大家好,我是痞子衡,是正经搞技术的痞子。今天痞子衡给大家介绍的是恩智浦i.MX RT1xxx系列MCU的Flashloader。
在上一篇文章 Serial Downloader模式(sdphost, mfgtool) 里痞子衡为大家介绍了i.MXRT1xxx Boot的Serial Downloader模式,这种模式主要是用来引导启动Flashloader,那么Flashloader到底具有哪些功能?这是本篇文章痞子衡要为大家解惑的主题。
1.1 官方程序包
恩智浦提供了 Flashloader程序包,你首先需要下载这个Flashloader包,Flashloader所有相关资源全在包里面。注:每个i.MXRT1xxx子系列均有一个以子系列名字命名的Flashloader包,即Flashloader程序并不是通用的(偷偷告诉你,其实RT105x与RT106x是通用的),此处以RT1050系列为例:

1.2 三种引导方式
1.2.1 标准方式:通过sdphost
第一种引导方式是通过BootROM的Serial Downloader模式和sdphost.exe工具,这是恩智浦官方推荐的方式,这种方式在上一篇文章里已经详细介绍过了,这里不再赘述。
1.2.2 简便方式:通过J-Link Commander
第二种引导方式是通过外接J-Link调试器和J-Link Commander工具(JLink.exe)。i.MXRT1xxx芯片JTAG口连接上J-Link调试器后,安装好Jlink驱动(痞子衡安装的是v6.30e版本),打开J-Link Commander(即\\SEGGER\\JLink_V630e\\JLink.exe),连接上i.MXRT1xxx的Core,按顺序执行如下JLink命令:
J-Link>loadfile C:\\Flashloader_i.MXRT1050_GA\\Flashloader_RT1050_1.1\\Flashloader\\flashloader.srec
Downloading file [C:\\Flashloader_i.MXRT1050_GA\\Flashloader_RT1050_1.1\\Flashloader\\flashloader.srec]...
J-Link><font style="font-weight:bold;" color="Blue">mem32 0x20002000 2</font> ```text 20002000 = 20215A70 20014B91
J-Link>wreg MSP 20215A70
MSP = 0x20215A70
J-Link>wreg PSP 20215A70
PSP = 0x20215A70
J-Link>SetPC 20014B91
- loadfile命令用于将Flashloader程序数据(.srec格式,含地址信息)下载进SRAM(0x20002000)中;
- mem32命令用于从起始下载地址(0x20002000)读回部分数据(8字节)确认上一步的下载操作是否成功,并且获取Flashloader的起始SP和PC值。
- wreg命令用于设置R13(MSP/PSP)寄存器的值,使其等于Flashloader的初始SP值。
- SetPC命令用于设置R15(PC)寄存器的值,使其指向Flashloader的初始PC。
- g命令用于让Core开始执行代码(Flashloader程序)。
Note:关于JLink命令的详细解释请查阅JLink驱动软件安装目录下\\SEGGER\\JLink_V630e\\Doc\\UM08001_JLink.pdf文档里的3.2 J-Link Commander (Command line tool)一节。
1.2.3 高级方式:通过Ozone
确认elf文件后,点击“Download & Reset Program”
1.3 支持的通信外设pinout
Peripheral | Instance | PAD | Port | Mode |
USB | OTG1 | USB_OTG1_DN | / | / |
USB_OTG1_DP | ||||
USB_OTG1_VBUS | ||||
LPUART | 1 | GPIO_AD_B0_12 | LPUART1_TX | ALT2 |
Note: 如果硬件板上UART_RX引脚没有接上拉电阻,可能会导致USB-HID设备枚举成功率降低,因为UART_RX悬空输入会有干扰数据使得Flashloader误以为UART是active peripheral,所以安全起见,请保证UART_RX引脚连接上拉电阻。
PS C:\\Flashloader_i.MXRT1050_GA\\Flashloader_RT1050_1.1\\Tools\\blhost\\win> .\\blhost.exe -?
usage: C:\\Flashloader_i.MXRT1050_GA\\Flashloader_RT1050_1.1\\Tools\\blhost\\win\\blhost.exe
[-p|--port <name>[,<speed>]]
[-u|--usb [[[<vid>,]<pid>]]]
[-t|--timeout <ms>]
-- command <args...>
-?/--help Show this help
-p/--port <name>[,<speed>] Connect to target over UART. Specify COM port
and optionally baud rate
If -b, then port is BusPal port
-u/--usb [[[<vid>,]<pid>] | [<path>]]
Connect to target over USB HID device denoted by
vid/pid (default=0x15a2,0x0073) or device path
-t/--timeout <ms> Set packet timeout in milliseconds
Memory ID:
Internal Memory Device internal memory space
0 Internal Memory
(Default selected memory)
Mapped External Memory The memories that are remapped to internal space,
and must be accessed by internal addresses.
(IDs in this group are only used for flash-erase-all and
configure-memory, and ignored by write-memory, read-memory,
flash-erase-region and flash-image(use default 0))
1 QuadSPI Memory
8 SEMC NOR Memory
9 FlexSPI NOR Memory
Unmapped External Memory Memories which cannot be remapped to internal space,
and only can be accessed by memories\' addresses.
