读《RDMA vs. RPC for Implementing Distributed Data Structures》

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RDMA vs. RPC for Implementing Distributed Data Structures



Distributed data structures are key to implementing scalable applications for scientific simulations and data analysis. In this paper we look at two implementation styles for distributed data structures: remote direct memory access (RDMA) and remote procedure call (RPC). We focus on operations that require individual accesses to remote portions of a distributed data structure, e.g., accessing a hash table bucket or distributed queue, rather than global operations in which all processors collectively exchange information. We look at the trade-offs between the two styles through microbenchmarks and a performance model that approximates the cost of each. The RDMA operations have direct hardware support in the network and therefore lower latency and overhead, while the RPC operations are more expressive but higher cost and can suffer from lack of attentiveness from the remote side. We also run experiments to compare the real-world performance of RDMA- and RPC-based data structure operations with the predicted performance to evaluate the accuracy of our model, and show that while the model does not always precisely predict running time, it allows us to choose the best implementation in the examples shown. We believe this analysis will assist developers in designing data structures that will perform well on current network architectures, as well as network architects in providing better support for this class of distributed data structures.

Index Terms—distributed data structures, remote procedure call (RPC), remote direct memory access (RDMA)





Many complex programs need to perform operations on abstract data structures, such as hash tables, queues, and arrays. While many mature, high quality libraries exist that provide implementations of abstract data structures for serial and multi-threaded programs, the development of techniques for high-level data structures for distributed programs is still an active area of research [1]–[3]. Of particular interest are distributed data structures for irregular applications, where data access patterns and volumes are not known in advance.

These applications commonly use data structures which may be complex to implement using traditional message passing methods in a distributed memory setting, including graphs, trees, hash tables, and distributed queues. Some recently developed distributed data structure libraries are founded on remote direct memory access (RDMA), meaning that all essential data structure operations will be executed using one-sided remote put, get, and atomic operations [2], [3]. These data structure operations have the potential to be very efficient and

to offer low latency, since they operate directly on remote data structure elements and can be executed directly by the network interface card (NIC) on most modern supercomputer and datacenter systems. Other high-level programming environments encourage users to use remote procedure call (RPC) software primitives to build distributed data structures [4]. While RPCs require the attention of a remote CPU, which leads to higher latency, they have the potential to be much more expressive than the RDMA operations available on today’s interconnects,

potentially leading to fewer round trips. 

I. 引言



In this paper, we evaluate the efficacy of RDMA- and RPCbased manipulation of distributed data structures with a set of systematic benchmarks. We perform two sets of experimemts. First, we perform microbenchmarks to gather the costs of the component operations that make up both RDMA- and RPCbased data structure implementations. This includes the cost of various RDMA operations along with the cost of an RPC. Second, we measure the actual costs of various data structure operations, such as queue or hash table insertions, at various levels of concurrency requirements using both RDMA and RPC-based implementations. We then compare the observed results with an analytical cost model and determine where it is more desirable to use RDMA and where it is more desirable to use RPC.


We break down the cost of RDMA-based data structure operations in terms of an analytical cost model, which we use to predict the cost of RDMA-based data structure operations based on the real measured cost of the component operations. This type of analysis helps us to determine why RDMAbased operations are expensive, when they are expensive, and to focus in on (1) where data structures could be improved to run on current-generation network hardware (e.g. by avoiding expensive operations), and (2) which operations hardware designers might focus on optimizing in order to better support distributed data structures. Our paper has three main contributions.


• We present a set of microbenchmarks that determine the cost of various component operations for RDMA-based distributed data structures on a modern supercomputer network.


• We present an analytical cost model which can be used to estimate the cost of RDMA-based distributed data structure operations, based on the component costs.


• We provide a comparison of RDMA- and RPC-based distributed data structure performance for queue and hash table data structures at variable levels of concurrency requirements.



A. Remote Direct Memory Access

Remote direct memory access (RDMA) provides an interface to manipulate remote data in a one-sided manner, meaning that an origin process can perform operations on the remote memory of a target process without any explicit coordination with the target. This is commonly executed by having the target’s network interface card (NIC) directly communicate with its on-node memory, resulting in very low round-trip latency on the order of a microsecond. Low-latency RDMA primitives are now available on a number of supercomputer interconnects, including Cray Aries and Infiniband. RDMA is also increasingly available on datacenter commodity hardware through RDMA over converged Ethernet (RoCE).

