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A block is a sequence of bytes (often 512). Block-based storage interfaces are a mature and common way to store data on media including HDDs, SSDs, CDs, floppy disks, and even tape.

Ceph block devices are thin-provisioned, resizable, and store data striped over multiple OSDs. Ceph block devices leverage RADOS capabilities including snapshotting, replication and strong consistency. Ceph block storage clients communicate with Ceph clusters through kernel modules or the librbd library.



Kernel modules can use Linux page caching. For librbd-based applications, Ceph supports RBD Caching.

Ceph’s block devices deliver high performance with vast scalability to kernel modules, or to KVMs such as QEMU, and cloud-based computing systems like OpenStack and CloudStack that rely on libvirt and QEMU to integrate with Ceph block devices.You can use the same cluster to operate the Ceph RADOS Gateway, the Ceph File System, and Ceph block devices simultaneously.

rbd is a utility for manipulating rados block device (RBD) images, used by the Linux rbd driver and the rbd storage driver for QEMU/KVM. RBD images are simple block devices that are striped over objects and stored in a RADOS object store. The size of the objects the imageis striped over must be a power of two.


RBD images are striped over many objects, which are then stored by the Ceph distributed object store (RADOS). As a result, read and write requests for the image are distributed across many nodes in the cluster, generally preventing any single node from becoming a bottleneck when individual images get large or busy.



Pools are logical partitions for storing objects.

When you first deploy a cluster without creating a pool, Ceph uses the default pools for storing data. A pool provides you with:

·       Resilience: You can set how many OSD are allowed to fail without losing data. For replicated pools, it is the desired number of copies/replicas of an object. A typical configuration stores an object and one additional copy (i.e., size = 2), but you can determine the number of copies/replicas.

·       Placement Groups: You can set the number of placement groups for the pool. A typical configuration uses approximately 100 placement groups per OSD to provide optimal balancing without using up too many computing resources. When setting up multiple pools, be careful to ensure you set a reasonable number of placement groups for both the pool and the cluster as a whole.



PGP (Placement Group for Placement)


PGP is Placement Group for Placement purpose, which should be kept equal to the total number of placement groups(pg_num). For a Ceph pool, if you increase the number of placement groups, that is, pg_num, you should also increase pgp_num to the same integer value as pg_num so that the cluster can start rebalancing. The undercover rebalancing mechanism can be understood in the following way.The pg_num value defines the number of placement groups, which are mapped to OSDs. When pg_num is increased for any pool, every PG of this pool splits into half, but they all remain mapped to their parent OSD. Until this time, Ceph does not start rebalancing. Now, when you increase the pgp_num value for the same pool, PGs start to migrate from the parent to some other OSD, and cluster rebalancing starts. In this way, PGP plays an important role in cluster rebalancing.



·       CRUSH(Controlled Replication Under Scalable Hashing) Rules: When you store data in a pool, placement of the object and its replicas (or chunks for erasure coded pools) in your cluster is governed by CRUSH rules. You can create a custom CRUSH rule for your pool if the default rule is not appropriate for your use case.


Ceph作为关注度比较高的统一分布式存储系统,其有别于其他分布式系统就在于它采用Crush(Controlled Replication Under Scalable Hashing)算法使得数据的存储位置都是计算出来的而不是去查询专门的元数据服务器得来的。另外,Crush算法还有效缓解了普通hash算法在处理存储设备增删时带来的数据迁移问题。接下面要回答三个问题:什么是CRUSH?它能做什么?它是怎么工作的?

1. 什么是CRUSH?



