Raft: 寻找可理解的共识算法

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In Search of an Understandable Consensus Algorithm (Extended Version) 

Diego Ongaro and John Ousterhout 

Stanford University 


Raft is a consensus algorithm for managing a replicated log. It produces a result equivalent to (multi-)Paxos, and it is as efficient as Paxos, but its structure is different from Paxos; this makes Raft more understandable than Paxos and also provides a better foundation for building practical systems. In order to enhance understandability, Raft separates the key elements of consensus, such as leader election, log replication, and safety, and it enforces a stronger degree of coherency to reduce the number of states that must be considered. Results from a user study demonstrate that Raft is easier for students to learn than Paxos. Raft also includes a new mechanism for changing the cluster membership, which uses overlapping majorities to guarantee safety. 



1 Introduction 

Consensus algorithms allow a collection of machines to work as a coherent group that can survive the failures of some of its members. Because of this, they play a key role in building reliable large-scale software systems. Paxos [15, 16] has dominated the discussion of consensus algorithms over the last decade: most implementations of consensus are based on Paxos or influenced by it, and Paxos has become the primary vehicle used to teach students about consensus. 

共识算法允许一组机器作为一个连贯的团体工作,可以承受一些成员的故障。正因为如此,它们在构建可靠的大规模软件系统中发挥了关键作用。Paxos[15, 16]在过去十年中主导了关于共识算法的讨论:大多数共识的实现都是基于Paxos或受其影响,而Paxos已经成为教学生了解共识的主要工具。

Unfortunately, Paxos is quite difficult to understand, in spite of numerous attempts to make it more approachable. Furthermore, its architecture requires complex changes to support practical systems. As a result, both system builders and students struggle with Paxos. 


After struggling with Paxos ourselves, we set out to find a new consensus algorithm that could provide a better foundation for system building and education. Our approach was unusual in that our primary goal was understandability: could we define a consensus algorithm for practical systems and describe it in a way that is significantly easier to learn than Paxos? Furthermore, we wanted the algorithm to facilitate the development of intuitions that are essential for system builders. It was important not just for the algorithm to work, but for it to be obvious why it works. 


The result of this work is a consensus algorithm called Raft. In designing Raft we applied specific techniques to improve understandability, including decomposition (Raft separates leader election, log replication, and safety) and state space reduction (relative to Paxos, Raft reduces the degree of nondeterminism and the ways servers can be in consistent with each other). A user study with 43 students at two universities shows that Raft is significantly easier to understand than Paxos: after learning both algorithms, 33 of these students were able to answer questions about Raft better than questions about Paxos. 


Raft is similar in many ways to existing consensus algorithms (most notably, Oki and Liskov’s Viewstamped Replication [29, 22]), but it has several novel features: 

Raft在许多方面与现有的共识算法(最值得注意的是Oki和Liskov的Viewstamped Replication[29, 22])相似,但它有几个新的特点。

Strong leader: Raft uses a stronger form of leadership than other consensus algorithms. For example, log entries only flow from the leader to other servers. This simplifies the management of the replicated log and makes Raft easier to understand. 


Leader election: Raft uses randomized timers to elect leaders. This adds only a small amount of mechanism to the heartbeats already required for any consensus algorithm, while resolving conflicts simply and rapidly. 


Membership changes: Raft’s mechanism for changing the set of servers in the cluster uses a new joint consensus approach where the majorities of two different configurations overlap during transitions. This allows the cluster to continue operating normally during configuration changes. 


We believe that Raft is superior to Paxos and other consensus algorithms, both for educational purposes and as a foundation for implementation. It is simpler and more understandable than other algorithms; it is described completely enough to meet the needs of a practical system; it has several open-source implementations and is used by several companies; its safety properties have been formally specified and proven; and its efficiency is comparable to other algorithms. 


The remainder of the paper introduces the replicated state machine problem (Section 2), discusses the strengths and weaknesses of Paxos (Section 3), describes our general approach to understandability (Section 4), presents the Raft consensus algorithm (Sections 5–8), evaluates Raft (Section 9), and discusses related work (Section 10). 


2 Replicated state machines 

Figure 1: Replicated state machine architecture. The consensus algorithm manages a replicated log containing state machine commands from clients. The state machines process identical sequences of commands from the logs, so they produce the same outputs.


  Consensus algorithms typically arise in the context of replicated state machines [37]. In this approach, state machines on a collection of servers compute identical copies of the same state and can continue operating even if some of the servers are down. Replicated state machines are used to solve a variety of fault tolerance problems in distributed systems. For example, large-scale systems that have a single cluster leader, such as GFS [8], HDFS [38], and RAMCloud [33], typically use a separate replicated state machine to manage leader election and store configuration information that must survive leader crashes. Examples of replicated state machines include Chubby [2] and ZooKeeper [11]. 

