Posted CaoPengCheng&
- 需要物业管理人员和业主两个用户
- 需要做楼房管理,住户管理,水电气费缴纳,管理等
/* 物业管理人员 */
create table PropetyManager
PMno char(7) primary key,
PMname char(8) not null,
PMsex char(2) check(PMsex in('男','女')) not null,
PMage smallint check(PMage between 18 and 60) not null,
PMedu char(4) check(PMedu in('小学','初中','高中','专科','本科','硕士','博士')) not null ,
PMnative char(10),
PMdept char(4) check(PMdept in('经理','清洁','会计','维修','绿化','安保')) not null ,
PM_Leader char(7),
PMtime date,
foreign key(PM_Leader)references PropetyManager(PMno)
insert into PropetyManager values ('W002','尼古拉斯','男',22,'博士','曹县','安保','W001','2080/8/5');
insert into PropetyManager values ('W003','石榴','女',25,'本科','上海','清洁','W001','2085/5/1');
insert into PropetyManager values ('W004','翠花','女',33,'小学','甘肃','会计','W001','2078/4/18');
insert into PropetyManager values ('W005','狗剩','男',56,'初中','庆阳','维修','W001','2069/9/25');
insert into PropetyManager values ('W006','大脚','女',45,'高中','兰州','绿化','W001','2066/12/5');
/* 楼房 */
create table Building
Bno char(7) primary key ,
Barea char(2) check(Barea>='A' and Barea<='Z') not null,
Blouno smallint check(Blouno>=1 and Blouno<=20) not null,
Bapartment smallint check(Bapartment>=1 and Bapartment<=3) not null,
BRoomNo smallint not null
insert into Building values ('A11101','A',1,1,101);
insert into Building values ('A11102','A',1,1,102);
insert into Building values ('A11201','A',1,1,201);
insert into Building values ('A11202','A',1,1,202);
insert into Building values ('A11301','A',1,1,301);
insert into Building values ('A11302','A',1,1,302);
insert into Building values ('B11101','B',1,1,101);
insert into Building values ('B11102','B',1,1,102);
insert into Building values ('B11201','B',1,1,201);
insert into Building values ('B11202','B',1,1,202);
insert into Building values ('B11301','B',1,1,301);
insert into Building values ('B11302','B',1,1,302);
/* 车库garage */
create table Garage
Gno char(7) primary key,
Gaddress char(30)
insert into Garage values ('GA001','A区1号库');
insert into Garage values ('GA002','A区2号库');
insert into Garage values ('GA003','A区3号库');
insert into Garage values ('GA004','A区4号库');
insert into Garage values ('GB001','B区1号库');
insert into Garage values ('GB002','B区2号库');
insert into Garage values ('GB003','B区3号库');
insert into Garage values ('GB004','B区4号库');
/* 业主 */
create table Proprietor
Pno char(7) primary key ,
Pname char(10) not null,
P_Bno char(7),
P_Gno char(7),
Psex char(2) check(Psex in('男','女')) not null,
Page smallint check(Page between 0 and 150) not null,
Pnative char(10),
Ptime date,
foreign key(P_Bno)references Building(Bno),
foreign key(P_Gno)references Garage(Gno)
insert into Proprietor values ('Y001','杰克','A11101','GA001','男',88,'曹县','2066/3/27');
insert into Proprietor values ('Y002','柔丝','A11102','GA002','女',8,'北京','2078/9/22');
insert into Proprietor values ('Y003','杰伦','B11101','GB001','男',32,'深圳','2056/3/2');
insert into Proprietor values ('Y004','俊杰','B11102','GB002','男',46,'纽约','2064/8/8');
/* 费用 */
create table Cost
C_Pno char(7),
C_Bno char(7),
Cwater money check(Cwater>-100 and Cwater<=99999) not null,
Celectricity money check(Celectricity>-100 and Celectricity<=99999) not null,
Cgas money check(Cgas>-100 and Cgas<=99999) not null,
Cproperty money check(Cproperty>-100 and Cproperty<=99999) not null,
primary key(C_Pno,C_Bno),
foreign key(C_Pno)references Proprietor(Pno),
foreign key(C_Bno)references Building(Bno)
insert into Cost values ('Y001','A11101',0,0,0,0);
insert into Cost values ('Y002','A11102',0,0,0,0);
insert into Cost values ('Y003','B11101',0,0,0,0);
insert into Cost values ('Y004','B11102',0,0,0,0);
/* 物业管理人员Login*/
create table User_PropetyManager
username char(7) primary key,
password char(8) not null,
foreign key(username)references PropetyManager(PMno)
insert User_PropetyManager values ('W001',123);
insert User_PropetyManager values ('W002',123);
insert User_PropetyManager values ('W003',123);
insert User_PropetyManager values ('W004',123);
insert User_PropetyManager values ('W005',123);
insert User_PropetyManager values ('W006',123);
/* 系统管理人员Login */
create table User_System
username char(7) primary key,
password char(8) not null
insert User_System values ('cao',123);
/* 业主Login */
create table User_Proprietor
username char(7) primary key,
password char(8) not null,
foreign key(username)references Proprietor(Pno)
insert User_Proprietor values ('Y001',123);
insert User_Proprietor values ('Y002',123);
insert User_Proprietor values ('Y003',123);
insert User_Proprietor values ('Y004',123);