2. CRUSH能干什么?



Ceph的后端是一个对象存储(RADOS),所以所有的数据都会按照一个特定的size(ceph系统默认是4M)被切分成若干个对象,也就是上面的Objects。每一个Object都有一个Objectid(oid),Objectid的命名规则是数据所在image的block_name_prefix再跟上一个编号,这个编号是顺序递增的。通过(poolid, hash(oid) & mask),每个object都可以得到它对应的pgid。有了这个pgid之后,Client就会执行CRUSH算法得到一个OSD列表(OSD1,OSD2,OSD3)。然后对它们进行筛选,根据副本数找出符合要求的OSD,比如OSD不能是failed、overloaded的。知道数据要存在哪些OSD上之后,Client会向列表中的第一个OSD(primary osd)发起IO请求。然后这个OSD按照读写请求分别做相应的处理。


3. CRUSH是如何工作的?

CRUSH是基于一张描述当前集群资源状态的map(Crush map)按照一定的规则(rules)得到这个OSD列表的。Ceph将系统的所有硬件资源描述成一个树状结构,然后再基于这个结构按照一定的容错规则生成一个逻辑上的树形结构作为Crush map。数的叶子节点是OSD。

4. 归置组是如何使用的?

存储池内的归置组( PG )把对象汇聚在一起,因为跟踪每一归置组个对象的位置及其元数据需要大量计算——即一个拥有数百万对象的系统,不可能在对象这一级追踪位置。


Ceph 客户端会计算某一对象应该位于哪个归置组里,它是这样实现的,先给对象 ID 做哈希操作,然后再根据指定存储池里的 PG 数量、存储池 ID 做一个运算。详情见 PG 映射到 OSD 

The object’s contents within a placement group are stored in a set of OSDs. For instance, in a replicated pool of size two, each placement group will store objects on two OSDs, as shown below.


Should OSD #2 fail, another will be assigned to Placement Group #1 and will be filled with copies of all objects in OSD #1. If the pool size is changed from two to three, an additional OSD will be assigned to the placement group and will receive copies of all objects in the placement group.

Placement groups do not own the OSD, they share it with other placement groups from the same pool or even other pools. If OSD #2 fails, the Placement Group #2 will also have to restore copies of objects, using OSD #3.

When the number of placement groups increases, the new placement groups will be assigned OSDs. The result of the CRUSH function will also change and some objects from the former placement groups will be copied over to the new Placement Groups and removed from the old ones.



  • 一切皆对象

  • 一切均被crush









1). Pool: Ceph对PG做的逻辑上的划分。每类存储都有其对应的默认存储池,比如RBD的默认存储池为rbd, RGW的对应存储池为default.rgw.buckets.data,     CephFS的对应存储池为cephfs。也就是说,不同的RADOS上层来的数据,最终会落到不同的Pool中,由此来更好的管理数据。

2). PG(placement group): 是一些对象逻辑上的合集,也是Pool最基本组成单位,是实现冗余策略,数据迁移、灾难恢复等功能的基础。可以向上接受、处理客户端请求,转化为能被Object Store理解的事务,是一个对象落到OSD上的最后逻辑载体。


rgw object -> rados object -> pool -> pg -> osd




RGW: 提供对象存储服务的组件



OSD: Ceph管理硬盘的组件

MON(Monitor): 管理Ceph集群状态、各个组件的组件

5. 预定义PG_NUM 

此命令创建存储池时:ceph osd pool create {pool-name} pg_num

确定 pg_num 取值是强制性的,因为不能自动计算。下面是几个常用的值:

  • 少于 5 OSD 时可把 pg_num 设置为128

  • OSD数量在510个时,可把 pg_num 设置为512

  • OSD数量在10 50个时,可把 pg_num 设置为4096

  • OSD数量大于50时,你得理解权衡方法、以及如何自己计算 pg_num 取值

  • 自己计算 pg_num 取值时可借助 pgcalc 工具

随着 OSD 数量的增加,正确的 pg_num 取值变得更加重要,因为它显著地影响着集群的行为、以及出错时的数据持久性(即灾难性事件导致数据丢失的概率)。

 ·        Snapshots: When you create snapshots with ceph osd pool mksnap, you effectively take a snapshot of a particular pool.




分布式存储 Ceph原理+架构图详解