  共识算法通常出现在复制状态机的背景下[37]。在这种方法中,服务器集合上的状态机计算相同状态的相同副本,即使一些服务器停机,也能继续运行。复制的状态机被用来解决分布式系统中的各种容错问题。例如,拥有单一集群领导者的大规模系统,如GFS[8]、HDFS[38]和RAMCloud[33],通常使用单独的复制状态机来管理领导者的选举,并存储必须在领导者崩溃后生存的配置信息。复制状态机的例子包括Chubby [2] 和 ZooKeeper [11]。

Replicated state machines are typically implemented using a replicated log, as shown in Figure 1. Each server stores a log containing a series of commands, which its state machine executes in order. Each log contains the same commands in the same order, so each state machine processes the same sequence of commands. Since the state machines are deterministic, each computes the same state and the same sequence of outputs. 


Keeping the replicated log consistent is the job of the consensus algorithm. The consensus module on a server receives commands from clients and adds them to its log. It communicates with the consensus modules on other servers to ensure that every log eventually contains the same requests in the same order, even if some servers fail. Once commands are properly replicated, each server’s state machine processes them in log order, and the outputs are returned to clients. As a result, the servers appear to form a single, highly reliable state machine. 


Consensus algorithms for practical systems typically have the following properties: 


• They ensure safety (never returning an incorrect result) under all non-Byzantine conditions, including network delays, partitions, and packet loss, duplication, and reordering. 


• They are fully functional (available) as long as any majority of the servers are operational and can communicate with each other and with clients. Thus, a typical cluster of five servers can tolerate the failure of any two servers. Servers are assumed to fail by stopping; they may later recover from state on stable storage and rejoin the cluster. 


• They do not depend on timing to ensure the consistency of the logs: faulty clocks and extreme message delays can, at worst, cause availability problems. 


• In the common case, a command can complete as soon as a majority of the cluster has responded to a single round of remote procedure calls; a minority of slow servers need not impact overall system performance. 


3 What’s wrong with Paxos? 

Over the last ten years, Leslie Lamport’s Paxos protocol [15] has become almost synonymous with consensus: it is the protocol most commonly taught in courses, and most implementations of consensus use it as a starting point. Paxos first defines a protocol capable of reaching agreement on a single decision, such as a single replicated log entry. We refer to this subset as single-decree Paxos. Paxos then combines multiple instances of this protocol to facilitate a series of decisions such as a log (multi-Paxos). Paxos ensures both safety and liveness, and it supports changes in cluster membership. Its correctness has been proven, and it is efficient in the normal case. 

在过去的十年里,Leslie Lamport的Paxos协议[15]几乎成了共识的代名词:它是课程中最常教授的协议,大多数共识的实现都以它为起点。Paxos首先定义了一个能够在单一决策上达成协议的协议,例如单一复制的日志条目。我们把这个子集称为单决策的Paxos。然后,Paxos结合这个协议的多个实例,以促进一系列的决定,如日志(多Paxos)。Paxos既保证了安全性,又保证了有效性,而且它支持集群成员的变化。它的正确性已被证明,而且在正常情况下是有效的。

Unfortunately, Paxos has two significant drawbacks. The first drawback is that Paxos is exceptionally difficult to understand. The full explanation [15] is notoriously opaque; few people succeed in understanding it, and only with great effort. As a result, there have been several attempts to explain Paxos in simpler terms [16, 20, 21]. These explanations focus on the single-decree subset, yet they are still challenging. In an informal survey of attendees at NSDI 2012, we found few people who were comfortable with Paxos, even among seasoned researchers. We struggled with Paxos ourselves; we were not able to understand the complete protocol until after reading several simplified explanations and designing our own alter native protocol, a process that took almost a year. 

不幸的是,Paxos有两个显著的缺点。第一个缺点是,Paxos特别难理解。完整的解释[15]是出了名的不透明;很少有人能成功地理解它,而且是在付出巨大努力之后。因此,已经有一些尝试用更简单的术语来解释Paxos [16, 20, 21]。这些解释集中在单决策子集上,然而它们仍然很难。在对NSDI 2012的与会者进行的非正式调查中,我们发现很少有人对Paxos感到满意,即使在经验丰富的研究人员中。我们自己也在为Paxos头疼;在阅读了几个简化的解释和设计了我们自己修改的朴素协议之后,我们才能够理解完整的协议,这个过程花了几乎一年时间。

We hypothesize that Paxos’ opaqueness derives from its choice of the single-decree subset as its foundation. Single-decree Paxos is dense and subtle: it is divided into two stages that do not have simple intuitive explanations and cannot be understood independently. Because of this, it is difficult to develop intuitions about why the single decree protocol works. The composition rules for multi Paxos add significant additional complexity and subtlety. We believe that the overall problem of reaching consensus on multiple decisions (i.e., a log instead of a single entry) can be decomposed in other ways that are more direct and obvious. 


