
Posted 神遁克里苏



MIP (Matrix weighted Intra Prediction,基于矩阵的帧内预测 )

其预测过程可以分为三步,以大小为8 x 8的CU为例:
ROM中矩阵规模为[16 x 8],待输入向量规模为[8 x 1],经过矩阵相乘后得到16个预测值。


void IntraPrediction::initIntraMip( const PredictionUnit &pu, const CompArea &area )
  CHECK( area.width > MIP_MAX_WIDTH || area.height > MIP_MAX_HEIGHT, "Error: block size not supported for MIP" );

  // prepare input (boundary) data for prediction
  CHECK( m_ipaParam.refFilterFlag, "ERROR: unfiltered refs expected for MIP" );
  Pel       *ptrSrc     = getPredictorPtr(area.compID);
  const int  srcStride  = m_refBufferStride[area.compID];
  const int  srcHStride = 2;//高度,用于下一列

  m_matrixIntraPred.prepareInputForPred(CPelBuf(ptrSrc, srcStride, srcHStride), area,
                                        pu.cu->slice->getSPS()->getBitDepth(toChannelType(area.compID)), area.compID);


void MatrixIntraPrediction::prepareInputForPred(const CPelBuf &pSrc, const Area &block, const int bitDepth,
                                                const ComponentID compId)
  m_component = compId;

  // Step 1: Save block size and calculate dependent values

  // Step 2: Get the input data (left and top reference samples)
  for (int x = 0; x < block.width; x++)
    m_refSamplesTop[x] = pSrc.at(x + 1, 0);

  for (int y = 0; y < block.height; y++)
    m_refSamplesLeft[y] = pSrc.at(y + 1, 1);

  // Step 3: Compute the reduced boundary via Haar-downsampling (input for the prediction)
  const int inputSize = 2 * m_reducedBdrySize;
  m_reducedBoundary          .resize( inputSize );//下采样后的参考像素存放位置
  m_reducedBoundaryTransposed.resize( inputSize );//下采样后的参考像素转置的存放位置

  int* const topReduced = m_reducedBoundary.data();
  boundaryDownsampling1D( topReduced, m_refSamplesTop.data(), block.width, m_reducedBdrySize );
  int* const leftReduced = m_reducedBoundary.data() + m_reducedBdrySize;
  boundaryDownsampling1D( leftReduced, m_refSamplesLeft.data(), block.height, m_reducedBdrySize );

  int* const leftReducedTransposed = m_reducedBoundaryTransposed.data();
  int* const topReducedTransposed  = m_reducedBoundaryTransposed.data() + m_reducedBdrySize;
  for( int x = 0; x < m_reducedBdrySize; x++ )
    topReducedTransposed[x] = topReduced[x];
  for( int y = 0; y < m_reducedBdrySize; y++ )
    leftReducedTransposed[y] = leftReduced[y];

  // Step 4: Rebase the reduced boundary
  m_inputOffset       = m_reducedBoundary[0];
  m_inputOffsetTransp = m_reducedBoundaryTransposed[0];

  const bool hasFirstCol = (m_sizeId < 2);
  m_reducedBoundary          [0] = hasFirstCol ? ((1 << (bitDepth - 1)) - m_inputOffset      ) : 0; // first column of matrix not needed for large blocks
  m_reducedBoundaryTransposed[0] = hasFirstCol ? ((1 << (bitDepth - 1)) - m_inputOffsetTransp) : 0;
  for (int i = 1; i < inputSize; i++)
    m_reducedBoundary          [i] -= m_inputOffset;
    m_reducedBoundaryTransposed[i] -= m_inputOffsetTransp;

Step 1中调用了initPredBlockParams函数,主要功能是计算m_reducedBdrySize和m_reducedPredSize的大小,以及需要结束后上采样的规模

void MatrixIntraPrediction::initPredBlockParams(const Size& block)
  m_blockSize = block;
  // init size index
  m_sizeId = getMipSizeId( m_blockSize );

