Posted 费话连翩


I woke up this morning seeing a little tablet next to all that of our ancestors in the shrine in our house. I remember being a kid and have to stand on my toes to have a peek inside. Now I can see it head up as I come out of my room. If I continue to grow taller ma said she’d have to move the shrine upward.
They’d put the little pendant on the tablet of Allen’s, which he has on his neck ever since I bought it back from a trip to New Zealand. It’s a little jade in a shape of an anchor, reminds me of freedom for no reason. Allen was never free, but he was happy, in his own doggish silly ways.
My head aches like hell, might have cried too hard last night and got some of the tears back-flowed through my eye socket into my brain. But It was fine cause to live is to tack in pain.
I can bear the loss. What I can’t bear was to see anyone smiling when I am at loss. But it's Halloween.
I never get why this day has anything to do with witches. But my family seems to take it for granted. Neither parents of mine became a witch or wizard, but they seem to see Halloween as a fit to our family’s atmosphere and grandma just let them be. She smiled kindly as they decide this day as the day of family reunion and did not speaks any opposition. I hope ma and pa weren’t thinking of hunted house and candle-lit dark dinner table as they thought of Halloween as much as I hope I would never know what transform grandma from a bitch of a witch (cunning and bad and cruel and anguish and all that from what I’d heard from my uncles) to a kind old lady.
I took over grandma’s passion and legacy, including her name. There wasn’t much pressure cause my parents think it badass to become a witch and I care no fucks about my teachers and classmates at the academy who always have grandma all over their mouth whenever they talk to me. I grew tired of their accuses and praises, I just walk away whenever anyone turns their face towards me and I break into their yards and change all their threes into giant goldfish if I heard anyone speaks of my family or me.
Allen was my only pal. I’d rather I was the one who got run over by a car. What’s the point anyway.
Ma was in the kitchen, frying eggs and pancakes as I walked in. The way she spoke so soft and careful as she asked if I want to eat anything and told me that papa and all the relatives are coming back at noon made it even more unbearable. I just nodded, feeling tired already.
Neither Ma nor Pa brought up Allen on the table. My uncles and aunts and nephews and cousins and kids I don’t even know existed probably all know we have a dog since ma was keen on sharing details to “bond the family closer,” but none of them asked of him too. I set with the corners of my mouth down and kept taking the bear handed to me by whomever. They were so light they taste almost like water. By 5 o’clock I cannot take it anymore and have drunk too many bears. I said I’d go to the washroom but headed outdoor in plain sight. Nobody stopped me.
There are already kids dressing up like nightmares all over the street. Really reminds me of that school trip in which we went to a graveyard and fought zombies the whole day. People are no different than zombies when they walk past on streets, you’d believe me if only you’ve seen what the zombies in the graveyard were like before we disturbed them. I turn the mask of the kid coming treat-or-trick me into a bat and vanished Infront of him.
There’s no place to grieve. No place to think quietly of what death even means. On the festival of the deceased.
I used tracker magic to track down the car that runs over Allen. I followed it to a house with a garage, confirmed the car, and knock on the front door.
“Trick or treat!”
A man with ridiculous beard opened up. He was smiling. The house is lit in warm yellow lights, and I think it’s his kids sitting around the table, counting their trophies.
Before he can offer me chocolate, I pointed my wand at his nose.
“By the name of the great Achlys I here from take away all your tears and your griefs.”
And I said “Happy Halloween, sir.” to keep my politeness present.
He looked stunned at first but gives me a burst of dry but not unfriendly laughter after hearing what I said. I think he took it as a friendly Halloween joke.
I took away your future griefs, not your losses, u fucking moron.