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关于redis的list的常用命令就不多说了 常用的命令lpush,rpush,lpop,rpop,lrangge等,这个不错过多的演示,相信研究源码的同学应该都知道这些,唯一要说的就是在redis中有BRPOP等命令,这个是通过redisDb中的blocking_keys和ready_keys来实现,当然这个不是咱们这篇文章需要讨论的重点

typedef struct redisDb {    dict *dict;                /* The keyspace for this DB   字典数据结构,非常重要*/    dict *expires;             /* Timeout of keys with a timeout set   过期时间*/    dict *blocking_keys;       /* Keys with clients waiting for data (BLPOP)  list一些数据结构中用到的阻塞api*/    dict *ready_keys;          /* Blocked keys that received a PUSH */    dict *watched_keys;        /* WATCHED keys for MULTI/EXEC CAS  事务相关处理 */    int id;                    /* Database ID */    long long avg_ttl;         /* Average TTL, just for stats */    unsigned long expires_cursor;/* Cursor of the active expire cycle. */    list *defrag_later;        /* List of key names to attempt to defrag one by one, gradually. */} redisDb;

对于redis的list来说,list是一个有序(按照加入的时序来排序)的数据结构,redis采用quicklist(双端链表)和ziplist作为list的底层实现 我们先来看看ziplist的结构图


# Lists are also encoded in a special way to save a lot of space.# The number of entries allowed per internal list node can be specified# as a fixed maximum size or a maximum number of elements.# For a fixed maximum size, use -5 through -1, meaning:# -5: max size: 64 Kb <-- not recommended for normal workloads# -4: max size: 32 Kb <-- not recommended# -3: max size: 16 Kb <-- probably not recommended# -2: max size: 8 Kb <-- good# -1: max size: 4 Kb <-- good# Positive numbers mean store up to _exactly_ that number of elements# per list node.# The highest performing option is usually -2 (8 Kb size) or -1 (4 Kb size),# but if your use case is unique, adjust the settings as necessary.list-max-ziplist-size -2     //单个ziplist节点最多存储8kb,超过则进行分裂,将数据存储在新的ziplist节点中


# Lists may also be compressed.# Compress depth is the number of quicklist ziplist nodes from *each* side of# the list to *exclude* from compression. The head and tail of the list# are always uncompressed for fast push/pop operations. Settings are:# 0: disable all list compression# 1: depth 1 means "don't start compressing until after 1 node into the list,# going from either the head or tail"# So: [head]->node->node->...->node->[tail]# [head], [tail] will always be uncompressed; inner nodes will compress.# 2: [head]->[next]->node->node->...->node->[prev]->[tail]# 2 here means: don't compress head or head->next or tail->prev or tail,# but compress all nodes between them.# 3: [head]->[next]->[next]->node->node->...->node->[prev]->[prev]->[tail]# etc.list-compress-depth 0//0代表所有节点,都不进行压缩,1代表从头节点往后走一个,尾节点往前走一个不用压缩,2、3、4以此类推  这个目的主要是减少内存的碎片


Redis:list/lpush/lrange/lpop 命令源码解析

Redis源码剖析 - Redis数据类型之列表List



Redis源码剖析 - Redis内置数据结构之压缩列表ziplist