(Must be specified for all commands with <memoryId> argument)
256 (0x100) SEMC NAND Memory
257 (0x101) SPI NAND Memory
272 (0x110) SPI NOR/EEPROM Memory
273 (0x111) I2C NOR/EEPROM Memory
288 (0x120) uSDHC SD Memory
289 (0x121) uSDHC MMC Memory
** Note that not all memories are supported on all
Kinetis Bootloader platforms.
reset Reset the chip
get-property <tag> [<memoryId> | <index>]
1 Bootloader version
2 Available peripherals
7 Available commands
10 Verify Writes flag
11 Max supported packet size
12 Reserved regions
14 Start of RAM, <index> is required
15 Size of RAM, <index> is required
23 QuadSpi initialization status
24 Target version
25 External Memory Attrubutes, <memoryId> is required.
set-property <tag> <value>
10 Verify Writes flag
flash-erase-region <addr> <byte_count> [memory_id]
Erase a region of flash according to [memory_id].
flash-erase-all [memory_id] Erase all flash according to [memory_id],
excluding protected regions.
read-memory <addr> <byte_count> [<file>] [memory_id]
Read memory according to [memory_id] and write to file
or stdout if no file specified
write-memory <addr> [<file>[,byte_count]| {{<hex-data>}}] [memory_id]
Write memory according to [memory_id] from file
or string of hex values,
e.g. data.bin (writes entire file)
e.g. data.bin 8 (writes first 8 bytes from file)
e.g. "{{11 22 33 44}}" (w/quotes)
e.g. {{11223344}} (no spaces)
fill-memory <addr> <byte_count> <pattern> [word | short | byte]
Fill memory with pattern; size is
word (default), short or byte
receive-sb-file <file> Receive SB file
execute <addr> <arg> <stackpointer>
Execute at address with arg and stack pointer
call <addr> <arg> Call address with arg
configure-memory <memory_id> <internal_addr>
Apply configuration block at internal memory address
<internal_addr> to memory with ID <memory_id>
flash-image <file> [erase] [memory_id]
Write a formated image <file> to memory with ID
<memory_id>. Supported file types: SRecord
(.srec and .s19) and HEX (.hex). Flash is erased
before writing if [erase]=erase. The erase unit
size depends on the target and the minimum erase
unit size is 1K.
list-memory List all on-chip Flash and RAM regions, and off-chip
memories, supported by current device.
Only the configured off-chip memory will be list.
efuse-program-once <addr> <data>
Program one word of OCOTP Field
<addr> is ADDR of OTP word, not the shadowed memory address.
<data> is hex digits without prefix \'0x\'
efuse-read-once <addr>
Read one word of OCOTP Field
<addr> is ADDR of OTP word, not the shadowed memory address.
generate-key-blob <dek_file> <blob_file>
Generate the Blob for given Dek Key
<dek_file> - input, a binary Dek Key (128 Bits) generated by CST tool.
<blob_file> - output, a generated blob (72 Bytes) in binary format.
** Note that not all commands/properties are supported on all
Kinetis Bootloader platforms.
PS C:\\Flashloader_i.MXRT1050_GA\\Flashloader_RT1050_1.1\\Tools\\blhost\\win> .\\blhost.exe -u 0x15a2,0x0073 -- get-property 1
Inject command \'get-property\' Response status = 0 (0x0) Success. Response word 1 = 1258422528 (0x4b020100) Current Version = K2.1.0
因为BootROM支持启动的外部存储器很多,所以Flashloader支持下载更新的外部存储器也与BootROM一一对应。在上一节blhost的命令帮助里,我们可以看到Memory ID里已经给各种外部储存器分配了ID号,在使用blhost命令时使用不同的ID号即可操作相应外部存储器。
其实Flashloader已经把外部存储器的下载更新Application操作封装得很简单也很统一,我们其实只需要3步操作即可完成Application的下载。以Block Size为128KB的Raw NAND为例(即SEMC NAND Memory,Memory ID=0x100):
// 在SRAM里临时存储Raw NAND配置数据
blhost -u -- fill-memory 0x2000 0x4 0xD0010101 // ONFI 1.0, non-EDO, Timing mode 0, 8bit IO, CSX0, HW ECC Check, inital HW ECC is enabled
blhost -u -- fill-memory 0x2004 0x4 0x00010101 // image copy = 1, search stride = 1, search count = 1
blhost -u -- fill-memory 0x2008 0x4 0x00020001 // block index = 2, block count = 1
// 使用Raw NAND配置数据去配置Raw NAND接口
blhost -u -- configure-memory 0x100 0x2000
// 擦除Raw NAND并将image下载进Raw NAND
blhost -u -- flash-erase-region 0x40000 0x20000 0x100 // Erase 1 block starting from block 2
blhost -u -- write-memory 0x40000 ivt_image.bin 0x100 // Program ivt_image.bin to block 2
其中image.bin是包含IVT的Application镜像数据,关于上述命令的具体意义痞子衡会在后续Raw NAND启动的文章里详尽解释,这里只是给大家一个初步体验。
至此,恩智浦i.MX RT1xxx系列MCU的Flashloader痞子衡便介绍完毕了,掌声在哪里~~~
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