微软为何想要收购抖音 | Microsoft与Tiktok之间的深层联系
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篇首语:本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了微软为何想要收购抖音 | Microsoft与Tiktok之间的深层联系相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。
At first glance, a Microsoft acquisition of TikTok seems a little unusual. Microsoft has spent years walking back consumer plays like the Groove Music service, the Kinect Xbox accessory, its Microsoft Band fitness device, Windows Phone, and more recently the Mixer streaming service.
乍一看,此次微软收购抖音非同寻常。微软已经花了数年时间回顾针对消费者的游戏,比如Groove音乐服务、Kinect Xbox配件、微软健身设备、微软手机系统,以及最近推出的混音流媒体服务。
Microsoft has been favoring its enterprise software and services, and even Cortana has transitioned to be productivity-focused. How does a service that caters to dancing teenagers fit with Microsoft’s buttoned-up business demographic?
If you dig a little deeper into Microsoft’s future ambitions, though, a move to acquire TikTok’s operations in the US, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand could benefit many of Microsoft’s existing businesses while also setting the company up as a real competitor to YouTube and Facebook.
The key part of any TikTok deal will be the data and users Microsoft gains access to. This is the driving force behind concerns from the Trump administration over TikTok’s potential ties to the Chinese government and how that data might be misused. Microsoft acknowledges the data’s importance in its blog post confirming acquisition talks, noting that “Microsoft would ensure that all private data of TikTok’s American users is transferred to and remains in the United States.”

This data could be used by Microsoft in a variety of ways. The software giant has long used Xbox Live to fuel parts of Microsoft Research for future software and hardware projects, and the usage data helps game developers and Microsoft better understand how people use their Xbox. Understanding how people interacted with and used the Kinect accessory for the Xbox ultimately helped Microsoft develop and improve HoloLens, too.
这些数据对微软来说大有用处。长期以来,这家软件巨头一直在利用Xbox Live为微软未来的软硬件项目提供部分研究动力,这些使用数据有助于游戏开发商和微软更好地了解人们如何使用他们的Xbox。了解人们如何与Xbox上的配件互动和使用,最终也帮助微软开发和改进了HoloLens。
TikTok could help correct a Microsoft blindspot and even influence how other software and services are developed inside the company. Microsoft has all the data it needs on business usage of software, but it hasn’t been successful with pure consumer services in recent years, which has left the company with a gap of insight into consumer behaviors.

TikTok gives Microsoft a direct line to millions of youngsters using the app to watch videos and even those who use it to create content. Microsoft has tried desperately to adapt its Windows operating system to be more consumer-friendly with video creation apps, but TikTok offers an easy way for millions to create videos from their phones instead.
1. Microsoft could take advantage of that direct access to TikTok users with ads for Surface.
2. Microsoft also has broad ambitions for artificial intelligence that go beyond just the workplace.
3. TikTok has also been venturing into augmented reality, with both filters and ads that utilize AR. TikTok would be another gateway into the mobile world of AR for Microsoft.
It’s a complex deal, and Microsoft is trapped in it. Owning the network could benefit the company, but if it happens, it would also benefit President Trump, who could claim to have unwound one of China’s stickiest footholds in the US tech ecosystem. And he wouldn’t be shy about highlighting his involvement.
There will likely be more twists and turns in the TikTok talks in the coming weeks, but now that Microsoft has committed to finishing these discussions no later than September 15th, the clock is TikTok-ing.
摘自The Verge

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