II. 背景


RDMA提供了从一端去操作远端数据的接口,意味着一个进程可以在不和目标机上运行的进程进行显式协调的基础上直接访问目标进程的内存。这需要借助目标网卡直接访问内存的能力,整个时间消耗达到了微秒级。低延时的RDMA原语已经在很多超级计算机通信中使用了,包括Cray Aries和Infiniband。RoCE技术(在现有以太网基础上实现RDMA)也在数据中心中越来越多的被使用。

For the purposes of this paper, we consider a common set of RDMA operations available in most modern supercomputer and datacenter systems. This set includes remote put and remote get, which can be of variable size, along with the fixed-size 32 and 64-bit atomic memory operations (AMOs) compare-and-swap and fetch-and-op. Some have proposed an expanded set of RDMA operations to support various types of remote and distributed data structures, such as the Infiniband extended atomics API [5]. In addition, there are recently proposed API extensions to RDMA which would allow for more expressive RDMA operations [1]. These APIs are outside the scope of this paper.

基于本文的目的,我们考虑的是在大多数现代超级计算机和数据中心系统上普遍使用的一般RDMA操作集。这个集合包括数据量大小可变的远程put和远程get,还有固定大小的32位和64位的原子内存操作(AMOs)、比较和交换操作和fetch-and-op操作。另外还有RDMA扩展操作集,可以支持不同类型的远程访问和分布式数据结构,比如Infiniband 扩展原子API。另外,最近还出现了更多扩展的RDMA操作。不过这些并不在本文的范围之内。

RDMA-Based Data Structures: Distributed data structures can be directly built on top of one-sided RDMA operations, so that all major data structure operations will be executed with RDMA. Examples of such partitioned global address space (PGAS) distributed data structure libraries include BCL, DASH, and Multipol [2], [3], [6]. Similar to shared memory concurrent data structures, these libraries are built to use a shared global memory space, with synchronization using atomics when necessary, to operate upon shared data. However, unlike shared memory data structures, the component costs and synchronization models of distributed programming frameworks can be quite different, so care must be taken to design data structures accordingly. As shown in Figure 1, libraries can use RDMA operations, which will be directly executed by the target process’ NIC, to operate on remote data. There are two remote memory operations in this code example, CAS, which is a remote compare-and-swap operation, and RPUT, which is a remote put operation. In the best case, our inserting process will perform a remote compare-andswap, succeed in reserving the first hash table slot, and then perform a remote put operation. This would have a cost of ACAS + W, that is the cost of a compare-and-swap operation and a write. However, in the case of hash table collision, the algorithm will move on to the next available slot, and multiple round trips may be required to perform the insert operation. The particular hash table shown here is a hash table with open addressing and linear probing. Observant readers of Figure 1 will also notice that the listed code is not fully atomic. While the code is atomic with respect to concurrent insert operations, there is no guarantee that the remote put operation will finish before a remote find operation reads the halfwritten value. If we wish for our insert operation to be atomic with respect to concurrent find operations, we will require a second fetch-and-op operation to mark the slot as ready for reading after the remote put operation has finalized. This would increase the best case cost of the remote insert operation to ACAS + W + AFAO. So, depending on an application’s atomicity requirements, data structure operations over RDMA may have different best-case costs. Also, depending on a particular execution of the application, the observed cost of a method may vary due to the number of round trips caused by contention.

B. Remote Procedure Calls

Remote procedure calls (RPCs), in contrast to RDMA operations, allow an origin process to remotely trigger the execution of a procedure on a target process. RPCs have the advantage of being more expressive than RDMA. While control flow in individual RDMA operations is limited to single-instruction atomics like compare-and-swap and fetchand-op, RPCs can include complex control flow and arbitrary computation. This allows more complex data structure operations, such as inserting into a hash table, pushing a value onto a queue, or even modifying a dynamically sized data structure, to be performed with a single communication event. However, this added expressivity comes at a greater latency cost, since an RPC operation must wait for the target process to enter a progress function or interrupt the processor and make a function call to execute the procedure. It also changes load balancing across processors, moving away from the clearly defined SPMD model of execution in ways that can shift computational workload, intentionally or not.



In this paper, we consider a restricted type of RPC called an active message (AM) [7]. For the purposes of this paper, AMs have the following restrictions: (1) active message handlers may not send additional active messages, except for a single response to the origin process and (2) active message handlers may not perform network communication. These restrictions allow for a high-performance, low-latency implementation of active messages with bounded buffer space [8], [9].


