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1. Pro Git
评价:★★★★☆ 4.5/5.0星

  • 作者:Scott Chacon
  • 出版社:Apress
Pro Git


Git is the version control system developed by Linus Torvalds for Linux kernel development. It took the open source world by storm since its inception in 2005, and is used by small development shops and giants like Google, Red Hat, and IBM, and of course many open source projects. *  A book by Git experts to turn you into a Git expert * Introduces the world of distributed version control * Shows how to build a Git development workflow What you’ll learn *  Use Git as a programmer or a project leader. * Become a fluent Git user. * Use distributed features of Git to the full. * Acquire the ability to insert Git in the development workflow. * Migrate programming projects from other SCMs to Git. * Learn how to extend Git. This book is for all open source developers: you are bound to encounter it somewhere in the course of your working life. Proprietary software developers will appreciate Git’s enormous scalability, since it is used for the Linux project, which comprises thousands of developers and testers.


八爷: 我很同意我的一个同事说过的一句话:要使用git,真不能拿来敲个git.--help就用,你得好好看一下先。.而至于看什么,这么免费的在线书籍,绝对是不二之选,花个几个小时,把前四章过一篇(当然,要边看边练习),你就可以用git做日常工作了。我断断续续读完了真本书,不能说全掌握了,但是要是遇到什么问题,我相信可以很快的翻开这本书,找到我想要的解决方案。入门之后,就在平常的工作实践中逐步提高吧。.我本....我很同意我的一个同事说过的一句话:要使用git,真不能拿来敲个git.--help就用,你得好好看一下先。.而至于看什么,这么免费的在线书籍,绝对是不二之选,花个几个小时,把前四章过一篇(当然,要边看边练习),你就可以用git做日常工作了。我断断续续读完了真本书,不能说全掌握了,但是要是遇到什么问题,我相信可以很快的翻开这本书,找到我想要的解决方案。入门之后,就在平常的工作实践中逐步提高吧。.我本人p4和git都用的比较多,我也没有什么特别的偏好。要说git的优点,还是众所周知的那几点:一个是本地commit;一个是轻量的branch;第三个是fork+pull灵活方便的开源合作模式。至于rewrite.history,我觉得这个功能太过危险,还是不要给任何人重写历史的权利比较好。.(展开)
川叶: 写得非常清晰,非常好懂。git.真是个伟大的工具!版本管理思想在项目开发中的重要性大概就如社会制度对社会发展的重要性一样。
Whyme Lyu: 10年一换代的话,.是该用git取代svn了吧..想简单地.Up.and.Running.那么这本还不错.

2. Git Magic
评价:★★★☆ 3.5/5.0星

  • 作者:Ben Lynn
  • 出版社:CreateSpace
Git Magic


Git is a version control Swiss army knife. A reliable versatile multipurpose revision control tool whose extraordinary flexibility makes it tricky to learn, let alone master. As Arthur C. Clarke observed, any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic. This is a great way to approach Git: newbies can ignore its inner workings and view Git as a gizmo that can amaze friends and infuriate enemies with its wondrous abilities. Rather than describe one mysterious command after another, we provide recipes for typical workflows. After repeated use, you will inevitably gain proficiency with Git.


老伐开心: 不完整的感觉,没有简化版的感觉,像残缺版,但40页,时间上无损失
自言自语: 感觉只需要看部分章节...本来也不长...
Briliant: 每次重用git就得翻一翻

3. Version Control with Git
评价:★★★☆ 3.5/5.0星

  • 作者:Jon Loeliger
  • 出版社:O'Reilly Media
Version Control with Git


Git permits practically an infinite variety of methods for development and collaboration, but its flexibility also means that some users don't understand how to use it to best advantage. This book offers tutorials on ways to use it, as well as friendly yet rigorous advice to help you navigate Git's many functions. In step by step fashion, you'll learn how to track, branch, merge, and manage code revisions with Git. The second edition has been thoroughly revised, with extended coverage of the reflog and stash, tips for tree munging, and tips for using the Github repository. Learn how to use Git in several real-world development environments Gain insight into Git's common-use cases, initial tasks, and basic functions Understand how to use Git for both centralized and distributed version control Use Git to manage patches, diffs, merges, and conflicts Acquire advanced techniques such as rebasing, hooks, and ways to handle submodules (subprojects) Learn how to use Git with Subversion Git has earned the respect of developers around the world. Find out how you can benefit from this amazing tool with Version Control with Git.


川叶: 比Pro.Git讲得更详细,可读性较低一些,但更严谨。
et: Git.还是看这本好,.不过就是啰嗦了一点..4星
Peng: 现在不玩Git都不好意思说自己是搞IT的

4. Version Control with Git
评价:★★★☆ 3.5/5.0星

  • 作者:Jon Loeliger
  • 出版社:O'Reilly Media
Version Control with Git


Version Control with Git takes you step-by-step through ways to track, merge, and manage software projects, using this highly flexible, open source version control system. Git permits virtually an infinite variety of methods for development and collaboration. Created by Linus Torvalds to manage development of the Linux kernel, it's become the principal tool for distributed version control. But Git's flexibility also means that some users don't understand how to use it to their best advantage. Version Control with Git offers tutorials on the most effective ways to use it, as well as friendly yet rigorous advice to help you navigate Git's many functions. With this book, you will: * Learn how to use Git in several real-world development environments * Gain insight into Git's common-use cases, initial tasks, and basic functions * Understand how to use Git for both centralized and distributed version control * Use Git to manage patches, diffs, merges, and conflicts * Acquire advanced techniques such as rebasing, hooks, and ways to handle submodules (subprojects) * Learn how to use Git with Subversion Git has earned the respect of developers around the world. Find out how you can benefit from this amazing tool with Version Control with Git.