The second problem with Paxos is that it does not provide a good foundation for building practical implementations. One reason is that there is no widely agreed-upon algorithm for multi-Paxos. Lamport’s descriptions are mostly about single-decree Paxos; he sketched possible approaches to multi-Paxos, but many details are missing. There have been several attempts to flesh out and optimize Paxos, such as [26], [39], and [13], but these differ from each other and from Lamport’s sketches. Systems such as Chubby [4] have implemented Paxos-like algorithms, but in most cases their details have not been published. 


Furthermore, the Paxos architecture is a poor one for building practical systems; this is another consequence of the single-decree decomposition. For example, there is little benefit to choosing a collection of log entries independently and then melding them into a sequential log; this just adds complexity. It is simpler and more efficient to design a system around a log, where new entries are appended sequentially in a constrained order. Another problem is that Paxos uses a symmetric peer-to-peer approach at its core (though it eventually suggests a weak form of leadership as a performance optimization). This makes sense in a simplified world where only one decision will be made, but few practical systems use this approach. If a series of decisions must be made, it is simpler and faster to first elect a leader, then have the leader coordinate the decisions. 


As a result, practical systems bear little resemblance to Paxos. Each implementation begins with Paxos, covers the difficulties in implementing it, and then develops a significantly different architecture. This is time consuming and error-prone, and the difficulties of understanding Paxos exacerbate the problem. Paxos’ formulation may be a good one for proving theorems about its correctness, but real implementations are so different from Paxos that the proofs have little value. The following comment from the Chubby implementers is typical: 


There are significant gaps between the description of the Paxos algorithm and the needs of a real-world system. . . . the final system will be based on an unproven protocol [4]. 


Because of these problems, we concluded that Paxos does not provide a good foundation either for system building or for education. Given the importance of consensus in large-scale software systems, we decided to see if we could design an alternative consensus algorithm with better properties than Paxos. Raft is the result of that experiment. 


4 Designing for understandability 

We had several goals in designing Raft: it must provide a complete and practical foundation for system building, so that it significantly reduces the amount of design work required of developers; it must be safe under all conditions and available under typical operating conditions; and it must be efficient for common operations. But our most important goal—and most difficult challenge—was understandability. It must be possible for a large audience to understand the algorithm comfortably. In addition, it must be possible to develop intuitions about the algorithm, so that system builders can make the extensions that are inevitable in real-world implementations. 


There were numerous points in the design of Raft where we had to choose among alternative approaches. In these situations we evaluated the alternatives based on understandability: how hard is it to explain each alternative (for example, how complex is its state space, and does it have subtle implications?), and how easy will it be for a reader to completely understand the approach and its implications? 


We recognize that there is a high degree of subjectivity in such analysis; nonetheless, we used two techniques that are generally applicable. The first technique is the well-known approach of problem decomposition: wherever possible, we divided problems into separate pieces that could be solved, explained, and understood relatively independently. For example, in Raft we separated leader election, log replication, safety, and membership changes. 


Our second approach was to simplify the state space by reducing the number of states to consider, making the system more coherent and eliminating nondeterminism where possible. Specifically, logs are not allowed to have holes, and Raft limits the ways in which logs can become inconsistent with each other. Although in most cases we tried to eliminate nondeterminism, there are some situations where nondeterminism actually improves understandability. In particular, randomized approaches introduce nondeterminism, but they tend to reduce the state space by handling all possible choices in a similar fashion (“choose any; it doesn’t matter”). We used randomization to simplify the Raft leader election algorithm. 

我们的第二个方法是通过减少需要考虑的状态数量来简化状态空间,使系统更加连贯,并尽可能消除非确定性。具体来说,不允许日志有漏洞,而且Raft限制了日志相互之间不一致的方式。尽管在大多数情况下,我们试图消除非确定性,但在某些情况下,非确定性实际上提高了可理解性。特别是,随机化的方法引入了非确定性,但它们倾向于通过以类似的方式处理所有可能的选择来减少状态空间("choose any; it doesn’t matter 选择任何状态;这并不重要")。我们使用随机化来简化Raft领袖选举算法。

以上是关于Raft: 寻找可理解的共识算法的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章


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