机器视觉 dev_set_lut算子
Posted 沧海一笑-dj
篇首语:本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了机器视觉 dev_set_lut算子相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。
00. 目录
01. 概述
dev_set_lut - 设置“查找表”(lut)。
02. 签名
dev_set_lut( : : LutName : )
03. 描述
dev_set_lut设置活动图形窗口的查找表。 查找表定义了将来自单通道图像的“灰度值”转换为屏幕上的灰度值或颜色。 query_lut列出所有查找表的名称。
有关更多信息,请参阅算子set_lut的说明。 但是,与算子set_lut相反,此算子设置的新的查找表也用于之后打开的所有新图形窗口。
dev_set_lut sets the look-up-table of the active graphics window. A look-up-table defines the transformation of a “gray value” from an one-channel-image into a gray value or color on the screen. query_lut lists the names of all look-up-tables.
For more information see the description of the operator set_lut. However, in contrast to that operator the new look-up-table is also used for all new graphics windows that are opened afterwards.
04. 注意
使用HDevelop的代码导出功能,为该算子生成的代码可能与相关的HALCON算子具有不同的行为。 有关将HDevelop图形算子导出为不同编程语言的代码的详细说明,请参阅“HDevelop User’s Guide”中的 Code Export -> General Aspects of Code Generation -> Graphics Windows一章。
05. 参数
LutName (input_control) filename.read → (string)
Name of look-up-table, values of look-up-table (RGB) or file name.
Default value: ‘default’
Suggested values: ‘default’, ‘linear’, ‘inverse’, ‘sqr’, ‘inv_sqr’, ‘cube’, ‘inv_cube’, ‘sqrt’, ‘inv_sqrt’, ‘cubic_root’, ‘inv_cubic_root’, ‘color1’, ‘color2’, ‘color3’, ‘color4’, ‘three’, ‘six’, ‘twelve’, ‘twenty_four’, ‘rainbow’, ‘temperature’, ‘cyclic_gray’, ‘cyclic_temperature’, ‘hsi’, ‘change1’, ‘change2’, ‘change3’
File extension: .lut
watersheds_threshold.hdev Extract watersheds basins using a threshold
radiometric_self_calibration.hdev Perform a radiometric self calibration of two different cameras
histo_2dim.hdev Calculate a two-dimensional histogram (based on two gray-value channels)
gray_moments.hdev Calculate gray-value moments and approximate by a plane
gen_cooc_matrix.hdev Calculate a co-occurrence matrix
display_operators.hdev Visualize results
dev_open_window.hdev Open graphics windows in HDevelop
dem.hdev Extract high objects from a digital elevation model
cooc_feature_matrix.hdev Calculate a co-occurence matrix and derive texture features
* For true color only:
06. 结果
如果指定参数的值正确,则dev_set_lut返回2(H_MSG_TRUE)。 否则会引发异常并返回错误代码。
07. 附录
7.1 机器视觉博客汇总
以上是关于机器视觉 dev_set_lut算子的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章