读《RDMA vs. RPC for Implementing Distributed Data Structures》(一)

RPC Data Structures: An implementation of a distributed data structure operation with RPCs requires two parts: (1) a handler function, which is the procedure that will be executed on the target process, and (2) a wrapper function, which is the function directly called by the user on the origin process and the code that will issue the RPC request. RPC data structure implementations can be quite simple, as shown in Figure 2. The wrapper function insert uses a hash function to map data to the appropriate nodes, then issues an RPC with the handler function insert_handler. The handler function in this case simply inserts the key and value into a local hash table. In contrast to the hash table implementation based on RDMA communication, this implementation will typically only require a single round trip over the network, since the origin node can push the RPC request onto the target node’s RPC queue in a single network operation, then the target node can execute the necessary control flow to unpack and store the data. However, crucially, the number of network operations is unrelated to the control flow logic inside the data structure operation, which takes place on the target side inside the RPC function. Depending on the specific manner in which the handler function will be called (either serially or simultaneously with other threads), the handler function may require local atomic operations or other mechanisms for synchronization. However, these local mechanisms are significantly cheaper than remote memory operations.


One important detail not directly illustrated by the above code listing is that the execution of the handler function is dependent on the attentiveness of the target process, which must enter a progress function in order for its RPC queue to be serviced. While the liveness of RDMA operations is guaranteed by the network interface card, which will be constantly servicing instructions regardless of CPU state, RPCbased systems must either dedicate specific resources, such as a progress thread, to ensure attentiveness, or else pay the possible latency cost associated with waiting until the target process finishes its computation and enters a call to the RPC progress function.


C. The Berkeley Container Library

In this paper, we compare the performance of RDMA-based implementations of distributed data structures to RPC-based implementations. For the RDMA-based implementations, we will benchmark data structures provided in the Berkeley Container Library (BCL). BCL is a cross-platform library of distributed data structures that supports running on top of MPI, OpenSHMEM, and GASNet-EX. BCL is a header-only library and is designed to offer high-level interfaces without any runtime cost for abstraction. BCL data structures are built using remote put, remote get, and remote atomic operations such as atomic compare-and-swap and fetch-and-op.

C. Berkeley 容器库

本文中,我们会比较基于RDMA的分布式数据结构的实现和基于RPC的实现的性能。对基于RDMA的实现,我们将会使用BCL提供的数据结构进行测量。BCL是一个跨平台的分布式数据结构库,其支持MPI, OpenSHMEM和GASNet-EX(译者注:这三种都可以看做是不同的编程模型)。BCL是一个header-only库(译者注:也就是在头文件中就包含了所有的实现,不需要在编译时去链接库文件),提供高层的接口,不必为抽象而在运行时耗时。BCL数据结构使用了远程put,远程get和远程原子操作(比如原子的compare-and-swap和fetch-and-op)。

Performance Model: Data structure operations in BCL can be characterized in terms of an analytical cost model, which characterizes the best-case costs of data structure operations in terms of the component RDMA operations. The component costs include remote get, remote put, compareand-swap, and fetch-and-op operations. We do not distinguish different fetch-and-op operations in this performance model, since the operations involved are typically simple binary functions such as fetch-and-add or fetch-and-XOR, which have very low cost compared to the inherent network latency. A summary of these operations and the associated notation are shown in Table I.


Alternate Implementations: As discussed in Section II-A, there are different levels of concurrency requirements with which RDMA-based data structure operations can be implemented, depending on the specific needs of an application. BCL exposes multiple implementations of data structure operations using a mechanism called concurrency promises, which allows users to optionally specify the operations that could occur concurrently with the operation being issued. To illustrate the different levels of concurrency requirements with which a data structure operation could be implemented, consider the case of a hash table insertion with arbitrarily large keys and values. Inserting an element into such a hash table will, in the general case, require at least two atomic memory operations and a write. The first atomic memory operation requests a lock on the bucket into which the element will be inserted, the write actually writes the value into the distributed hash table, and a final unlock operation signals that the bucket is ready to be read after the write hash completed. In this hash table implementation, without the final atomic memory operation, concurrent find operations might read halfway written data, resulting in an incorrect program execution. However, in the guaranteed absence of concurrent find operations within a barrier region, we can elide the final atomic memory operation, since the following barrier will ensure that the write completes before any find operations may be issued. 


Similar levels of concurrency requirements exist for both hash table insert and find operations, as well as operations on queues. Tables II and III show some of the data structure implementations available in BCL’s hash table and queue implementations, along with the associated best case costs. In the notation used in this paper, CW indicates that an operation is allowable with concurrent writes (pushes or inserts), while CR indicates that an operation is allowable with concurrent reads (pops or finds) and CRW indicates the operation is allowable with either.



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