tableau 数据可视化工具
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篇首语:本文由小常识网(小编为大家整理,主要介绍了tableau 数据可视化工具相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

Data visualization: Tableau is a data visualization tool that provides complex calculations, data blending and dashboards for creating beautiful data visualizations. Quickly create interactive visualizations: Users can use Tableau's drag-and-drop function to create very interactive visualizations. Implementation comfort: Many types of visualization options are provided in Tableau to enhance the user experience. Compared with Python, Tableau is very easy to learn. Users who do not know coding can also learn Tableau quickly. Tableau can handle large amounts of data: Tableau can easily handle millions of rows of data. Large amounts of data can create different types of visualizations without affecting the performance of the dashboard. In addition, there is an option in Tableau where users can connect to different data sources, such as SQL, in "real time". Use other scripting languages in Tableau: To avoid performance issues and perform complex table calculations in Tableau, users can include Python or R. Using Python scripts, users can remove the software load by using packages to perform data cleaning tasks. However, Python is not a native scripting language accepted by Tableau. Therefore, you can import some packages or visual effects. Mobile Support and Responsive Dashboard: Tableau Dashboard has excellent reporting capabilities, it is specifically customized for mobile devices or laptops and other devices. Tableau will automatically understand the device the user is viewing the report and make adjustments to ensure that the accurate report is delivered to the correct device.
无自定义视觉导入:其他工具(如Power BI),开发人员可以创建可在Tableau中轻松导入的自定义视觉,因此任何新的视觉效果都可以在导入之前重新创建,但Tableau不是一个完整的开放工具。
仪表板上的屏幕分辨率:如果Tableau开发人员屏幕分辨率与用户屏幕分辨率不同,则会分发仪表板的布局。示例:如果仪表板是在1920 X 1080的屏幕分辨率上创建的,并且在2560 X 1440上查看,那么仪表板的布局将被破坏一点,它们的仪表板没有响应。因此,需要以不同方式为桌面和移动设备创建仪表板。
After connecting to the data source, Tableau will capture the metadata details of the source, such as the columns and their data types. This is used to create the dimensions, measures and calculation fields used by the view. We can browse the metadata and change certain properties of some specific requirements.
Check metadata: After connecting to the data source, Tableau will display all possible tables and columns that exist in the source, let's consider the source example coffee shop to check metadata. Click the Data menu and select Connect to data source. Browse the MS access file named Sample-Coffee Shop. Drag the table named Product to the data canvas. When selecting a file, we get the following screen showing the column names and their data types. The string data type is displayed as Abc, and the numeric data type is displayed as #.
Change the data type: If necessary, we can change the data type of some fields. Depending on the nature of the source data, sometimes Tableau may not be able to recognize the type of data in the source. In this case, we can manually edit the data type. The screen below shows the options.
Rename and hide: You can use the rename option to change the column name. In addition, we can hide a column so that it will not appear in the data view we created. These options are available by clicking the data type icon in the metadata grid, as shown below.
Column alias: You can assign an alias to each column of the data source to help better understand the nature of the column. We can select the alias option from the steps above, and then the following screen for creating or editing an alias appear.(来源:Google翻译)
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