Posted 踟蹰横渡口,彳亍上滩舟。
There are lots of literatures discussing what kind of standards are considered as healthy sitting postures. McAtamney et al. [2430] proposed that the lumbar spine angle and the cervical spine angle greater than 20° were judged as unhealthy sitting postures. Burgess-Limerick et al. [2531] stated a healthy distance of eye and human was about 40-70 cm. Springer [2632] et al. showed that the best angle for visual screen was 15°-30° below horizontal sight. Based on ergonomics [2733, 2834], our method comprehensively extracts features that are strongly correlated with sitting posture health from human body joints, persons and scenes [2329], as illustrated in Figure 4.
2. 不健康坐姿检测原理:
Abstract: Sitting with unhealthy sitting posture for a long time seriously harms human health and even leads to lumbar disease, cervical disease and myopia. Automatic vision-based detection of unhealthy sitting posture has become a hot research topic. However, the existing methods only focus on extracting features of human themselves and are lack of understanding relevancies among objects in the scene, and henceforth fail to recognize some types of unhealthy sitting postures in complicated environments. To alleviate these problems, a scene recognition and semantic analysis approach to unhealthy sitting posture detection in screen-reading is proposed in this paper. The key skeletal points of human body are detected and tracked with a Microsoft Kinect sensor. Meanwhile, a deep learning method, i.e. Faster R-CNN, is used in the scene recognition of our method to accurately detect objects and, extract relevant features. Then our method performs semantic analysis through Gaussian-Mixture behavioral clustering for scene understanding. The relevant features in the scene and the skeletal features extracted from human are fused into the semantic features to discriminate various types of sitting postures. Experimental results demonstrated that our method accurately and effectively detected various types of unhealthy sitting postures in screen-reading and avoided error detection in complicated environments. Compared with the existing methods, our proposed method detected more types of unhealthy sitting postures including those that the existing methods could not detect. Our method can be potentially applied and integrated as a medical assistance in health care or robotic systemtreatment in the workplace.
Keywords: unhealthy sitting posture detection; deep learning; scene recognition; semantic analysis; behavioral clustering
3. 判断流程示意图
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深度学习和目标检测系列教程 22-300:关于人体姿态常见的估计方法