  // init reduced boundary size
  m_reducedBdrySize = (m_sizeId == 0) ? 2 : 4;

  // init reduced prediction size
  m_reducedPredSize = ( m_sizeId < 2 ) ? 4 : 8;

  // init upsampling factors
  m_upsmpFactorHor = m_blockSize.width  / m_reducedPredSize;
  m_upsmpFactorVer = m_blockSize.height / m_reducedPredSize;

  CHECKD( (m_upsmpFactorHor < 1) || ((m_upsmpFactorHor & (m_upsmpFactorHor - 1)) != 0), "Need power of two horizontal upsampling factor." );
  CHECKD( (m_upsmpFactorVer < 1) || ((m_upsmpFactorVer & (m_upsmpFactorVer - 1)) != 0), "Need power of two vertical upsampling factor." );


void IntraPrediction::predIntraMip( const ComponentID compId, PelBuf &piPred, const PredictionUnit &pu )
  CHECK( piPred.width > MIP_MAX_WIDTH || piPred.height > MIP_MAX_HEIGHT, "Error: block size not supported for MIP" );
  CHECK( piPred.width != (1 << floorLog2(piPred.width)) || piPred.height != (1 << floorLog2(piPred.height)), "Error: expecting blocks of size 2^M x 2^N" );

  // generate mode-specific prediction
  uint32_t modeIdx       = MAX_NUM_MIP_MODE;
  bool     transposeFlag = false;
  if (compId == COMPONENT_Y)
    modeIdx       = pu.intraDir[CHANNEL_TYPE_LUMA];//modeIdx不是为MIP吗??
    transposeFlag = pu.mipTransposedFlag;
    const PredictionUnit &coLocatedLumaPU = PU::getCoLocatedLumaPU(pu);

    CHECK(pu.intraDir[CHANNEL_TYPE_CHROMA] != DM_CHROMA_IDX, "Error: MIP is only supported for chroma with DM_CHROMA.");
    CHECK(!coLocatedLumaPU.cu->mipFlag, "Error: Co-located luma CU should use MIP.");

    modeIdx       = coLocatedLumaPU.intraDir[CHANNEL_TYPE_LUMA];
    transposeFlag = coLocatedLumaPU.mipTransposedFlag;
  const int bitDepth = pu.cu->slice->getSPS()->getBitDepth(toChannelType(compId));

  CHECK(modeIdx >= getNumModesMip(piPred), "Error: Wrong MIP mode index");

  static_vector<int, MIP_MAX_WIDTH* MIP_MAX_HEIGHT> predMip( piPred.width * piPred.height );
  m_matrixIntraPred.predBlock(predMip.data(), modeIdx, transposeFlag, bitDepth, compId);//调用predBlock进行MIP预测,结果放到predMip中

  for( int y = 0; y < piPred.height; y++ )
    for( int x = 0; x < piPred.width; x++ )
      piPred.at( x, y ) = Pel(predMip[y * piPred.width + x]);


void MatrixIntraPrediction::predBlock(int *const result, const int modeIdx, const bool transpose, const int bitDepth,
                                      const ComponentID compId)
  CHECK(m_component != compId, "Boundary has not been prepared for this component.");

  const bool needUpsampling = ( m_upsmpFactorHor > 1 ) || ( m_upsmpFactorVer > 1 );

  const uint8_t* matrix = getMatrixData(modeIdx);

  static_vector<int, MIP_MAX_REDUCED_OUTPUT_SAMPLES> bufReducedPred( m_reducedPredSize * m_reducedPredSize );
  int* const       reducedPred     = needUpsampling ? bufReducedPred.data() : result;
  const int* const reducedBoundary = transpose ? m_reducedBoundaryTransposed.data() : m_reducedBoundary.data();
  computeReducedPred(reducedPred, reducedBoundary, matrix, transpose, bitDepth);
  if( needUpsampling )
    predictionUpsampling( result, reducedPred );






