秋招 | Microsoft Finance Analyst

Posted BRC求职


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Microsoft (US) Finance Analyst

秋招 | Microsoft Finance Analyst


公司:  Microsoft 
职位:  Finance Analyst
地点: US

  • Learning about the various financial cycles as well as the precision and application of Profit & Loss to Microsoft decisions and analysis

  • Developing data modeling skills by managing and manipulating complex data

  • Gaining an understanding around the focus and strategies of finance leaders, comprehend methods and practices in making executive decisions and further build on advanced modeling skills

  • Identifying the level of risk to both segments of the company and Microsoft as a corporation. Responsibilities include identifying root causes of risks and analyzing business processes and execution plans to provide a framework for improvement

  • You will also learn relationships and responsibilities of Microsoft’s worldwide subsidiaries, operating centers, and/or corporate entities through on-site engagements, while understanding how to effectively gather information and communicate complex findings


  • Currently pursuing a bachelor's degree in finance, accounting, economics, or business (on track to graduate by June 2021 or have graduated no earlier than March 2020) 

  • One or more years of classroom and/or finance internship work experience in financial risk analysis with demonstrated analytical and problem-solving skills 

  • Strong competency in MS Office, especially in Excel including pivot tables; certifications or relevant coursework preferred 

  • Power BI /Tableau or other data visualization experience preferred  

  • SQL/R/Python or other programming/data science experience preferred 

  • Proven ability, experience, and overall understanding of fundamental finance and accounting acumen including data modeling, data analytics, FP&A, forecasting, interpreting financial statements, and reporting 

  • Capable of working with high degree of ambiguity in a fast-paced environment 

  • Demonstrated ability to work both independently and collaboratively with multiple business partners and teams 

  • Strong attention to detail and accuracy













秋招 | Microsoft Finance Analyst



申请成为BRC VIP会员


秋招 | Microsoft Finance Analyst


Bank of America IBD实习


  • Supporting a deal or project team with analytical and research support

  • Performing financial valuations, utilizing discounted cash flow and multiples based analyses

  • Building and using financial models

  • Preparing presentation materials and participating in deal pitches

  • Supporting due diligence

  • Gaining in-depth knowledge of a particular industry sector or product group such as Equity Capital Markets or Debt Capital Markets

  • Support bankers to market the full range of services offered by the Investment Bank to prospective and established clients

  • Support bankers in evaluating financial data for prospective clients, developing procedures for identifying and evaluating M&A candidates, and formulating and executing takeover


  • 细心靠谱( IMPORTANT),做事灵活,沟通能力强

  • 本科或硕士学历

  • 学习成绩优异且分析能力出众



  • guide clients to make strategic decisions and investments to obtain competitive advantage

  • apply sound business acumen to support IT-based recommendations

  • produce a high quality work product and collaborate with others to deliver a superior client experience

  • understand how business functions operate and how sector trends impact a client’s business

  • select appropriate methods for collecting and analyzing data, and develop informed recommendations that shape or support the client’s business strategy

  • deliver key messages with clarity, confidence and poise to instill confidence in clients

  • organize insights and define a logical flow to tell a story when presenting recommendations

  • apply a global and diverse perspective to problem solving

  • address client business challenges in the intersection of process and technology


  • Bachelor's degree with relevant major

  • Prefer with IT consulting experiences, ITSP/ digital is preferred

  • Good learning capability and team work

  • Fluent in English both writing and oral

  • Supply chain relevant knowledge and background is preferable



  • 参与品牌年度发展计划,包括新品创新、现有产品线升级等

  • 负责产品包装设计的改进更新,涉及对接cross function/agency/供应商等

  • 参与品牌线上线下promotion

  • 一些数据统计、分析工作

  • 日常工作支持,包括财务报销、试吃、宣传物料跟进等等所需经费


  • prefer大三、研一研二的同学

  • 长期实习,一周至少三天

  • 能熟练使用MS Office,有相关实习经验优先

  • 有设计功底,能熟练使用PS等相关软件者优先,附作品集可加分

UBS Sales & Trading实习生


You can choose whether to be on a client team or be a sales trader. In both, you’ll be shadowing teams as they talk to clients on the phone and use our online systems to buy and sell equities, foreign currencies, interest rates and credit.

Our client teams promote products and trading opportunities to clients based on an in-depth understanding of their needs and investment styles.

Our sales trading teams are the the link between clients and traders, giving clients useful information about what’s happening in the markets and making sure their trades are executed the best prices.


You need to be a rising junior and have a 3.2 minimum cumulative GPA. It doesn’t matter what you’re studying. (Really, it doesn’t.) But we’d like to see evidence that you can:

  • analyze a problem, take a view and come to a decision

  • plan, organize and communicate well

  • make things happen

  • stick with a task

  • work in a team

  • come up with ideas







  • 对投资投行业务有初步了解,熟悉行业研究框架;

  • 对地产行业有了解者优先;

  • 对Pre-ABS/ABS等资产证券化业务有了解者优先;

  • 具有较强的文字功底,熟练使用office,工作细心认真,学习能力和沟通能力佳。


【Job Description】

  • Perform basic financial and statistical analysis.