云水: 每句名言都有一句相对矛盾的名言,说大丈夫能曲能伸,又说大丈夫宁死不屈。.这本书就是“书到用时方恨少”的反面例证,平常真的用不到,svn.足矣,也只有Linux内核这种庞然大物才需要吧。.智慧的代价是矛盾,这是人生对人生观开的玩笑。.凌乱了
qwert: Best.git.boot.I.have.ever.read.
feelang: いいね。この本を皮切りに、本格的に精進する。

5. Git权威指南
评价:★★★☆ 3.5/5.0星

  • 作者:蒋鑫
  • 出版社:机械工业出版社华章公司


《Git权威指南》是Git领域的集大成之作,是一本关于Git的百科全书,在广度、深度和实战性上让同类作品望尘莫及。作者是国内顶尖的版本控制专家和咨询顾问之一,本书得到了Git官方维护者Junio C Hamano和ITeye创始人范凯(Robbin)先生等数位专家的高度认可和极力推荐,权威性毋庸置疑。全书一共9篇,共41章和4个附录,内容几乎涵盖了Git的所有方面。第1篇介绍了版本控制工具的演变历史、Git的各种优点,以及它在3种主流操作系统中的安装与配置。第2篇和第3篇既是本书的基础,又是本书的核心,不仅介绍了Git的操作和使用,而且还讲解了Git的原理。第2篇详细讲解了个人用户如何使用Git,包括Git初始化、日常操作、暂存区、对象、重置、检出、恢复进度、历史变更、克隆、库管理等;第3篇详细讲解了Git协议和团队如何使用Git,包括Git支持的协议、冲突解决、里程碑、分支、远程版本库和补丁文件交互等。第4篇全面介绍了Git的协同模型,即它在实际工作中的使用模式,包括各种经典的Git协同模型、Topgit协同模型、子模组协同模型、子树合并、android多版本库协同、Git与SVN协同模型等。第5篇介绍了Git服务器的架设,首先讲解了HTTP协议、Git协议、SSH协议的使用,然后讲解了Gitolite、Gitosis、Gerrit等服务器的架设方法,最后还讲解了Git版本库的托管。第6篇介绍了版本库的迁移,包括如何从CVS、SVN、Hg等版本库迁移到Git,以及Git版本库整理等方面的内容。第7篇讲解了Git的其他应用,包括etckeeper、Gistore等的安装、配置和使用,以及补丁中的二进制文件和云存储等内容。第8篇介绍了Git的跨平台操作,以及它的钩子和模板、稀疏检出和浅克隆、嫁接和替换等重要特性。第9篇是附录,详细给出了Git的命令索引,以及CVS、SVN和Hg与Git的比较与命令对照,方便读者查阅。


Haiyu: 扫读了一遍,一本大杂烩书籍,作者的表达能力太渣,内容简介有吹牛逼成分,「本书得到了Git官方维护者Junio.C.Hamano和ITeye创始人范凯(Robbin)先生等数位专家的高度认可和极力推荐,权威性毋庸置疑。」
莱斯基: 国内作者难得的好书,深入浅出的介绍了.Git.的原理和使用方法,从个人使用讲到群体协作,还介绍了.Github.的使用方法,非常赞
蝉: :.TP311.56/4181

6. Pragmatic Version Control Using Git (Pragmatic Starter Kit)
评价:★★★ 3.0/5.0星

  • 作者:Travis Swicegood
  • 出版社:Pragmatic Bookshelf
Pragmatic Version Control Using Git (Pragmatic Starter Kit)


Whether you're making the switch from a traditional centralized version control system or are a new programmer just getting started, this book prepares you to start using Git in your everyday programming. "Pragmatic Version Control Using Git" starts with an overview of version control systems, and shows how being distributed enables you to work more efficiently in our increasingly mobile society. It then progresses through the basics necessary to get started using Git. You'll get a thorough overview of how to take advantage of Git. By the time you finish this book you'll have a firm grounding in how to use Git, both by yourself and as part of a team. Learn how to use how to use Git to protect all the pieces of your project. Work collaboratively in a distributed environment. Learn how to use Git's cheap branches to streamline your development. Install and administer a Git server to share your repository.


cobie: 终于明白了rebase和reflog。。。
hh: reference
不改名会死星人: 入门,先了解个大概

7. Git团队协作
评价:★★★ 3.0/5.0星

  • 作者:[加] Emma Jane Hogbin Westby
  • 出版社:人民邮电出版社




脑残片: 第一部分和第二部分有重要参考价值,特别是第一部分策略的讲解很全面,可操作性很强。
浩瀚天空: 讲述了Git在团队协作中的使用方式。讲述了多人团队和代码评审的方式。
Windie  Chai: 团队协作的部分要Git的部分好很多



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