basic Authentication” should be move
up to third position above SPNEGO.
亮点:访问问题,是不是权限的问题, 重新生成了ADS用户的profile,然后再测试,问题解决.
以上是关于SAP Adobe Form 教程三 日期,时间,floating field,图片的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章
SAP UI5 Form 表单的 Responsive Grid Layout 布局中的 breakpoint
SAP UI5 Form 和 Simple Form 的设计规范