  • Conduct research, prepare support documentation and assist in due diligence efforts.

  • Assist in other project support upon request.


  • Full time university student. 

  • Relevant majors (Finance, Economics, Accounting etc.) and investment banking internship experience preferred.

  • Strong financial and accounting knowledge.-Good in business writing.

【Skills and Abilities】

  • Customer-oriented mentality.

  • Effective communicator.-Excellent interpersonal skills, integrating tact and diplomacy. 

  • Strong self-starter, self-confident & energetic.

  • Detail-oriented and can-do attitude.-Good command in English.



  • 数据支持、事务性工作支持,包括行业数据库、行业图谱梳理、访谈纪要整理、市场动态跟踪

  • 协助行业及公司调研报告撰写


  • 有行业研究、一级市场相关实习经验的优先,金融、会计、经济类优先

  • 较强逻辑思维能力、文字表述及数据搜集整理能力,熟悉财务会计知识,熟悉WIND、Questmobile、Euromonitor等数据库操作者优先

  • 工作积极,态度端正,踏实肯干,能够保证每周实习4-5天

  • 热爱投研行业者优先



实习生需协助完成导师正在做的项目,定期与导师沟通,包含布置任务,任务指导以及点评。由于项目全部为导师手上的真实项目,有 deadline。实习生务必认真对待,按时完成,以免影响导师工作进度。

  • 搭建业务监控指标体系并产品化;

  • 基于业务监控指标体系,及时发现业务问题,进行异动指标分析或深度的专题分析定位问题并寻求解决方案;

  • 为业务团队提供专题分析、数据分析与挖掘、模型及算法等相关服务;

  • 提炼数据产品需求,提供数据产品解决方案,并最终推动数据产品落地;


  • 熟练掌握EXCEL、SQL、PPT;

  • 拥有良好的沟通表达能力;



  • 根据滴滴出行券业务现状,结合不同客户和市场需求,提供恰当的产品运营策略及解决方案。

  • 通过数据监控、产品行态和用户调研,协助PM为业务的总体战略制定提供相关依据。

  • 协同PM进行跨部门沟通,完成客户成交追踪和收付款管理。

  • 基于产品进展,统筹协调产品,运营等部门完成既定项目计划。

  • 解决与合作客户中的基础产品问题及商务问题。


  • 每周至少4天,可全职优先

  • 熟练操作办公软件,擅长PPT制作和excel 数据测算。

  • 研究生及以上学历优先,专业不限。

  • 有外企或咨询公司实习工作经验者优先。

  • 有实习经验者优先安排。



  • 有机会了解品牌如何在电商平台上运作,参与策划和组织各类线上线下的campaign,进行品牌生意分析和各种形式的投放

  • 项目流程管理,跟进各项目的进度,负责从合同审批到收货付款的各项事宜,了解协调预算分配,保障项目顺利进行

  • 参与小规模市场调研与头脑风暴,对即将上市的新产品与广告进行广告修改建议、产品文案设计等,并总结汇报

  • 跨部门沟通:与联合利华财务、法务、电商、采购、销售、研发、设计等同事交流沟通,确认活动机制与细节;此外,保持与agency的良好沟通与合作

  • 其他工作:包括但不限于给供应商下单、各类research、竞品调研、文稿翻译、产品领用、campaign物资准备等


  • 一周工作至少3-4天,能尽快入职、时间充裕者优先考虑

  • 良好的沟通能力、执行能力和快速学习能力,能有效快速整合传递信息完成工作

  • 英语水平良好,CET-6以上,英文商务函件交流无障碍

  • 能熟练运用MS Office软件,尤其是Excel

  • 认真靠谱,细心踏实,抗压能力强,multi-task能力出众

  • 对Marketing工作充满热情、有相关实习经验者优先


  • 世界五百强实习经历,快消巨头品牌工作经验

  • 定期公司内部培训帮你快速了解快消行业市场知识


秋招 | Microsoft Finance Analyst




BRC求职是一家面向全球中国留学生群体的全球领先求职咨询平台。目前BRC已经在全球建立起强大的导师团队,网罗来自高盛、JP Morgan、Morgan Stanley、McKinsey、EY、PwC、L‘Oreal等公司的行业精英,为海外留学生和求职者提供最专业的一对一就业指导,并真正帮助学员收获dream offer!


在上一个申请季,来自BRC求职强大的导师团队帮助学员拿到了Bank of America, 飞利浦美国Officer,EY美国Office,欧莱雅美国Office,罗兰贝格上海Office,中金公司,麦肯锡,Bloomberg,Goldman Sachs等公司全职和实习Offer,帮助全球学子把心中的Dream Offer,从遥不可及变成了现实









Wechat ID: Beyond-remarkable



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